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Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links

Started by admin, June 17, 2015, 12:43:38 PM

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21 juni 2015 zomer 18.38

http://pereformat.ru/2013/09/ostrov-rusov/   russia(ukraine) before 10 th century

Genetics Jews Russians

now on https://www.anatole-klyosov.com/



in order

The Origins of the Slavic Nations             1    http://shron.chtyvo.org.ua/Plokhii_Serhii/The_Origins_of_the_Slavic_Nations_Premodern_Identities_in_Russia_Ukraine_and_Belarus__en.pdf

The making of the slavs to 700CE                   http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/samples/cam031/00052915.pdf  part

full https://archive.org/details/TheMakingOfTheSlavs_201607

The Origin of the Slavic Imperfect                 https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/1883/344_050.pdf?sequence=1
FROM PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN TO SLAVIC                 http://www.kortlandt.nl/publications/art066e.pdf
proto slavic wiki                                  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Proto-Slavic
early slavs                                        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Slavs
Kidnapping mountains              ???              http://www.slavsandtatars.com/KMall.pdf
                           more                    http://www.slavsandtatars.com/bio.php
SLAVS BEYOND JUSTINIAN'S FRONTIER  x               http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/slavs-beyond-justinians-frontiers.pdf
Historiography and National Identity among
the Eastern Slavs                             3    http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf
Byzantium and the Slavs in the Light
of Goldsmiths' Production                          https://www.britishmuseum.org/pdf/14%20Szmoniewski-opt-sec.pdf
INDO-ARYAN AND SLAVIC LINGUISTIC                   http://www.korenine.si/zborniki/zbornik08/indo_aryan.pdf
In search of roots                                 http://yalepress.yale.edu/excerpts/0300058462_1.pdf
THE ORIGINS OF SLAVIC ethnography  x               http://www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-LYA4FV7Z/7bcece24-5b0c-46ce-9d2a-54d5cce9b0a2/PDF
The Entry of the Slavs into Christendom            http://ftoub.ro/dmdocuments/1.6%20A.P.%20Vlasto.pdf

Appeal to the Slavs 1848                           http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michail-bakunin-appeal-to-the-slavs.pdf
polish alphabet                                    http://polish.slavic.pitt.edu/firstyear/sounds.pdf
North-Western Russia before its Settling by Slavs  http://www.helsinki.fi/venaja/nwrussia/eng/Conference/pdf/Jushkova.pdf
Iranian origin Croats                              http://www.iranchamber.com/history/articles/pdfs/iranian_origin_croats.pdf
Slavs were nomadic people                          http://www.saylor.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/HIST302-2.1.5-Slavs-FINAL1.pdf
ETHNOGENESIS OF SLOVAKS                            http://www.aepress.sk/hum/full/hum197b.pdf
FOR THE SLAVS                                      https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/bitstream/handle/11222.digilib/120480/SpisyFF_158-1971-1_20.pdf?sequence=1
A Latin etymology for Romanian                     http://www.romaniaminor.net/ianua/Ianua08/05.pdf
Plague and slavic expansion 6-8th century CE       http://www.antropologia.uw.edu.pl/AS/as-005.pdf
ON THE TERRITORY OF ROMANIA                        http://www.rjgeo.ro/atasuri/revue%20roumaine_55_1/M.%20Buza.pdf
Problem of origin of the slavs1945  *              http://www.scribd.com/doc/237601433/Sulimirski-T-The-Problem-of-the-Origin-of-the-Slavs-1945-pdf#scribd
Slavic Origins. A Linguistic-Historical Workshop   https://oxfordbyzantinesociety.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/slavic-origins-workshop_oxford-10-dec-2012.pdf
Slavic Corpus Linguistics:                         http://site.uit.no/slavhistcorp/
Invisible Slavs                                    http://iza.zrc-sazu.si/pdf/Opera/Opera_28_2013_Invisible_Slavs.pdf
The Slavs and the East                        4    http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0016/001636/163604eo.pdf
Slavs and avars no pdf)                            http://www.kroraina.com/slav/op/op_slavs_avars_1.htm
The Slavic Noun Phrase                             https://www.utexas.edu/courses/slavling/grapp/papers/Slavnp.pdf
the Slavic identity in Middle Ages                 http://repozytorium.uni.lodz.pl:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11089/5372/Miesiarkin.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
The jewish Origin of Serbs                         http://www.cps.org.rs/Knjige/the_hebrew_origin_of_serbs.pdf
Unicode 4.1 and Slavic Philology                   http://kodeks.uni-bamberg.de/slavling/downloads/SK_Slavic_Unicode_II.pdf
Slavs in fredgar and paul the deacon               http://arheo.ffzg.unizg.hr/ska/tekstovi/fredegar_paul.pdf
Origin and diversity of the words for ancient
Eurasian grain legumes in Slavic languages         http://www.onomazein.net/Articulos/N28/28-22_Mikic_FINAL.pdf

The Historiography of Normanist and
Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus' 2      https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2



National Identity and History Writing in Ukraine   http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/NationalIdentityHistory.pdf
The Origins of the Slavic Nations             1    http://shron.chtyvo.org.ua/Plokhii_Serhii/The_Origins_of_the_Slavic_Nations_Premodern_Identities_in_Russia_Ukraine_and_Belarus__en.pdf
Mythical Russianness I                             http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic727734.files/Kotsyuba%20on%20Mythical%20Russianness.pdf
404 to https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/16131539/kotsyuba-on-mythical-russianness-i-isites

A Laboratory of Transnational History              http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/978-963-9776-26-5/978-963-9776-26-5.pdf
Volume I Number 1 March 1977                       http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/9202/file.pdf
The Making of Modern
Ukraine:Olesya Khromeychuk                         http://readinglists.ucl.ac.uk/lists/54C3ABCA-EBB4-DF76-026B-9BC4D21DFACB.pdf
The Muslim Tatars of Muscovy and Lithuania:        http://www.tataroved.ru/publicat/sttgos/Rakhimzyanov_Dubitando.pdf
silk road                                          http://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/940/UNIT%203.pdf
compare ukrainian and jewisih histography          http://www.aapjstudies.org/manager/external/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Lyudmyla%20Sukharaeva.pdf
Cambridge history (early)russia to 1689 I          http://www.cultorweb.com/eBooks/Storia/Cambridge%20Hist%20Russia/HISTORYofRUSSIAVolume%20I.pdf
                                to 1917 II         http://www.cultorweb.com/eBooks/Storia/Cambridge%20Hist%20Russia/THE%20CAMBRIDGE%20HISTORY%20OF%20RUSSIA,%20Volume%20II%20-%20Imperial%20Russia,%201689-1917.pdf
                                        III        http://universitypublishingonline.org/cambridge/histories/ebook.jsf?bid=CBO9781139054096
               x                          http://nauka.bg/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=35166
               von kiew nach moskau           http://www.osteuropa.geschichte.uni-mainz.de/Dateien/litmittelalter.pdf
Modern History of Ukraine, 1848-Present:
A List of English-language Secondary Sources       https://umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/departments/ukrainian_canadian_studies/media/Modern_Ukrainian_History_biblio.pdf
UKRAINIAN STUDIES                                  http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/9202/file.pdf
A Laboratory of Transnational History              http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/978-963-9776-26-5/978-963-9776-26-5.pdf
A fractured identity, a fractured
democracy: the national facet of Ukraine's
transition                                         https://ourarchive.otago.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10523/4768/LewisAmyA2014MA.pdf?sequence=1
ukraine and jewish histography      x               http://www.etd.ceu.hu/2011/sukhareva_lyudmyla.pdf
Foundations of East European History               http://www.historyandclassics.ualberta.ca/en/Courses/2014-2015CourseGuide/HISTORYCourses/~/media/history/Courses/2015WinterOutlines/WI15HIST312B1_KRAVCHENKO.pdf
IN THE TRIANGLE LITHUANIA – MOSCOW – HORDE ukr     http://icbs.palityka.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/04-08_Rusina.pdf
Ukraine : from past to future, the
choice of Europe, definitely ?                     http://www.eurosduvillage.eu/IMG/pdf/edv_-_etude_ukraine-2.pdf
Studying Russian and Soviet History.               http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED292717.pdf
Charles J. Halperin, Russian and Mongols. Slavs
the Steppe in Medieval and Early Modern Russia     https://www.academia.edu/10357151/Charles_J._Halperin_Russian_and_Mongols._Slavs_and_the_Steppe_in_Medieval_and_Early_Modern_Russia
a companion to russian history                     https://cristianizacioneslavos.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/gleason-a-companion-to-russian-history.pdf
La pluralité religieuse en Ukraine:
une analyse sociohistorique.                   http://www.ed1.ulg.ac.be/sd/textes/20150522-Perri.pdf

IN THE TRIANGLE LITHUANIA – MOSCOW – HORDE         http://icbs.palityka.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/04-08_Rusina.pdf
PART OF THE WEST OR APART FROM THE WEST?           http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a475883.pdf
The prophecy                                       http://jonruthven.org/rosh.pdf
1450 TO 1789
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE EARLY MODERN WORLD             http://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/history/europe/Gale%20-%20Europe%201450%20to%201789%20Volume%206.pdf
khazar                                             http://histbooks.kz/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/World_of_the_khazars.pdf
DIE RUSSISCH-UKRAINISCHE GESCHICHTE                http://www.korax.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Bilder/03_Wir_laden_ein/01_Newsarchiv/01_Kommunikation/Russland_und_Ukrainie_Historische_Ursachen.pdf
UKRAINIAN STUDIES 1990                             http://ir.nmu.org.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/66160/913c155a42d8d7a4b000b44bcd2e6888.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Secondary Sources by Era and Topic
Jonathan W. Daly 2008                              http://tigger.uic.edu/~daly/homepage/teaching/currcours/hist200s/hist237/237bib2.pdf




The Historiography of Normanist and
Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus'
A review of modern historiography and major sources on Varangian controversy and other
Scandinavian concepts of the origins of Rus'
Dissertation in Viking and Medieval Nordic Culture


http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/  my growing collection The Historiography of Normanist and
Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus' 2      https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2
btw according russian geneticist haplogroup changed by russia rulers suddenly from R1A to Q 300 years ago , have to dive into that, esp. since my russian is so "good", hope I didn't misunderstood..
http://armflot.ru/index.php/kampanii/413-armiya-khore 1231



already 15.000 russian soldiers death in east-Ukraine, more rus pussy for me😃 more separatism in russian federation, moscow is the nazi fascist part of it, get rid of it, that be a victory day

ru卐卐ian kacaps army   Katsap



Het woord 'nazi' is afkomstig van NAtionalsoZIalist, de Duitstalige term voor een aanhanger van het nationaalsocialisme. De afkorting 'nazi' is analoog aan het iets oudere 'sozi', wat in het Duitsland van het begin van de 20e eeuw de volksnaam was voor een aanhanger van het socialisme. De term 'nazisme' is van 'nazi' afgeleid en wordt tegenwoordig gebruikt als afkorting voor nationaalsocialisme

die introduceerden fascisme

http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_48-49.pdf  14 signs its fascist






http://geacron.com/home-en/  maps http://geacron.com/home-en/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxDyJ_6N-6A europe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXhLsJrj_N8 ukraine and moldavia

Voor de eerste wordt keer Oekraïne vermeld in de hypatian Codex. Let op, niet beetje, niet anders, namelijk Oekraïne.

Annalistische code bevat verschillende onderdelen-Lavrent′evskuû Chronicle, het verhaal van de voorbije jaren, Chernigov, Kiev, Galicië-Volyn kroniek die de gebeurtenissen van 1292, tot 860 beschrijft.
Annalen van zeer verschillende bronnen is een prinselijke kroniekschrijvers, de Prins van brieven, rapporten, ambassadeurs, militaire verhalen, ooggetuigenverslagen, Grieks Chronicles, enz.

Tijd Oekraïne werd voor het eerst genoemd in het verhaal van Igor de campagne leger Sviatoslavovich cuman in 1185 advertentie.
Kievan Rus in vele bronnen wordt geïdentificeerd met Oekraïne.
In sommige versies, bijvoorbeeld in Ermolaevsky lijst (1189-1213 v.Chr.), Oekraïne genoemd de Krajina, in de Kiev Chronicle-Ukrajnoj van...
De naam "Oekraïne" werd genoemd in verband met de dood van Prins Volodymyr van Perejaslav Hlibovychi, later-als met een beschrijving van de gebeurtenissen van leeftijden van de Galicië-Volyn prins Daniel Romanovich.
Hier is hoe iets zo...
Moskou en Rusland dan niemand wist... == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==-hoger onderwijs: Russische Academie van Wetenschappen in 1724, g.., de Universiteit van Moskou in 1755 werd opgericht. Ostroh Academy werd opgericht in 1576, Lviv universiteit werd opgericht in 1661-gedrukte Primer in Oekraïne kwam uit in het jaar 1574 in Lviv, in het Koninkrijk van de Moskou het gebeurde 60 jaar later-in het jaar 1634.
-Religie: de Kiev Metropolitanate werd opgericht in 988 en Moskou alleen in het jaar 1458. De Kiev Metropolitanate op 460 jaar ouder dan Moskou.
-Hoofdstad: Kiev werd opgericht het jaar 482, 1147 Moskou Vladimir Monomakh zoon Yury Dolgoruky opgericht.
Dus, de Kiev over Moskou op 665 jaar.
-De eerste monarch in klassieke zin gekroond in Muscovy 1547 Ivan de verschrikkelijke in ons land van Daniel R. Galician-1253, 2005: Kiev-Mongolian juk de Mongoolse juk 1363 verloren na de slag van blauwe wateren; Moskou verloor het juk 1480 na staan op acne, een eerbetoon aan de Krim Khan Moskovië was het betalen van maximaal 1700, met inbegrip van het begin van het bewind van Peter 1.
-Naam: de term "Oekraïne" voor het eerst in de annalen is gevonden in het jaar 1187.
Voor het eerst de term "Rusland" vinden alleen tijdens de regeerperiode van Ivan de verschrikkelijke in 400 jaar later.
-Auteur van een van de eersten in de wereld om de grondwetten van Pylyp Orlyk.
5 april 1710 werd verkozen tot Hetman. Op dezelfde dag, verklaarde hij "de Grondwet de rechten en vrijheden van de Zaporozje".
In de Verenigde Staten Grondwet, aangenomen in 1787 CE. In Frankrijk en Polen alleen in 1791, de historische feiten u moet weten.
1. Schakel genaamd Moskovië tsaar Peter ik hernoemd naar Rusland in 18 eeuw, in 1721 jaar!
2. de stam van de Moksha rivier Moskou, zijn geroepen een vertaling van deze titel, met de taal van de Moksha, klinkt als '***** water'!!! Andere talen kunnen niet het woord Moskou vertalen! Het woord "Kremlin" is Tatar en middel ter versterking van de it!
3. in de Middeleeuwen alle cartografen van Europa schreef en de grens van Europa langs de grenzen van de Rus uitgevoerd (Rusland is het grondgebied van het huidige Oekraïne)!!! Muscovy-oeloes, met de Finse volkeren, heeft altijd al een deel van de Horde, en haar Europese terecht degradeerde naar Azië!
4. Muscovy (Rusland) hulde brengen aan de Krim Khan, zijn soevereine en zijn meester, die de opvolger van de Gouden Horde, omhoog tot en met 1700 jaar was! De koning Moskovië was de Krim ambassadeur bij poklonnaya Gora, sadil het op zijn paard, de voet, onder de hoofdstel, leidde het paard met de ambassadeur van Krim tot het Kremlin, sadil het op uw troon en stond in voorkant van hem op zijn knieën!
5. in het jaar 1610 in Muscovy in Boris Godunov (murza Gudun) eindigde de dynastie van Čengizidov (een familielid van Genghis Khan), en de troon werd opgericht door Alexey kat van Finse soort Mares, en het tot het rijk van de kerk gaf hem de achternaam Romanov, die uit Rome was aangekomen op regel Muscovy bruiloft!
6. Ekaterina II, na bezetting van de nieuwste gratis Rus′koj macht-het Groothertogdom van Litouwen (Wit-Rusland) in 1795, door zijn bestelling, het bestelde oproep ugro-Finse stammen van Moskovië door grote Russen en Oekraïners — waar rusich is een weinig Russen!!!
7. niemand heeft ooit gezien in de oorspronkelijke overeenkomst over de hereniging tussen Moskou en Oekraïne, naar verluidt ondertekend door b. Khmelnitsky en de koning a. Romanov!!!
8. voor eeuwen, archeologen Muscovy zijn op zoek naar artefacten, waaruit blijkt dat aan de juistheid van de Kulikov strijd, maar tot nu toe zonder succes, dat alleen een fabel over de overwinning van Prins Don d. bovendien tot dusver, is alle stemmingen!!9. Pskov, Novgorod, Oblast Smolensk, Rusland, is een voormalige Slavische vorstendom, rus′kie en ugro-Finnish Muscovy had geen relatie, zo lang als de Muscovy-Orda niet bezet door hen, respectievelijk, in 1462, in 1478 en in 1654 hij!!! En in andere gebieden van Rusland (Muscovy) nooit bewoond door Slavische stammen en volkeren!
10. Gouden Horde en haar dochter — Muscovy, is het enige land in de wereld, die werd gehouden in Rabat inheemse mensen!! Dit verklaart de eeuwige achterstand van de rijke natuurlijke hulpbronnen van Moskovië van relatief kansarme degene op natuurlijke hulpbronnen Europese landen! Immers, is de doeltreffendheid van vrije mensen veel hoger dan de slaven!
P/S op de mythen van de Russische nationale bewustzijn getroffen door een nieuwe klap op! Eerst bestuderen de genenpool van het Russische volk, uitgevoerd door Russische wetenschappers in de 2000-2006 biënnium toonde dat Russen niet genetisch zijn slaven en Finnen volbloeden, is niet anders dan de Mordwienen (zie artikel "het gezicht van Russische nationaliteit", no. 15, 2006). Volgens Lev Gumilev Moskou Center op 18 maart, Russische wetenschappers hebben voor het eerst in de geschiedenis, een studie van de Russische genenpoel is ongehoord en waren geschokt door de resultaten!!! Met inbegrip van deze studies ten volle bevestigd dat de Russen slaven, en alleen Russisch-sprekende Finnen zijn. Analyse van het mitochondriaal DNA bleek dat een ander dichtstbijzijnde verwanten van de Russen, naast Finland, de Finnen zijn de Tataren door de Russen uit Tataren zijn op dezelfde genetische afstand in 30 conventionele eenheden die hen van de Finnen scheiden!!! In de mythe van de "Slavische wortels van Russische wetenschappers van Rusland geënsceneerd een vet punt: om het even wat van de slaven in Russische no! Er zijn alleen over Slavische Russische taal maar ook de 60-70% is niet Slavische woordenschat, dus Russische volk niet in staat om te begrijpen de taal van de slaven, terwijl de Slavische zich bewust van de gelijkenis van de Slavische is talen-any (behalve Russisch) Russen leven in Rusland, maar niet Russisch. Rusland was, en is, alleen KIEV!!!

In this:
"There is some controversy about the origin of the word Rus . Some Russian historians now prefer an independent and southern origin, from the river Ros near Kiev."

"Early Russian history may therefore be said to have really been Ukrainian history."..  soooooo  Ukraine isn't south russia but russia is in fact  north - Ukraine  , the backyard with the simple (to fool) people :-)







The Tale of Vroegere Jaren, Chernigov, Kiev, Galicië-Volyn kroniek

Laurentische Chronicle, C



Annalistische code bevat verschillende onderdelen-Lavrent′evskuû Chronicle, het verhaal van de voorbije jaren, Chernigov, Kiev, Galicië-Volyn kroniek die de gebeurtenissen van 1292, tot 860 beschrijft.
In sommige versies, bijvoorbeeld in Ermolaevsky lijst (1189-1213 v.Chr.), Oekraïne genoemd de Krajina, in de Kiev Chronicle-Ukrajnoj van...



Complete Collection of the Chronicles of the Ukrainian history 9th-19th centuries

Hypatian Codex 13th century russian
Voor de eerste wordt keer Oekraïne vermeld in de hypatian Codex. Let op, niet beetje, niet anders, namelijk Oekraïne.

slavs, rus




If Mr. Putin succeeds in Ukraine and he builds his Eurasian Union – he is consigning Russia to oblivion for the next 20 to 40 years.
The title for this event is "Is Ukraine going to Europe?" And I think that's a mistitle. I think the question is "Is Ukraine going towards the future?"


http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf from war to peace 2013-2015

http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf misperception rus





Astolphe marquis de Custine

1839 german 
1 https://books.google.nl/books?id=HNLUAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22Astolphe+marquis+de+Custine%22&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=hLFEVcK2CM3xaPClgMAD&ved=0CEAQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q&f=false
2 https://books.google.nl/books?id=RoI_AAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:NriA-eN1DCwC&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=LrREVZ6xMdKxafHNgdAP&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false
3 https://books.google.nl/books?id=RNDUAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:NriA-eN1DCwC&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=orFEVebDJ8bhaprLgdgE&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false



If Mr. Putin succeeds in Ukraine and he builds his Eurasian Union – he is consigning Russia to oblivion for the next 20 to 40 years.
The title for this event is "Is Ukraine going to Europe?" And I think that's a mistitle. I think the question is "Is Ukraine going towards the future?"


http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf from war to peace 2013-2015

http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf misperception rus



Massive migration from the steppe is a source
for Indo-European languages in Europe          http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1502/1502.02783.pdf





Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture.pdf

rus met studis over jew in russisch?




http://io-bas.bg/noahproject/BOOK_PETKO.pdf black sea flood an ancient myths
http://digamo.free.fr/harman99.pdf    peoples world history

http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc/196doc.php  history site Ukraine

Ancient Varangian Rus (Viking) "Street Found in Kiev


Valeriy Bebyk, Historian: "If Russians don't have a thousand-year history, they will borrow it from their neighbor and call them names. They will say that the Ukrainian nation is defective and it didn't exist at all."

more links



Ukraine first mentioned in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatian_Codex


A so-called 'Ukrainian altar', at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican is taken by many as evidence that Volodymyr was the ruler of an ancient country located on Ukraine's territory. It shows Volodymyr the Great holding the trident, which was the emblem of Kievan Rus and remains the emblem of modern Ukraine.

http://www.friesian.com/russia.htm In this: "There is some controversy about the origin of the word Rus . Some Russian historians now prefer an independent and southern origin, from the river Ros near Kiev."
"Early Russian history may therefore be said to have really been Ukrainian history.".. soooooo Ukraine isn't south russia but russia is in fact north - Ukraine

ukrainse taal basis voor russisch


so http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow was first mentioned in 1156 but came to power in 1327, if you compare wiki history Ukraine and Russia you see that russia incorparetd Kievan -Rus as it won history, while it belongs to Ukraine.




Golden Gate -Zoloti Vorota







Rusland is bang. Zoals de opening van de Oekraïense archieven zal invloed hebben op de RF-

Word Rus is stolen from Ukraine, Russia= Moscovia, the leech of other 84 parts of RF, and not succesor of Soviet Union


http://ukropua.blogspot.nl/2015/04/18_15.html rus in chennya

Is it true that in 1917-1918 the Ukrainian borders were formed by the Soviet Ukraine, that is, the Bolsheviks?


Barbarijse stal de geschiedenis van het Kievse Rijk-Oekraïne. VERSLAG Doctor voor Historische Wetenschappen

http://man-with-dogs.livejournal.com/807232.html Documents about execution of little children in USSR (russian)

Катерина Єфіменко
5 апреля 305 лет назад
Пилип Орлик в Бендерах подписал первую украинскую Конституцию (1710)
5 апреля 1710 г. на собрании казачества в Бендерах был принят документ, определяющий права и обязанности гетмана, - «Договоры и Постановление Прав и вольностей Войска Запорожского». В результате, именно он считается историками первой украинской Конституцией.
После поражения под Полтавой гетман И. Мазепа вместе со своими казаками, спасаясь от российской армии, оказались в Османской империи на территории современной Молдовы. Но внезапно гетман умирает, и его вероятным преемником становится писарь Пилип Орлик. Во время его избрания на совете старейшин был принят документ, написанный на староукраинском и латинском языках, который регламентировал права и обязанности всех членов Войска Запорожского. Первая Конституция состояла из преамбулы и еще 16 статей. Согласно ее положениям, законодательная власть в Украине отныне принадлежала Генеральной Раде, в которую входили генеральные старшины, гражданские полковники от городов, генеральные советники, полковые старшины, сотники и представители от Запорожской Сечи. На своих сессиях она должна была обсуждать и принимать решения относительно безопасности страны, ее общего блага и других общественных дел. Высшая исполнительная власть Украины передавалась гетману. Кроме того, границы страны устанавливались в пределах земель, согласованных Зборовским договором 1649 г., а государственной религией провозглашалось православие.
По мнению историков, Конституция П. Орлика стала значительным достижением украинской общественно-политической мысли второй пол. XVII - нач. XVIII в. Однако, действенным документом она так и не стала, ведь значительную часть Украины освободить в этот период из-под власти Москвы так и не удалось.

gesprek met trotski

http://avmalgin.livejournal.com/1666500.html?thread=35972036 katyn

http://vsviti.com.ua/interesting/society/31910 rus aint'rus



moscow prostitutie


http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/1941.html  russische wreedheden in duitsland





http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf  ?



http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/  ??


history see others

rst 400 years of russia is ukrainian history, russia as country doesn't excists its now RF then it was just north-Ukraine  they not even may call themselves rus cause that comes from river ros near Kyiv..they may call themselves moscovites or kremlins (sounds like gremlins from movie)




Ukrainian language has survived 400 years of prohibition 134! So which language should be protected?

The rape of Berlin http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32529679

not only example try find ukraine on this site, its included in russia !?
always believe opposite of kremlin/russian media, you can't go wrong with that

http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/1918.map_unr.php geschiedenis Ukraine

Generaals - Marauders - als een overwinning verrijkt Sovjet militaire leiderschap


Bilinguals get all the perks. Better job prospects, a cognitive boost and even protection against dementia. Now new research shows that they can also view the world in different ways depending on the specific language they are operating in.
The past 15 years have witnessed an overwhelming amount of research on the bilingual mind, with the majority of the evidence pointing to the tangible advantages of using more than one language. Going back and forth between languages appears to be a kind of brain training, pushing your brain to be flexible.





putins life http://uglich-jj.livejournal.com/88610.html

http://www.aboutru.com/2015/05/13597/  De verschrikkelijke waarheid van Bileam


10 facts on Ukraine during the Second World as a history lesson for future generations


Voor lyubitelіv Lenina, Stalіna USSR

Why Russians are afraid of the truth about World War II
Джерело: http://patrioty.org.ua/chomu-rosiyani-boyatsya-pravdi-pro-drugu-svitovu-viynu/






"Immortal Regiment" - fake?





"We are ten men raped German twelve year old girl


'They raped every German female from eight to 80'






A bit of US-Ukrainian history from 95 years ago...
This is the original 1920 memorandum requesting the US Government to recognize the young Ukrainian People's Republic as a free state after the fall of the Russian Empire (electronically published by Project Gutenberg). Please note the borders of Ukraine in 1920. They reflected the distribution of Ukrainian population. Beside including the Donbas and the Crimea, in the east, the country extended far into what is now the Russian Federation.



n 1931, the Soviet Union was more Ukrainian than Russian. For our and your will
In 1931, the Soviet Union was more Ukrainian than Russian. For six years disappeared 55 million. This figure is stated in the book "The velikoy Stroyko", published in 1931 in Leningrad. Similar data submitted in the first Soviet Encyclopedia 1926.

No of encyclopedias or books not in any library in Ukraine. It was possible to look "at the Great Stroyko" in Moscow. We sent a copy, which is clearly visible numbers 81 million. Note that this does not come Ukrainian Galicia, which was part of Poland. For the next census in 1937 indicates that Ukrainian in the USSR is 26 million. - Where are the rest? Knowing these figures appear even worse repression of the 1930s.
And now Russia does not rest, continue to destroy our people.
The question is already so, or we will win the support of the international community, or they destroy us and will continue as is in the wild hordes of fascist laws rashystiv.
------ -------------------------------------------------- -----------
And today we are fighting werewolves descendants of Hitler and Stalin

Source: http://ukrainamir.blogspot.ru


Nationale historische en archeologische reserve "stenen grave"

Rivier tijd hun Amerikaanse menselijke prestatie "ceremonies". Alles wat we nu hebben wat we hebben bereikt in de technologische vooruitgang, werd gelegd in de oudheid. Eeuwenoude menselijke verlangen naar cognitie is uitgegroeid tot een noodzaak als lucht, net als het leven zelf, ingeschakeld door de wetenschap over het verleden – Archeologie, sluipen in deze onbekende wereld en te herkennen zijn vele geheimen.

In de uitgestrekte steppe in de buurt van dorp Myrne Melitopol rayon van Zaporizhzhia oblast eenzaam en majestueuze staat steen Hill... meer Obvìtrenì voor miljoenen jaren, obroslì groen-grijze korstmossen blokken zandsteen gevarieerd en fantastisch voor contouren die wekt de indruk van een stille Majesteit. Sinds de oudheid mensen genaamd Hill een steen graf. Waarom het graf? Omdat mens jagers, herders en zemlerobcì wist dat hoge terpen is de steppe de graven van voorouders.

Vele legendes samengesteld over dit wonder van de natuur. En hier is een van hen: iets Bogatyr Bogur vóór Allah schuldig was, en hij gestraft het: geordende scheur zijn handen uit in de buurt van berg krâžu stenen en componeren met hen aan de oever van de borst mount dergelijke hoogten aan haar in alle richtingen was zichtbaar voor de steppe. Die voldoen aan de wil van Allah, Bogur trok uit krâžu enorme stenen, doorstaan ze zelf en die ze in een opgegeven plaats op elkaar zijn geformuleerd. Als u wilt liever de klus, was hij op de trucs van de handel: de stenen heeft geformuleerd. Meer dan de helft van het werk al was gedaan toen Bogur, waardoor het uitstellen van het volgende blok, struikelde en viel in een van de ostavlenih hen tussen stenen scheuren, zav'âz er en stierf van de honger. Een dergelijke straf overkwam hem willen bedriegen van Allah. Allah beval de wind vulling zand van alle de scheuren en betrekking hebben op het lichaam van de held, waarvan botten nog steeds er zijn.

Echter, het graf steen is een zuiver natuurlijke formaties. De hoogte van de heuvel bereikt in onze dagen 12 meter. De 15 hectare van het gebied is ongeveer 3 duizend platen.

Het is niet chaotische heap van zandsteen platen en stenen wapenrusting, die samengevouwen, en zijn grotten en grotten hebben bewezen als zeer nuttig voor religieuze doeleinden. "Heilige berg", een plek van de bedevaart was een heuvel Stone graven voor onze verre voorouders. Voor vele millennia, hier kwam de oude jagers, nomaden, tal van mensen: Cimmeriërs, Scythen, Sarmaten, Goten, Hunnen, Chazaren, Petsjenegen, Povlotsen,... Iedereen die hier kwam, vond een afgelegen plek, idiosyncratische oltar gemaakt en uitgevoerd religieuze ceremonies.

In de grotten en grotten de ouden links verscheidene duizend tekeningen – petroglìfìv (uit het Grieks: "snijwerk op steen"). In principe werden tekeningen toegepast op de zandsteen niet verven, als, bijvoorbeeld, in Frankrijk of in de zuidelijke Oeral en protiralisâ solide steen. Zij vormden de reces, die slechts af en toe waren bedekt met zwarte of rode kleuren. Chronologie van de petroglìfìv heeft betrekking op de enorme periode uit het paleolithische tijdperk tot de Middeleeuwen.

Stone graf, in de buurt van de stad van Melitopol, de fenomenale zelf in menselijk begrip. Ze davnìša op alle zìkurati noorden, Stonehenge en de piramides. Dus het was voor vele jaren de "Mekka" van de oude priesters van grote steppe, die hier voor heilige tekenen van hun godsdienst liet... meer

Stone graf uitgevoerd functies «World Mountain als Mount Olympus in het oude Griekenland. Savannah Hill-is een soort model van de wereld in die bloot de essentie van kosmische structuur, dat wil zeggen de ingang aan de onderkant, het hiernamaals. Aan de andere kant, is de steen graf een soort tempel, die verenigt drie werelden-hemel, aarde en de metro. En deze rol pìskovikovij heuvel uitgevoerd vele millennia... meer

Stone graf-tempel van onze patrimonium en spiritualiteit, is bewaard gebleven in het zuiden van Oekraïne, waar de focus niet de enige is rotstekeningen en prachtige foto's – mìfologemnì werkt, maar ook opgeslagen de eerste exemplaren van het schrijven, welke svìdotstvuût′ over hoge cultuur van onze voorouders.

Presidentiële decreet No. 815, gedateerd 10 September 2008. historische en archeologische reserve "stenen grave" kreeg de status van nationaal.

These are parts in English taken from articles this post .Hope everyone reads about this=======" In Lviv near mountain town Skole searchers have found a mass grave UPA fighters and civilians.As noted, given that the area that they have just begun to examine, researchers suggest that the remains of people killed by the KGB more can be found.....By law, the fighters for independence of Ukraine in the XX century recognized those who participated in all forms of political, armed and other collective and individual struggle for independence of Ukraine in the XX century as part of particular organizations such structures and formations as liberation Union Ukraine, Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, UNR, Hetmanate, WUPR Carpathian Sich, UPA, OUN Soim Carpathian Ukraine, Ukrainian Helsinki Union and so on..........=====Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law "On the legal status and honor the memory of fighters for Ukraine's independence in the twentieth century" is not "anti-Polish" and "anti-Soviet."This is stated in the article of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman published in Polish "Gazeta Wyborcza".
The article is a translation of which Groisman page on Facebook, emphasized that the joint Ukrainian and Polish struggle for freedom must provide consent, mutual trust and reconciliation - in particular in the historical past.
"The most offensive that the last factor is constantly subject of manipulation aimed at undermining solidarity Ukraine and Poland" - said Groisman. According to him, any propaganda influence in matters of history "absolutely gives the expected destructive effect."=======In Kozova Ternopil region accidentally found a can of archival documents of the Security Service of the Ukrainian nationalists.
Here is information about more than 100 people killed insurgents. Overall a very well preserved documents, which rarely happens in such cases. They are sorted, numbered, neatly stacked, clear them engaged some rebel archivist. Newspapers, which are wrapped in bundles of documents dating from autumn 1949, so most likely during this period and buried in the ground can of Archives "- said in a statement.

This why russia does the things she does , misperception...RF consists of more then just russians, as was in USSR

Ever wonder why eastern/southern Ukraine has so many Russian residents today?
On May 15, 2015, the National Museum "Memorial to Victims of Holodomor in Ukraine" opens a documentary exhibition that provides evidence that communist authorities relocated Russian citizens to the Ukrainian villages devastated by famine in southern and eastern Ukraine in 1933-1934.




In societies where democratic mechanisms do not work well, the difference between state and country is significant. Olena Bilozerska, one of the "Right Sector" speakers, shared the article "About Difference Between State And Country" which can be considered a textbook example. We give the full story as its subject is hard to perceive and it always causes "flaming" even in pro-Ukrainian web communities.
Once counterintelligence of one of volunteer battalions caught "senior official" of the "DPR". He was transferred to the Security Service of Ukraine, but before that he was brought for interrogation to a base of Volunteer Corps "Right Sector".
As the interrogation was conducted courteously, without violence or threats of physical violence, the detainee behaved in a self confident and impudent way - like a man convinced that he was right and those who opposed him were absolutely wrong. He said that at his post he was just helping people, and refused to give information our side was interested in.
However, after a few hours he told all that he knew. The most interesting is how and why it happened.
When the detained was once again brought out on a smoke break, the "investigator" in his presence in warm blood called motherf*** one of the highest state leaders of Ukraine.
The reaction of the "inhabitant of the New Russia" was worth seeing. His jaw "said hello" to the floor. He start blinking and almost trembled: "How?.. How is it - a motherf***? He is yours.. You're fighting for them!"
"Sure he is a motherf***," easily agreed the "investigator" and the fighters of the "Right Sector" present on the smoke break, "X is motherf***, and Y is motherf***, and Z is motherf*** too. Bitches they are, rot of the country, venal hucksters with no respect for people."
"So we speak the same language?? Why are we fighting against each other then? I went to the DPR as I didn't want these motherf***s to rule me."
"You went to the DPR because you are a traitor of your Native land, because Ukraine is an empty word for you. The authority and the country is the same thing for you. But the authorities will change in a few years, and the country will remain. And we will not let those like you and your Moscow owners to ruin it."
After that the Russian collaborator sat for a long time dejectedly, then he asked for paper and began to write everything he knew.


Julia M. Kharlamov. 24 oktober 1989 geboren in Chabarovsk, Rusland
Nacistka. Arijka. Russisch. Verdediger van alle Rusland en het Russische volk van de duistere krachten (met) "En en Gorinich". Luister naar Satanic muziek, strugaet idolen en verzamelt foto's ALA "Heil Hitler". In World War III, die heeft een regelmatige samenvattingen en posten met succes betrokken geweest.

Debates about how close Vladimir Putin's regime approximates fascism or Nazism are intensifying, with some pointing to the enormous similarities between his Russia and the Italy of Mussolini and the Germany of Hitler and others arguing that there is still a great deal that sets them apart.
Both sides of this argument have some evidence, but with each passing month it seems some of the uglier features not only of fascism but of National Socialism. The latest and in some ways the most frightening is the argument advanced by United Russia Duma deputy and Ph.D. in history Vyacheslav Nikonov that Russian children must be taught about "the Great Russian Aryan Race."



Herinneringen van de Sovjet-veteranen - Duitse vrouwen verkracht


Ukraine: the biggest problem in Europe. Performance in London in 1939


Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life i situated near by Vysokyi Zamok (High Castle) in beautiful park - Shevchenkivsy Gai on North -East part of the Lviv city. The museum have been created by the ethnographic principle in 1971. Main aim of the museum is conservation of the wooden folk architecture, everyday life artifacts, art artifacts from all ethnographic zones. Every zone consist different objects - buildings, practical and manufactory buildings from last three centuries. The museum is one of the biggest open-air museum in Europe nowadays. Every object consist special and authentic interiors and it gives full imagination of daily life, work and leisure of the Western Ukrainian village.
The museum consist 105 of folk architecture objects. Among them presented oldest church from Kruvka village (1749), other objects buildings from 1792, 1812, 1846, 1860, as well as wind mill, oil manufactory, pottery.




ukrainse taal basis voor russisch







https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvsviti.com.ua%2Fukraine%2F38207&edit-text=  rutherina language

100 Ukrainian literature



How Belorussians and Ukrainians Celebrate Malanka new year



armenian and jews

history embrodyery



In occupied Crimea found a sunken 125-meter Byzantine ship May 26 at 19:15
Больше читайте здесь: http://zn.ua/UKRAINE/v-okkupirovannom-krymu-obnaruzhen-zatonuvshiy-125-metrovyy-vizantiyskiy-korabl-177420_.html


Olena Anykiyenko-Yaburova
12 uur ·

day and night from the space

I've designed a 24hour clock/yearcalender depicting that, besides, seasons, starsigns, birthdays.. equinoxes, day/night will be Ukrainian colors, makes more sense to me then using 12 hour clocks, are 24 hours in a day....learned a lot of time/day notations, egypt had 3 weeks of 10 days, 12 months and at end 5 days of feast, BUT that year started when Nile flooded, so half in the year, btw they uses a 12 hour sundial and a 12 hour waterclock for night, thats where ours come from.



Weer een nagel in de doodskist van de legende van "de grote Russische beschaving" is zeer te vertellen geschiedenis met het begin van typografie in Rusland. Als het gaat om deze vraag doet denken aan het verhaal van vele beroemde mensen, waaronder de volynsk Prins Konstantin Konstantinovich Ostrog. Met zijn naam gekoppeld aan de vooruitgang van de beschaving, zoals de publicatie van de eerste volledige Church Slavonic Bijbel en de eerste gedrukte exemplaar van Church Slavonic grammatica. Afdrukken nam plaats de beroemde boek printer Ivan Fyodorov, die liep de stad van Moskou, verbergen uit de boeken KOPIISTEN (!). De Ostrog Bijbel werd samengesteld met behulp van vertalingen van opvoeder Frantsysk Skaryna, favoriete, Ivan Fedorov waarschijnlijk studeerde in het beschaafde West op de Jagiellonische Universiteit, woonde in het Groothertogdom van Litouwen (die behoorde tot het grondgebied van het huidige Wit-Rusland en Oekraïne), en is officieel beschouwd als de eerste knigopečatnikom in de Oost-Slaven. Helaas voor de Russische mythologie, ze is gedwongen te herkennen van de verwezenlijkingen van Skaryna en Fedorov (goed niet herkennen hetzelfde pionier Oekraïens schaker van Stepan Dropana, die vooruit door meer dan 50 Skaryna was plus jaren). Echter, zelfs deze feiten volstaat om te bewijzen dat het voor de hand liggende idee volledig geleend aard "van de grote Russische beschaving".


krim niet start rusland of sovjet

Which king in the history of the world, it was dedicated to the most operas written by the world-famous European composers?

It is surprising, but it was the king of the Armenian King Tigran the Great, who ruled in 95-55 years BC.

Muscovy or russia?
The name of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, changed for "Russia" by Tsar Peter I in the early 18th century. The goal of this change was to establish a connection between Muscovy and medieval state of Kievan Rus', thus claiming the right of Moscow to possess all the lands of Rus'.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow  (since 1327)
So russia as such has NO right to Ukraine or Kievan-Rus, and excists as such since early 1700's...,
(also Moscovia, Moscovie, Moskovia)





En dus, wat weten we over de verdeling van de kampen aan de republieken.

1. Oekraïne-meer dan 120 kampen
2. Kazachstan-meer dan 90 kampen.
3. Wit-Rusland-over 30 kampen
4. Moldavië-28 kampen
5. Oezbekistan-20 kampen
Azerbeidzjan 6-16 kampen
7. Litouwen-12 kampen
8. Letland-11 kampen
9. Georgië-11 kampen
10. Tadzjikistan-meer dan 10 kampen
11. Kirgizië-meer dan 10 kampen
12. Turkmenistan-8 kampen
13. Estland, 5 kampen vertegenwoordigd
14. Armenië-5 vluchtelingenkampen
15. de Russische Federatie (RSFSR)-meer dan 900 kampen, kolonies, gesloten en geheime plaatsen van detentie.
Een totaal van... Komen ètapniki-land bewakers.




These 1937-1938 Russian documents reveal two interesting things: (1) how many people's enemies like Kulaks were shot or sent to a death camp and (2) how Russian commissars were killing and sentencing the following ethnic groups listed in these documents:
- pan-Mongolian people
- Latvians
- Estonians
- Germans
- Romanians
- Byelorussians
- Finnish people
- Polish people
- Iranian people
- Kharbin people
- Chinese
- Greeks
- Bulgarians
- Macedonians
You can see that the majority of the names of executive Soviet officers (who signed these papers) were Russians. One or two belong to an Armenian (Mikoyan), a Georgian (Beria) and a Jewish (Kaganovich) men. The majority of the murderers have Russian names, and these men requested to kill more than it was originally scheduled of non-Russian citizens living on the USSR territory as well as foreign citizens.






This information is priceless. It tells the story of the persecution of the Ukrainian language to include over 130 edicts forbidding its use over a period of 400 years.

Who told you that the Tatar-Mongol yoke ended in 1480?




Who told you that the Tatar-Mongol yoke ended in 1480?

Tsar Peter the Great was never Russian

descended on his mother comes from a noble Crimean Tatar Murza Narysha kind, and the father of a glorious kind of Imereti Prince Bagration


the myth of the "russian" language


If a Jew is not a lackey, he Gladiator ...


disagree if translation correct


SilverLands. The Chronicles of Carpatho-Ukraine 1919-1939 | release 2012. Documentary film.

The fact that the Muscovy-Russia Russia is not known not only Karl Marx, Voltaire and many others minds of the civilized world


Russia: found a pipe for smoking marijuana having 2400 years

In de meeste van Rusland, de termen "Rosiâ", "Rusland" om te verwijzen naar het land voor de eerste tijd en zeer beperkte begon te nemen alleen in de 16e eeuw, met de tijd in Moskou, lijkt het idee "derde Rome", en de Moskou tsaren beginnen te beweren dat het land van Oekraïne.
Gromov Air gewijzigd zelf als door de teams van 1713 en 1721 jaar. Etnoniem "русский" ingegraven en later – pas aan het einde van de 18de eeuw, toen koningin Catherine II "vysočajšim poveleniem" eindelijk besteld de Moskou mensen genaamd "Russisch" en verbannen hem uit met behulp van de naam "moskovitâne".
Het is interessant dat Moskovŝina nam zijn nieuwe naam, de Griekse transcriptie van het woord "RUS", hoewel het onwaarschijnlijk is er nog steeds mensen die de naam van zijn land van vreemde talen hebben opgepikt.
By the way, Oekraïne en Muscovy, ook veranderen de titel, maar slechts eenmaal, en nam de naam van hun eigen taal.
Het is het feit dat Rusland, gelet kreeg zijn naam op zijn best in de 17e eeuw, een historische erfenis van RUS beweerde ', gemaakt door de zeven honderd jaar eerder, gaf een reden Karl Marx betoogd in zijn werk "Ontmaskering de diplomatieke geschiedenis van de 18e eeuw", dat "de Moskou verhaal is genaaid aan de geschiedenis van Russ White draden".

Voeg het werk van Karl Marx is de enige die is nooit gepubliceerd in de Sovjet-Unie zonder bezuinigingen.
Oekraïners hebben de diefstal nooit erkend als "RUS". Al in het midden van de 18de eeuw in Oekraïne wordt weergegeven "het verhaal van de RUS ', die beweert een uniek Oekraïense karakter beweging.
Taras Sjevtsjenko in zijn geschriften nooit een keer gebruikt het woord "RUS" en zelfs "Rusland" en altijd schrijft over "Moskovŝinu".

In de moderne Oekraïense literaire taal bevestigd etnoniem "Russen", terwijl het bijvoeglijk naamwoord "Russisch" links voor de Oekraïense.
Tot slot, ik moet zeggen dat in Rusland de naam van de mensen ethnonyms waren "Roetheens" (in de beroemde "Russische waarheid", prinselijke handvesten, annalen), en af en toe, "RUS". In de annalen van RUS of Roetheens is altijd inwoner van Kiev.
Etnoniem "rusychi" gevonden alleen in "een woord leggen", en, in het advies van moderne historici, was niet thuis en een teken van hoge taalkundige stijl.
Deze etnoniem "Roetheens" vastgelegde massaal in het westen van Oekraïne tot de twintigste eeuw, en soms in Transcarpathia – en tot vandaag.

Op basis van het bovenstaande, heeft de geschiedenis van Rusland de zelfde relatie met de geschiedenis van de beweging, als, zeg, de geschiedenis van Angola en Mozambique aan de geschiedenis van Portugal.
Of geschiedenis van India-de geschiedenis van Groot-Brittannië. Als, bijvoorbeeld, vandaag Rusland wilde perejmenuvatisâ op China, betekende dit niet dat langs met de manipulatie van de nehitroû mede te hebben ontvangen in kìl′katisâčolìtnû Chinese geschiedenis en cultuur.
Vandaag, zijn er redenen om te verwachten dat het binnenkort, in het geval van Oekraïne, de ideologische controverse over de historische erfenis van Kievan Rus, die tijdens de laatste helft een Millennium leidde tot Kiev en Moskou tegen de overwinning van Oekraïne.

De reden hiervoor is duidelijk argumenten over de eigendom van de Oekraïne erfgoed beweging. Deze argumenten in onze informatie die leeftijd kunnen niet vernietigen of verbergen.

Oleksandr Palii, historicus


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKRERHSLdVc muscovy or russia

in 1919 Ukraine was 1.6 times current size

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_People%27s_Republic proposed

gdp 2014 country comparison
purchasing power parity  from

germany above russia


Unique 800 y.o. seal belonging to Belarus patron saint found in Polotsk.
The artifact was discovered by scientists on the territory of St. Euphrosyne monastery in the town Polotsk. The priceless finding spent over 800 years in the ground.
In spite of the long period in the ground, it is in good condition, the head of the scientific expedition, who made the finding, told the media.
One side of the seal has the face of a saint depicted on it, the other has an inscription indicating that it belonged to Euphrosyne of Polotsk, a patron saint of Belarus and one of the greatest women in the Belarusian history.
On 4-7 June the seal will be on display at Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum Reserve. Then it will be back to Polotsk State University for restoration and conservation.
Scientists claim that St.Euphrosyne seal is a proof that Polotsk monastery was not only a big spiritual and cultural centre, but also an important social and political center in XII century.



443 years ago, the Crimean Tatars burned Moscow for 3 hours

A 6th century translation of a work of one of the most important ancient Greek doctors has been discovered in an animal-hide manuscript, hidden underneath text of 1,000-year-old hymns.




rus moved to ukraine



Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness FREUD


People all over the world have come to realize that the world is changing; that decisive processes and developments not yet fully understood are taking place. We in Ukraine have a sense that what is happening in Ukraine will have serious implications for the global community, and I truly believe that we are not overestimating the import of our central place in these changes and our role in this crucial shift: something big is happening.
So what lessons can today's Ukraine offer the world?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Riite4v2ooE mystic ukrainian war?

Where to start resettlement of the ancient Aryans? Every nation has its sacred places associated with ancestral memory, the wisdom of their ancestors and the centuries-old history. Some of them are rooted in the past have given such as the Egyptian pyramids have not even begun to build. For the Russian people ...Roads of the Aryans.  Russia's first conference
Roads of the Aryans. Russia's first conference


https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11&v=bDTKx-6Srmo  history sculputres of man fucking horse?
forbidden history


As Russia crawls for China, becoming its loyal - lower - subject, it might want to recall China had to give up huge territories to Russia in history. Outer Manchuria being one such.


The massacre in Khojaly another shameful page of history of Russia.


Disclosure archives: a famine after the Russians moved in Donbass

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKRERHSLdVc muscovy or russia


https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=74&v=IQbDmCKGtuU twerking bees

beauty in russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkOSigcvdVw

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGg6HlGw6lk girl traansparante dress




Frau Merkel - Chamberlain - Ribbentrop?

Remember the Berlin Wall? You want that "anti-fascist barrier" BACK?


Top 7 places of power in Ukraine
Больше читайте здесь: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://lady.tsn.ua/puteshestviya/ukraina/top-7-mest-sily-v-ukraine-387370.html&usg=ALkJrhjvzFirj7Z447hMgaus062W6YVq9Q






Pereiaslavs'ka agreement ate the mouse! No association between Ukraine and Russia was not!





Christianity has forgotten about the role of women in its history



http://www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/a-vy-znaete-chto-skryto-pod-golovami-na-ostrove-pashi-947160/ whats under paaseiland heads?

http://leg0ner.livejournal.com/1467230.html volyma massacre

https://politota.d3.ru/strashnaia-taina-mikhaila-zadornova-756754/ secret of


russian tribes 40.000 years ago??
Sick Russian propaganda is trying to lift up their pride. They write that the first Russian tribes existed 40 thousand years ago.

1020th Anniversary of Christianity in Ukraine
by Atanas T. Kobryn
In July 988, Grand Duke Volodymyr, the ruler of the medieval Ukrainian empire then known as "Rus" (pronunced as roos) ordered the citizens of his capital city Kyiv to be baptized in the river Dnipro, thus establishing Christianity as the official religion of his empire. The main celebration of the millennium of this occasion in 1988 took place in Moscow, and not in Kyiv.
It should be noted that in 988 there was no Moscow, and the territory now known as Russia was one of several provinces of the Rus empire, ruled by the local princes loyal to the ruler of Kyiv. Following the onslaught of Tatars and other invaders, the city of Kyiv was plundered and lost is importance, while the northern provinces were able to develop and to prosper. Eventually, having ignored the treaty of friendship signed by the two nations, the rulers of Moscow managed to tighten its grip and eventually to completely subjugate Ukraine. Then in the 18th century, the name of Russia, a corruption of the ancient honorable name of Rus, appeared on the map. The rulers of Russia decided not only to steal the name of the medieval Ukrainian empire Rus, but to make themselves the successor io its history, culture and tradition.



history see others


viking song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k01zY822dk

"The archives of Donetsk has worked GRU"

Now following 2 leads 1, russian genetic that 300 years ago haplogroup changed for muscovy rules from R1A to Q, and arab geographer around 1000 telling on russ, south was populated with approx. 100.000 people at russ sea(black sea) and north was not populated just marshes and forest


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMCnkaz314g hey slavs

Now following 2 leads 1, russian genetic that 300 years ago haplogroup changed for muscovy rules from R1A to Q, and arab geographer around 1000 telling on russ, south was populated with approx. 100.000 people at russ sea(black sea) and north was not populated just marshes and forest



Historians, including Russian ones, have pointed out that Vladimir Putin's claims that Crimea has been Russian from time immemorial are simply wrong, but nonetheless, many Russians and some in the West remain inclined to believe the Kremlin leader or at least not to challenge his latest fantasy. But perhaps such people will be convinced by the findings of genographic science which shows that the Crimean Tatars are not some arrivistes from the East but carry the genes of people from the West as well and, given their genetic makeup, they are truly the indigenous people of that Ukrainian peninsula.

https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Dog_meat its more widespread then just east-asia btw.Ebola in Africa comes from bushmeat most gorilla and chimpansee  , MERS in korea comes from wildmeat like civetcats, Chinese Quandong where ducks,chickens, goose are held on massive scale is the worldsource for flu...I woner jow many people who eat meat, of any animal, if they have to slaughter the animals themselves??

21 juni 1971 expeditie geleid door Boris Mozolevs′kogo geen baten volledige archeologische onderzoek de grote graven. Nou, hoe zo? Het is hetzelfde in het studentenhuis vóór het verlaten van een opmerking links "Vind ik iets grote en glanzend." En niets. Nu, de jongens ter ere van de voltooiing van het werk op de heuvel had gekocht bier. Afwerking drank- en obsceniteit. En zelfs vóór de release van Boris Nikolayevich afgedaald door natuurlijke noodzaak.
14:30-de meest belangrijke datum in het leven van Boris Mozolevs′kogo. Over deze ongelooflijke moment in "de Scythische steppes Boris Mozolevs′kogo lezen: ik deed een van sagaidachny sets onder de muur dromosu en rollende dikke klei čamur die onder de vloer, voelde vingers iets te kwetsen van škrâbnulo (het was een" scherpe geit hoorn "Pektoral! -Auteur). Ik zag hoe zblisnulo goud, en sommige onbekende gevoel besefte dat dit precies wat is: een ding was geweldig en natuurlijk lag in zijn oorspronkelijke plaats, niet verplaatst door plunderaars. De Golf ik zacìpenìv... ". Boris Nikolaevich genoemd een collega (Eugene Černenka) – en ze allebei "gerezen de pectoral met dolìvki, obmili het in mijn werken; een talk gegeven voor de afvoer van water, aan het licht gebracht in een ingang gat, en begon als de kinderen van de vreugde van het kussen. Voor ons is het ding was echt ongekend. Gewicht Pektoral 1150 gram, diameter 30,09 centimeter... ".
Met een lichte hand archeoloog Eugene kreeg Černenka voor dit fabelachtig mooi teken van onbeperkte koninklijke macht haar huidige naam – "borstvinnen". Gevonden pectoral van gouden steekproef van 16-th dateert uit de IV eeuw. BC. de meeste Archeologie ontdekkingen van de twintigste eeuw, "een gedicht de gouden zon", die werd voorafgegaan door 35 jaar van moeizame leven van de onrustige upertûha-reiziger, dichter, een zoeker van avonturen op zijn... hoofd." Indrukwekkende moed Oekraïners pigheads! Wetende dat de opening van dit niveau worden gestort in de musea van metropool, Boris Mozolevs′kij, wordt op de hals met een elegante inrichting van de filigraan van de Griekse werk "wonder mìkromìnìatûrnoï" sieraden techniek, 1150-gram stuk van puur goud, top-zasmal′c′ovanu oude tìlogrìjku, bracht haar naar Kiev.
En dan waar? Boris Mozolevs′kij leefde in een slaapzaal, dus ging naar de leider-Oles Hontsjar. Hij de bevinding "een gedicht van de steen van de zon" genoemd, maar weigerde haar verlof op zich.
En nu een kandidaat voor het verzenden van de Mordovië neemt eerste secretaris van de COMMUNISTISCHE partij van Oekraïne Petro Sjelest. Op de vergadering waren voorzitter van het Instituut voor Archeologie van Fedor en voorzitter van SSR Boris Paton. Het gesprek was zeer vruchtbaar: een archeoloog die leefde in de slaapzaal, ontvangen een drie-kamer-appartement; salaris in 98 USD. verhoogd tot 200 USD. Ter vermeerdering, 500 roebels. Premie. Ondanks de druk Moskou bleef schat in Kiev (opgeslagen in Museum van historische schatten van Oekraïne).
Twee-derde van Scythische goud in de fondsen van het Museum voor historische schatten van Oekraïne — vindt de expeditie Mozolevs′kogo.


7 juni 1657 in Olicì in Volhynia, in het kasteel van de prinsen Radivilov, gehouden op een congres van Lords Volyn Poolse van Polen, waar werd besloten de Poolse Rivne geven de samenstelling van de krachten van de staat van Zaporizhs'ke, onder leiding van Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. De organisator van het Congres was de Prins Stepan Četvetrins′kij, 1620 geholpen Hetman Sahaidachny in het herstel van de Kiev orthodoxe Metropolitanate. Met '' rit naar Bohdan Khmelnytsky werd gecorrigeerd door de ambassade, die de post van Hetman resolutie van Volyn was. Het was een revolutionair nationale omdat de Oekraïense gentry begon massaal te erkennen de kracht van Zaporizhs'ke Vijs'ko. Over deze en andere beveiligingsgebeurtenissen in mijn boek "handenvol", die in 2010 uitkwam.


9 juni 1657. Oekraïens gebouw nakaznogo Hetman, Anton Zhdanovich, waarvan oboznim de beroemde Ivan Bohun was, samen met de geallieerde Zweedse en de semigorods′kimi troepen opgedaan de hoofdstad van Polen is Warschau. Dit evenement was een Zenith dìâl′nstì Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky, die helaas te wijten aan slechte gezondheid hij kon niet zelf tot deze wandeling. Uit de Berestetsky strijd van 1651, hij zette een doel te vernietigen de Rzeczpospolita (Polen) als de formatie staat, omdat het tverdoloba adel, onder wie er velen waren en zemlâčkìv, wil niet herkennen van de nieuwe politieke realiteit, de staat krachten van Zaporizhs'ke, en alle wil wraak. Moskou, Bogdan Khmelnitsky probeerde om te gebruiken voor uw project, de vernietiging van Polen, was een bondgenoot van onzeker en 1656 opgehouden militaire acties tegen de RP voor de belofte van haar kroon voor koning met Romanov. Echter, Bogdan Khmelnitsky niet om opgemaakt. Hij vond nieuwe Bondgenoten, de protestan
tse Zweeds Koninkrijk en Vorstendom van Semigorods′ke, in de Unie met en uitgevoerd wandelen diep in Polen.
Na de vernietiging van de RP, had de Bondgenoten verdeeld Polen onderling: Oekraïne had af te wijken van de aarde langs de Vistula rivier en Wit-Rusland, Semigorodu-zuidelijk Polen Krakau, Zweden-Noord Polen met Warschau.
Dit project is helaas geen zrealìzovano. Paus, die actief in het voordeel van Warschau pìdburiv Denemarken op oorlog tegen de Zweden was. Zweedse troepen moesten verlaten Polen om op te slaan van zijn land. Als de Oekraïners en semigorodcâm vasthouden zijn krachten aan de bezette gebieden. Bohdan Khmelnytsky hadden meegemaakt de hoogste glorie van de Oekraïense wapens en, binnenkort, de ineenstorting van de droom van zijn leven. Al snel was op deze zondige aarde.
Over dit en andere gebeurtenissen in mijn boeken "Oekraïne onder Mace van Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Encyclopedia in drie delen"," handenvol "en" Ivan Bohun-Don Quixote.



Soms is de sovjet-tanks zuilen best alleen de worm спасающихся vluchtelingen. Als deel van het leger van het sovjetgezag geraakt bevolkte plaatsen oost-de pruisen, dan zijn ze begonnen бестиальную, звериную orgy marteling, verkrachting en moord. Soms zijn ze gecastreerd mannen en jongens, voordat ze vermoorden. Soms zijn ze выдавливали im ogen. Soms zijn ze verbranden ze levend. Sommige vrouwen, na wordt verkracht, weiger распинали ze nog leven aan de voordeur, амбаров en vervolgens met ze als doelwit voor de schietpartij " (" Ревизионистская verhaal: De blik van rechts ", M., 2003, blz. 61).
Leonidas фронтовик рабичев (dan старлей-informatieverspreider) maakte de moordlustige scène zelf wat zag u persoonlijk: " op повозках en auto ' s, bereikbaar zijn oude mannen, vrouwen, kinderen, grote патриархальные familie langzaam op alle wegen en land backbones gingen naar het westen. Onze танкисты, soldaten, infanterie officieren, связисты нагнали, ze gaan naar de kant van de ouderen, duizenden vielen vrouwen en meisjes. Vrouwen, moeders en hun dochter, liggen rechts en links langs de snelweg, en voor elke waard гогочущая armada mannen met z ' n broek. Bloed en обливающихся теряющих bewustzijn оттаскивают opzij, бросающихся help ze kinderen neergeschoten. , гогот gegrom, gelach, schreeuwen en kreunen. , вседозволенность безнаказанность, обезличенность en wreed logica een radeloze menigte. Kolonel duurt be
urt en majoor отстреливает getuigen, бьющихся hysterisch kinderen en ouderen " (" De oorlog van alle спишет ", " banner " 2, 2005).

I will repost... The world should see these historic documents (1944-1945)..
If you want Americans on your side - repost. Most of them have never heard of these crimes. They should know that Ukraine is the front line defending European people from the Russian Beast.
Russian hordes "liberated" (raped and killed children) Prussia and then they settled their, calling the newly annexed land Russian Kaliningrad Oblast. This is the Modus Operandi of the Russian army. Moscow was doing this for centuries, this is why Russian Evil Empire expanded to Japan (grabbed land their too) and to the West threatening Scandinavia and Baltic republics.
Do you know that in 1944-1945 Russian top military officials not only allowed these crimes to happen, they in fact ordered their soldiers to line up, pull down their pants and rape their victims? It was a beastly fun for Russians!
Russian barbarians don't like to see these documents on the web. Our goal is to make sure the world knows the real face of Russian liberators, the deeds of the Kremlin land grabbers... Moscow aggressor always looking for more land to annex, more people to rape, kill and enslave. To enrich Russia by using slave labor in GULAG (gold mines, for example) and to sell grains confiscated from Ukraine during Holodomor - to Western countries.





What Putin doesn't talk about. The first Soviet - Nazi victory parade of WW2. Brest-Litovsk Sept. 22, 1939. How many Russians know or would actually believe this? Perhaps they should get the chance to see this kind of historic footage.


" de erfenis van de holocaust-niet voorkomen dat dit opnieuw gebeurt "
Hongaarse " agent " in neo-нацистском ondergronds rusland, met het risico om te leven, zes jaar heb een film over waard van russische neonazi, en kwam tot de conclusie однозначному: Ondergronds неонацистское in rusland организуется en gecontroleerd российскими спецслужбами met persoonlijk de zegen van de president van het land dr vladimir poetin.









richard rudgley

Kyiv, Ukraine 1533 years...482 CE
650 years before moscow smile-emoticon

A person of Russian nationality, or the collapse of popular rasologii

Russian not Slavs (Part III)

  About Turanian element in Russian culture
  Moskovite-Oekraমse woordenboek, 1940

#AmazingUkraine The first constitution in the world was adopted in Ukraine

On June 28, Ukraine celebrates Constitution day to mark the adoption of the Ukrainian Constitution in 1996. But Ukraine's constitutional traditions go way back, to Kozak times.

In 1710 the Constitution of Hetman Pylyp Orlyk (1710) was adopted. It established a democratic standards for the separation of powers in government between the legislative, executive and judiciary branches. That Constitution also limited the executive authority of the Hetman and established a democratically elected Cossacks parliament called the General Council.



Bill Mahler
God never wanted religion to excist, she gave the universe and earth to us to enjoy and live our lives an what we did and do with her gift?

Preserving the Dnipro River: Harmony, History and Rehabilitation

Mother-child/baby/fetus relation is very different to father-child, cause women make the child in and with her own body, for a singlemom courtcase in which a progenitor claimed fathers'right, I calculated that his right was 1/60.000 billion of child, rest of woman, the man, lawyers and judge were amazed smile-emoticon I mostly agree with this article, where I think miscarriges can be felt different then abortions, depending on culture and upbringings, in netherlands some (wo)men see it same as condoms , and that in my humble opinion should not be allowed.
How affect unborn children born

seem those ISIS and Taliban-AlQaida infedels are afraid of history, but history can't be erased just falsified like Gulfstates, Saudi Ariaba, Israel and Putin does.

history : http://melom.by/article/8095   russian tartar not slavic

- росией hазывать московию een bloederige cheating тартарии-наследницы gouden horde wiens тоталитарный heerser бектербек petrus gaf het land voor een valse naam ' s pr en респектабельности,

- московию hазывать росией-het uit als обманщикам тартарии!

Russ-het oekraïne.

- het is тартария московия

Die aan de russen-oekraïne te maken had, behalve mijn slechte aard van vele eeuwen boven de mensen.

Russ-oekraïne eeuwenlang was juridische staat met выборными prinsen die arm niet onder controle, mensen.

- московия тартария eeuwen zijn кровожадными тиранами, маньяками die met mensen behandelde als slaven.

Een korte lijst oorlogen тартарии-московии (gouden horde) voor al haar шизофреническую verhaal (elk van deze oorlogen сопровождалась duizenden slachtoffers):

1471-1496-oorlog tegen новгорода.
1499-захватнический trekking op ural.
1500-1503-de oorlog tegen de eeuw.
1512-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1550-oorlog tegen казанского ханства.
1552-tweede oorlog tegen казани.
1556-oorlog tegen астрахани.
1557-de oorlog tegen de krim.
1558-1563-oorlog tegen лифляндии.
1579-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1581-militaire expeditie in siberië.
1590-1595-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1598-de oorlog tegen de han кучума tot siberische ballingschap.
1600-militair tocht naar de rivier обь in siberië.
1608-1618-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1610-1617-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1632-1634-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1637-oorlog tegen азова.
1643-1652-oorlog tegen china.
1654-1667-de oorlog tegen de polen, begin de bezetting oekraïne.
1656-1661-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1668-1669-oorlog tegen van perzië, iran.
1671-trekking op астрахань.
1676-1681-oorlog tegen turkije, de krim en in moldavië.
1687-de oorlog tegen de krim.
1689-trekking op crimea.
1695-trekking op de basis starten.
1695-1697-trekking op камчатку.
1700-1721-oorlog tegen syrië, begin vernietiging гетманщины.
1711-oorlog tegen turkije.
1722-1724-oorlog tegen of persia-iran.
1733-1735-oorlog met de polen.
1735-1739-oorlog tegen turkije, de krim en in moldavië.
1741-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1741-1743-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1756-1762-de oorlog tegen de duitsers.
1764-catherine ii ликвидировала гетманское staat.
1768-1774-oorlog tegen turkije en in moldavië.
1787-1792-oorlog tegen turkije en in moldavië, окупация de krim.
1788-1790-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1792-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1794-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1769-oorlog tegen van perzië, iran.
1799-oorlog tegen frankrijk.
1800-oorlog tegen engeland.
1804-1813-oorlog tegen van perzië, iran.
1805-1807-oorlog tegen frankrijk.
1805-1812-oorlog tegen turkije en in moldavië.
1806-trekking op sakhalin.
1808-1809-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1812-1814-oorlog tegen frankrijk.
1813-oorlog tegen georgië.
1820-trekking in kazachstan.
1826-1828-oorlog tegen van perzië, iran.
1828-1829-oorlog tegen turkije in moldavië, валахии.
1833-de constantinopel onderneming.
1839-trekking op хиву.
1843-1859-oorlog met чечней, дагестаном, черкесии.
1847-trekking in kazachstan.
1850-trekking op dat-kruiwagen.
1853-trekking op ak-moskee.
1853-1856-oorlog met turkije, frankrijk en engeland in de krim.
1850-1856-trekking op коканд.
1865-de bezetting tasjkent.
1866-1868-trekking op бухару.
1868-ik zie een vliegend tapijt окупация.
1873-1875-trekking op хиву.
1877-1878-oorlog tegen turkije.
1880-1881-trekking in turkmenistan.
1884-1885-trekking in afghanistan.
1901-окупация mantsjoerije ingenomen.
1904-1905-oorlog tegen japan.
1914-1917-oorlog tegen duitsland, oostenrijk-hongarije, bulgarije en turkije.
1917-oorlog tegen het saimaameer.
1918-de oorlog tegen de oekraïne.
1918-tocht, naar litouwen letland gaan en эстонию.
1919-trekking in wit-rusland.
1919-1921-de oorlog tegen de oekraïne.
1920-oorlog met de polen.
1920-1921-de bezetting georgi�, armenië en azerbeidzjan.
1929-oorlog met china.
1921-1923-голодомор in de oekraïne.
1932-1933-голодомор in de oekraïne.
1938-1939-oorlog met japan.
1939-oorlog met de polen.
1939-1940-oorlog met финляндией.
1939-окупация западноукраинских land.
1940-de bezetting бессарабии en zuid-буковины.
1941-1945-oorlog met duitsland.
1941-invoer troepen in персию, iran.
1944-окупация тувинской volksrepubliek.
1945-oorlog met japan.
1950-1953 de oorlog in korea.
1956-trekking in hongarije.
1960-betrokkenheid in de oorlog in laos.
1968-invasie van tsjechoslowakije.
2008-aanval op грузию.
2014-de invasie in de oekraïne.






draft law:


"03" July 2015

Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine

In a legislative initiative, guided by Article 93 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On status of deputy of Ukraine" and Article 89 of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine'm doing the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the draft Law of Ukraine "On the prohibition of the use of the historical name of Ukraine and derivatives of it words as the name or synonym of, the use of such names to describe the current territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof ".
Report to the bill at a plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will Korchynska MP Ukraine Oksana.

1. The text of the draft Law 5 ff.
2. Explanatory memorandum to 4 ff.
3. Comparison table for 10 ff.
4. Draft Resolution 1 ff.
5. Electronic texts of these documents.

People's deputy of Ukraine O. Korchynska
                                                                                                (License number 208)

explanitory note
the draft Law of Ukraine
"On the prohibition of the use of the historical name of Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, use that name to refer to the present territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof"

1. Rationale for adoption of the draft law
Today we have enough examples of openly hostile policy of respect to Ukraine, causing a stir in the societies of both countries, creating tensions between Ukraine and Russia at the international level and at the level of consciousness of ordinary people.
One manifestation of this unfriendly "imperial policy" of Ukraine regarding the use of the historical name is in Ukraine - "Russia", "Russia" as the official name of.
However, "Russia" and / or "Rus" is the historical name of the territory on which the modern Ukraine, and its use as an official synonym of an aggressive reminder to citizens of Ukraine "temporary" Ukrainian statehood, and encroachment on state sovereignty Ukraine.
The name "Rus" and derivative "Russia" is generally called the current Ukraine. The territory of present ever, a new time, not called foreign sources and local residents nor "Russ" or "Russia".
The term "Rus" is historically inherited phenomenon, as the name of the territory and people of Kiev principality Pereyaslavl principality and most of the Chernigov principality, which implicitly Numerous chronicles materials and Western historical and literary sources.
Ethnonym "Rus" or "Russia", used to refer to Ukraine's borders to illegal renaming Muscovy in "Russia" and continues to middle of XVIII century.
Western sources in the XVIII century, inclusive, Ukraine appeared under the name "Rus", and the people, including the Cossacks, called "rusami" or "rutentsyamy."
Numerous, reliable historical sources indicate that the name "Rus" and / or "Russia" can be applied only to the territories of modern Ukraine, but not be the official name of the state-aggressor.
Article 11 of the Constitution of Ukraine, determined that the state promotes the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical consciousness, traditions and culture, and the development of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of all indigenous peoples and national minorities of Ukraine,
Given the above, is the need to accept the proposed Law of Ukraine "On the prohibition of the use of the historical name of Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, use that name to refer to the present territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof".

2. The purpose and objectives of the Law
The purpose of the bill is to restore the historical and social justice, protection of historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, and promoting the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical consciousness, traditions and culture.

3. General characteristics and main provisions of the draft
Filed with the draft law provides for prohibition to use the historical name in Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, the use of such names to describe the current territory of the Russian Federation or any part of it in official documents of state authorities, local governments, businesses , institutions and organizations, including the documents representative offices of foreign business entities that operate in Ukraine, in public statements officials of state agencies, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations, including the statements of officials representative offices of foreign business entities that operate in Ukraine in the coverage of any information and creating information materials on the Russian Federation to the media and news agencies, educational, cartographic, reference, encyclopedic publications, advertisements, advertising, signs, road signs, in the mail, in audiovisual works distributed Ukrainian broadcasters and other areas where officially used the official name of.

4. The legal framework in the field of legal regulation
Implementation of the submitted bill after its adoption requires amendments to some laws of Ukraine, in particular:
1) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
2) Law of Ukraine "On the information agencies".
3) Law of Ukraine "On Television and Radio".
4) of the Law of Ukraine "On names."
5) Law of Ukraine "On Advertising".

5. Financial and economic assessment
Adoption of the draft law will not require additional expenditures from the State and / or local budgets Ukraine.

6. Forecast of socio-economic, legal and other consequences of the enactment
Adoption of the draft Law will contribute to the protection of national interests of Ukraine, historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, the preservation of the independence of Ukraine, restoration of historical and social justice, as well as the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical consciousness, traditions and culture.

People's deputy of Ukraine O.A.Korchynska



the draft Law of Ukraine
"On the prohibition of the use of the historical name of Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, use that name to refer to the present territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof"

The Criminal Code of Ukraine
Revision of the current legislation
Editorial legislation considering proposed changes
Article 1101. Using historical name in Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, use that name to refer to the present territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof
1. Using historical name in Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, the use of such names to describe the current territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof, in the official documents of state agencies, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations, including the documents representative offices of foreign business entities that operate in Ukraine, public statements of officials of state agencies, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations, including those in the statements of officials of the foreign business entities that operate in Ukraine in the coverage of any information and creating information materials on the Russian Federation to the media and news agencies, educational, cartographic, reference, encyclopedias, in ads, advertising, on signs , on road signs, in the mail, in audiovisual works distributed Ukrainian broadcasters and other areas which used the official name of the Russian Federation -
punishable by a fine up to fifty non-taxable minimum incomes.
2. Actions envisaged the first part of this article, if committed by a person who is a representative of authority, or if repeated -
punishable by a fine of fifty to one hundred untaxed minimum incomes.



The Origin of "Rus"
by Omeljan Pritsak
The Russian Review (July 1977), 249-273 (abridged)

ivana kupala
The holiday's traditions and beliefs are associated with pagan rituals which honor the Slavic God of the Sun. The name 'Kupala' actually stands for purification and fertility.





Embroidery is an ancient and symbolic tradition in Ukraine. In 513 BC, Herodotus, the famous Greek historian, in describing the invasion of Darius, mentioned that the Thracian-Dacian people who lived in what is now the Balkans and western Ukrainey used embroidery to decorate their clothes




On Khortitsa've found a unique discovery, which more than 4 thousand years
astronomical data helped ancient to measure time and seasons(astrology-starsigns have nothing to do with stars but with seasons-egypt had 3 seasons of 4 months, in every month they had 3 weeks of 10 days)like I do with clock/calendar :-) it made them feel part of and closer with nature then we do
BBC programs about the island Khortytsya


Ukraine is not Russia, cause Tsar Peter in 1721 renamed Moscovy Russia and stole that name and history from Ukraine.

So in fact there are no REAL russians now in "russia":-) and even worse those "russians" from "russia" are certainly not brothers of Ukrainian people as "russian" genetics found "russians" unlike Ukrainians are not even Slavic..
A person of Russian nationality, or the collapse of popular rasologii http://www.gumilev-center.ru/lico-russkojj-nacionalnosti/ https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Flico-russkojj-nacionalnosti%2F
http://www.gumilev-center.ru/russkie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii/ Russian not Slavs (Part III) https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Frusskie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii%2F

and when "russian" MOD said USA didn't want  "russia" to be a country I replied on MOD's twitter: Its really no country, but just a unvoluntary federation of 85 parts and  Moscow is the leech.

And that "russia" is also not succesor of USSR/SU, that are ex-sovietstates..

Why Russians do not Ruska and Kievan Rus, not Russia 

BTW, this url is blocked in RF a troll told me.... he got this: This resource is blocked by decision of public authorities of Russian Federation.
Try somenthing else as a 'proof :) he commented so I said if they block it, thats proof enough :-)



American geneticists established - Russian and Ukrainians are not blood brothers






Was Already earlier Discovered by russian Genetics, Russians are not Slavic people,
so CAN not be Brothers Ukrainians Which ARE Slavic people.
In FACT Russians are not even russian, Tsar Peter took Cause That name in 1721 and
Stole name and History from Ukraine. "Russians" are Moscovites, the Real Slavic Russians
are Ukrainians :-) since Links are with proof Considered spam here ??? Look at right Side reddit russiawarinukraine


http:John Perkins - Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption
Today, we spend the hour with a man who claims to have worked deep inside the forces driving corporate globalization. In his first book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", John Perkins told the story of his work as a highly paid consultant hired to strong-arm leaders into creating policy favorable to the U.S. government and corporations — what he calls the "corporatocracy." John Perkins has just come out with a new book. It's called "The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption."


Forbidden history of Russia
Aivazovsky painting "Distribution of food" written by the artist in 1892 – one of those who were not welcomed to the show in modern Russia.
On a Russian Troika, loaded American food, is the farmer, proudly lifting over the head of the American flag. The villagers waving handkerchiefs and hats, and some, falling into the roadside dust, pray to God and give praise America for help.
The picture is dedicated to American humanitarian campaign 1891-1892, to help the starving in Russia.
The future Emperor of Russia Nicholas II stated: "We are all deeply touched that we come from America ships full of food." The resolution, prepared by prominent representatives of the Russian public, in particular, reads: "Sending bread to the Russian people in times of hardship and need, the United States of America show, the most exciting example of fraternal feelings."

Ukrainian researchers have come across one of the most important discoveries in recent years as they accidentally discovered a set of megalithic constructions and pyramids in the peninsula of Crimea

Until the 18th century Russian Finnish were Muslims or stolen Kievan Rus. Parts I, II


Lost City found under water- Alexandria, Egypt.




The existing state system in Ukraine, left over from Soviet times, is corrupt and inefficient. While Western politicians decry Ukraine's lack of progress in reforms, we take a look, with the help of NKVD directives for Poland, into how its state system was formed. This document reveals the detailed ways in which freedom and efficiency were suppressed in countries of the Eastern bloc in order to ultimately create dependency on their metropoly, the USSR. Ukraine's success in reforms currently depends on the ability to either deconstruct or radically change this existing system.







Comes from Zoraster predecessor of Mithras, and copied by jews and Christians and Muslims

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAC40-wIBYc    1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jStA_EA21IM    2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5CbY9Wun10    3


Kyiv 996-1100 Moscow?


Historians have confirmed that the Ukrainian people were formed four centuries earlier than the Russian people. Both people throughout history have changed their ethnic name.
Ukrainians or Old Rus people were initially formed by three Slavic tribes from Kyiv region - for some time headed by rulers of Viking roots (10 century).
The Finnish people tribes formed the russian people then known as tatar people - because the people were for some time ruled by Tatar invaders (14th century).

Until the 18th century Russian Finnish were Muslims or stolen Kievan Rus. Parts III, IV

La Suite Sans Cravate by Véronique Bogaert.
La Suite Sans Cravate hotel by Véronique Bogaert is located in Bruges, Belgium.





Almost 350 years ago, Dutch inventor and scientist Christiaan Huygens observed that two pendulum clocks hanging from a wall would synchronise their swing over time...What causes the phenomenon has led to much scientific head-scratching over the centuries, but no consensus to date...A study in the journal Scientific Reports has proposed a solution: the pendulums transfer energy to one another through sound pulses...A pair of Portuguese scientists hypothesised that these pulses might move from clock to clock, perturbing the swing of the pendulums and eventually causing them to synchronise...











1000 year christianity

Vraag je je nooit af wat de russen stierven wonder-богатыри суворова in de alpen? Waarom zijn we громили fransen in italië?
Hoe napoleon eindigde in rusland? Alexander wanhopig was jaloers op zijn roem en bang landrotten revolutie. En frankrijk is niets bedreigde rusland.
Hij heeft in drie коалициях tegen napoleon en telkens werd bits-en onder фридландом en bij austerlitz. En elke keer napoleon had geen voorwaarden voor rusland-altijd bij почетом gevangenen losliet. En alexander plechtig napoleon knuffelde, noemde hem zijn broer en daar verzameld militie voor een nieuwe oorlog.
En met die gevechtssimulatie революциями we altijd расправлялись. Rusland redde oostenrijk-hongarije vanaf halveren, подавив венгерскую revolutie. Maar later, vier jaar na deze franz joseph weigerde het steunen van nikolaj i in крымской oorlog.
Maar je hebt zelf de reden voor het begin van de oorlog was крымской overheidsbureau wie zullen de sleutels van de kerk van christus in bethlehem-православным of католикам. En toen, na een lange aarzeling, de turken hebben de sleutels zijn de fransen, nicholi jezelf deelgenoot gekwetst heeft troepen naar молдавию en валахию. We hebben wel тяжелейшее nederlaag in de krim, verloren de vloot en bijna 150 000 soldaten vanwege оскорбленных gevoelens van de keizer.

Myths about Muscovy and Muscovians.
http://www.vitki.org/РУССКИЕ МИФЫ. Мифы о России и русских..html

Imperial chatter. 15 myths of the Russian history - the truth and the lies



Negen documentaire bevestigingen украинства
" prins van dr vladimir "
1) het eerste de waarheid is, dat is geen prins van " dr vladimir " nooit heeft bestaan.
Hoe schrijft alle ', in feite, vorst heette володымер (in andere plaatsen-володимиръ), En niets anders. En zelfs de stad vladimir in rusland, gebaseerd мономахом, tot de 17 e eeuw heette володымер.
2) en ten tweede, vorst володымер, in overeenstemming met dezelfde летописями, was de graaf " кыєва ". Voor мордово-мерянского bevolking (nakomelingen die maakt de meerderheid in het moderne rusland) al deze " володымеры ", " кыєвы ", " лыбеди "-naam diep бендеровские, precies паляныця, coy en uitspreken onmogelijk voor de russische kaak.
3) het feit: Vorst володымер werd geboren in een кыеви.
4) de vorst had володымер herb-тризуб.
5) het geld van vorst володымера was hryvnia.
6) de vader van vorst володымера " was een verschrikkelijke хохол " met een оселедцем святослав, en de moeder-" хохлушка " uit de stad любеча черниговского plank.
7) de vorst володымер tweemaal " накостылял " ouders московитов-вятичам om hen te laten betalen киеву.
8) gouverneur van vorst володымера wolf staart in het jaar 984 gemakkelijk brak voorouders московитов радимичей op de rivier een zanderige, waarna киевляне потешались dat " песчанцы vanaf z ' n staart rennen ".
9) de vorst володымер исколотил " tweede rome " en controleren киеву корсунь (vandaag op zijn plek gepost севастополь). Alle володымере een groot deel van de krim (hele oost schiereiland) gehoorzamen van киеву. Inderdaad, het is dringend необходымо te herstellen.

Icon of St. Vladimir in the Vatican. Ukraine is the only country in the world, whose coat of arms is depicted in the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul in Rome!



seize all assets of oligarchs it belongs to the people, just 68 billion debt, thats 1/7 of Netherlands with its 17 million people.

Remains of English Jamestown colony leaders discovered


Ancient Knowledge Pt.4 The Real Secret Of How The Pyramids Were Built & Coral Castle


For generations Latvians have known that the relaxing chamomile tea is much better when you actually pick a bunch of chamomile flowers and pour them with hot water. And the best horseradish isn't the one that comes in small jars from the supermarket but the one with juicy leaves coming straight out of the ground.

This time of the year, when everything is green and blooming, is perfect for gathering herbal teas and to learn more about useful wild plants. Towards the summer solstice they become particularly important as the knowledge about the power of nature goes hand in hand with our cultural traditions.

Today till 19.00 a special Midsummer Fair takes place at Dome Square in Rīga. It's a wonderful opportunity to dive into the diversity of natural goods, impressive flower bunches, garlands and oak leave crowns that are said to give strength to their owners.

I designed a 24hour/yearcalender which besides seconds, minutes,days also 365 day circle with days,months, STARSIGNS which time goes thru also btw, and thus depicts solstices, equinoxes,, I will use it also for special/birthdays with pins(mounted on pinboard), besides all this it depicts ofc at top midnight/end of year, at bottom midday, upper half is from evening till morning, rest is day ,every quarter of day/year gives either season or part of day, can also be used to count the years...Can also be seen as cycle of life, from birth to adolescent, mature life, elderly till the end... with it I will make some info on timekeeping, egyptians f.i.. had 12 months of 30 days, 3 weeks per month and 5 days at end of year festivities, but their year started when Nile flooded the land...will add also chinese and other starsigns..btw why we use 12 hour clocks? cause people used sundials with 12 hours, and at least in egypt waterclocks for other 12 hours..

But in fact it makes sense, there's 24 hours in a day, the total board is 40x60 cm, background is a late 18th century zodiacwheel from a old atlas, minute I saw it I thought he a clock in it !!! Starsigns are not only in a yearly cycle but also daily, ascendant is starsign where sun is at time of birth, and in popular magazines astrology sign is just that a weighed average of all ascendants. I myself was born CET 16.50, just in time for dinner smile-emoticon offcourse
and now expanding it, other starsigns, how and why relating, and want upper half from evening to morning in blue for night (moon), bottom half from morning to evening in yellow for day(sun), and he thats Ukrainian flag smile-emoticon

why do men have nipples? Because females do, female is the baseform of evolution (not male!) main reason behind mothergoddess religions before male-religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddism...http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-men-have-nipples/






top60 lies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exyEMqErriY benalvino1860
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R0gUGDVi1Q  eerste

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjToheC01SHpEc21EZTQ/view?usp=sharing  info ukr rtf
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTI0UjJ0ZW5nVUE/view?usp=sharing  info ukr pdf


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTd3MHM4N3VNa0k/view?usp=sharing booklist ukr .docx
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohM0M1WjFnV2JZZjQ/view?usp=sharing  booklist ukr pdf

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

ru卐卐ian kacaps army   Katsap



Het woord 'nazi' is afkomstig van NAtionalsoZIalist, de Duitstalige term voor een aanhanger van het nationaalsocialisme. De afkorting 'nazi' is analoog aan het iets oudere 'sozi', wat in het Duitsland van het begin van de 20e eeuw de volksnaam was voor een aanhanger van het socialisme. De term 'nazisme' is van 'nazi' afgeleid en wordt tegenwoordig gebruikt als afkorting voor nationaalsocialisme

die introduceerden fascisme

http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_48-49.pdf  14 signs its fascist





history see others

http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2015/02/debaltseve-has-fallen.html generals



VICE News is bezig met een driedelige serie over de aanwezigheid van het russische GHOST leger.

de trailer
op 1.01 van die video even die foto met blauwe baret bekijken
zie je deze

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfFhnqw0sE8 boris nemtsov

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqetCJW-GL4  vice part 1 of 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZfhpnOmLMk   part 2 of 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM8Zhb0h93k part 3 of 3


it's not civil war, its war from russia in/against Ukraine

"russia" /muscovy history is ONE  long serie of attacks on neighbours


Timothy Snyder is one of the world's foremost scholars of Central and Eastern Europe, and
the author of numerous critically acclaimed works of history, including Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler
and Stalin (2010), and The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 (2003).
During the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, he has been a visible public intellectual, addressing questions of
historical memory, narrative, and reconciliation both in his writing and through his public activism.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLDQYv4wM50 germany
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llcjv_gM3Ac incl. history russia+nazi allies ribbentrop-molotov

Ukraine: From Propaganda to Reality


Russia's War, Ukraine's History, and the West's Options

Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future


https://youtu.be/yoUkoGn7cRU?t=1h02m7s in a nutshell

Timothy Snyder: Ukraine is but one aspect of a much larger strategy that threatens European order

In Russia's invasion of Ukraine, history was presented as justification for war.
Is there any resemblance between Russian justifications and historical consensus?
What does it mean when ethnic claims trump international law?
And should hate propaganda be seen simply as an instrument in one war, or an element of a larger strategy to destabilize the West?

1.17 Poroshenko  after maidan counterrevolution

If a NATO/EU rapid reaction force of 20.000 was sent to east-Ukraine, neither annexation or INVASION of east-Ukraine would have occured and NEITHER over 6.500 deaths on Ukrainian side.
Does USA want a war in Ukraine? Despite Budapest Memorandum, and for what reason

1.24 If EU had own military besides or instead of NATO, and 1 rapid reaction force of 20.000
annexation of Crimea and war in East-Ukraine would never had happened..
(rf has only 70.000 soldiers to fight against)


Slava Ukraini!
"Slava Ukraini" means "Glory to Ukraine.




Ancient Tamil Civilization - Truths Hidden by The Indian Government
Flooded Kingdoms Of The Ice Age part three

Underworld, Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age I
Is a large comet that struck eart 13.000 years ago
the origin of all those myths and legends about a dragon or winged serpent?


Now following 2 leads 1, russian genetic that 300 years ago haplogroup changed for muscovy rules from R1A to Q, and arab geographer around 1000 telling on russ, south was populated with approx. 100.000 people at russ sea(black sea) and north was not populated just marshes and forest




finnic 800 CE
Suomalaisugrilaiset hielden zich zowel tot de 1500 e eeuw. In het noorden met wapens tegen de russen hadden nog 1934!!! Rusland vandaag de dag breekt in het midden van de volkeren en de turken suomalaisugrilaisten republieken riem. Rusland liep zo ongelooflijk veel achter komt pas in de 1700 e eeuw. Siberië zoals krim zijn geen russische ikiaikaisia regio ' s. Ik ontdekte het toen ik bezocht verhoturjen gebied, net ten oosten van komt. Het was de oprichting van grensstad. Daar is het is rasputins spirituele thuis in een klooster, waar nikolai ii bouwde een enorme izak bijna zo groot als een van de kerk in het klooster van de kerk als dank voor het is rasputins " diensten ".

Security released documents and photos uprisings against Stalin on the eve of the Holodomor
Більше читайте тут: http://tsn.ua/ukrayina/sbu-oprilyudnila-dokumenti-i-foto-povstan-proti-stalina-naperedodni-golodomoru-392895.html

Some nice maps of Ukraine, if you have BIG ones(above 4 MP) reply with url



Wijding van de basiliek hagia sophia, 537 ad.
Geef ons, christenen, onze toe aan degenen die haar zawłaszczyli die pogardliwie noemen ons " erg ".

european language families

The book under the title "Ukraine, Land and its People" was published in New York in 1918. Book on Demand, Miami, republished this book in 2015. The book is available in Forgotten books too. Author of the book Stephen Rudnitsky, Privatdozent of Geography at the University of Lemberg (now Lviv). In Austria this book was published in Vienna under the title "Ukraina. Land und Volk" in 1916. New York edition is English translation from Austrian one.
The author of the book Stephen Rudnitsky was sentenced to death by Russian NKVD (secret police) and executed in Crimea on November 3, 1937.




Muscovy, the people - the chameleon


The current Russian - unique people. Regardless of the origin of the blood, they are labeled with a single brand. No one ever tried to blind her today yesterday, killing her tomorrow.
Actually what we now call Russia, was born on the territory of Muscovy, Moscow principality, which was an integral part of the Great Horde.
All the princes and knights kind, took power of the occupier and gladly served as the servants of the great Khans.
Then, when the Horde began to fall apart, its focus has shifted to the Crimea, and Muscovy became a vassal territory, but with the prospect of growth.
Until 1700, the princes of Moscow regularly paid tribute to the Crimean khan.
However, in parallel, Muscovy expanded its territory.
Moreover, this expansion was due to the settings that were in the Horde.
Roughly speaking, the Horde was recovering. Somewhere in the West, has already started the Renaissance, it's time great discoveries born industry and science was restored, and Muscovy sought to restore the Horde, but under their own flags.
Then came Peter and became the king of Muscovy expand to the West.
Make it was not easy.
Half Muslim, Horde Power, very reluctantly unfolded his body to Europe. But the process has begun.
It is clear that Europe show bloodthirsty nature of Muscovy, Peter decided not to and planned to rebrand.
He decided to show that its roots are in the realm of Byzantium, that is - in the Roman Empire, exactly where the roots of all European monarchies.
To do this, he needed to have a link - Kiev and appropriate name - Russia. Muscovy Rus was only in 1721 to the highest order of Peter.
At this point, the process has begun for another past - Slavic, Russian.
Peter took to build the Third Rome - that is, to restore the past.

Yesterday's magnificent kind of the Golden Horde, who were the backbone of Muscovy yesterday and proudly bearing their names Horde became urgent perelitsovyvat under current trends, that is - rapidly "ruset"
And the descendants of the Horde lords became Russian (native) nobles.
Their partial list just incredible!
Yushkova, Suvorov Apraksins (from Salahmira) Davydova Yusupov Arakcheeva Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, Bibikova, Chirikovs. Chirikovs, for example, came out of the kind of Berke Khan, the brother of Batu. Polivanova, Kochubei Kazakov. Kopylov, Aksakov (Aksak - means "lame"), Musin-Pushkin, Ogarkov (the first of the Golden Horde came in 1397 Leo Ogar, "a man of great growth and a brave warrior"). Baranova ...

Their ancestry is recorded as follows: "The ancestor of the genus Murza Zhdan Baranov, nicknamed the bar, and by baptism called Daniel, arrived in 1430 from the Crimea." Karaulov Ogarevs, Akhmatova, Bakaev, Gogol, Berdyaev, Turgenev ... "Ancestor kind Turgenev Murza Leo Turgen, and called for the baptism of John, went to the Grand Prince Vasily Ioannovich of the Golden Horde ..."
This kind of aristocratic attitude toward tukhum Horde, as well as the kind of Ogaryovo (Russia their ancestor - "good name Kutlamamet Murza, nicknamed Ogar"). Karamzins (from Kara-Murza, Crimeans) Almazovo (from Diamonds by baptism called Erifeem, he came from the Horde in 1638), Urusov, Tukhachevsky (their ancestor in Russia was Indris, a native of the Golden Horde), Kozhevnikova (go on Murza-skin, with 1509 in Russia), bulls, Ievleva, Kobyakov, Shubin, Taneyev, Shuklin, TIMIRYAZEVO (Ibrahim was a Timiryazev, who came to Russia in 1408 from the Golden Horde).
Chaadaeva Tarakanov ... and continue to have for a long time. Dozens of so-called "Russian families" began to put the Tartars. But they built the lost Russia.
And after this perelitsovki and migration to the "Russian" canvas, Karamzin (see. Above) sculpt his famous story.
Tellingly, his entire 300-year history, the newly established Russia, trying to get out of the closet, two dusty corpse - the restoration of the borders of the Horde and the capture of Constantinople, for which he was in trouble.
After the revolution, the Bolshevik Russia has, with a sea of ​​blood trying to restore the Russian empire, and after the collapse of the scoop, Russia is trying to restore the Soviet Union.
Moreover, the people there were already familiar metamorphosis.
From comfrey Zhukva, oath of allegiance to the king and the country, to the nobility type Mikhalkov, when the Communists became Communists just spat and trampled the recent past, when the commune collapsed, princes and counts began to climb out of alleys, like cockroaches from the trash!
Those Mikhalkov, notebooks lackeys Bolsheviks are now columnar nobles and talk about the virtues of serfdom!
In this regard, to make a prediction. In a few years from that den under the abbreviation of the Russian Federation will have no choice.
But yesterday's "elite" will dig up the roots of Ukrainian and disown relations with today's tip.
As before, they are screwed to their surname "s" in order to become Russianized, then they will do the same, but with the end of the "to" or "PAA" to obukrainitsya.
However, these names Putin, Churkin and Lavrov - will not save anything.

Ukrainian warriors of all time.From soldiers to cyborgs.


Here's a link to a map of Russia with links to Skyscrapercity photo threads for every city (and many little towns too).

Monument voor Anna Âroslavnì, dochter van Jaroslav de wijze en gewoon prababcì alle Franse koningen in Sanlìsì, Frankrijk.

Als ze nu woonde, zei dat ze zou "Muscovy aan de Rus heeft dezelfde houding als een-Guinea varken aan varken.

Lenin's monuments still in Ukraine, waiting to be removed

Oranta Sophia as proof of millennial existence Ukrainian



The second of the eight myths Vladimir Putin has propounded to justify his illegal annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea is that Russia has "a historic right" to this territory, a claim sometimes is made in terms of law, sometimes in terms of ethno-national characteristics, and sometimes in terms of "the sacred."
But Moscow historian Arkady Popov says none of these claims stands up to close examination. And in a heavily-footnoted 7400-word article in "Novyye izvestiya" today, he demolishes them.

Moscow's claims of 'historic right' to Crimea don't stand up, Moscow historian Arkady Popov  says




Deze dag in de geschiedenis...

Robert Conquest wrote on the 1930s in Ukraine: "The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine," (1986), covering Stalin's campaign to bring Ukraine to heel and pay for industrial development by expropriating grain from peasant farmers. Millions perished in the ensuing state-organized famine and wave of mass arrests.
Together, his "The Great Terror" and "The Harvest of Sorrow" offered the definitive account of the crimes of the Stalin era.



Bakota, Ukraine terrific place that is worth seeing in their lives ... (Photo)

Who were first to inhabit modern south and east Ukraine? (INFOGRAPHICS) Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants.

Consecration of the church Hagia Sophia, 537 AD.

Artist: Atanas Atanasov, from the "Rulers of Byzantine Empire"; publishing by "Kibea", Sofia 2005.


ruSSia is about as relevent as Serbia.


The Whole Story Of Zionist Conspiracy [The Filthy History Of Pedophilia,Murder & Bigotry]
https://www.facebook.com/pierrefourtwenty pierre vn boetselair   (a real nazi?)




Geschiedenis замалчиваемая славянъ (wetenschappelijke feiten)

Zonder kennis van het verleden-onmogelijk toch beseffen het heden en de toekomst voorspellen. We weten: Mensen, zonder erfenisgebieden voorouders, kan ik overal krijgen. Negentig procent van de informatie over het verleden летописного russische volk, zijn oorsprong in kenmerken van vóór de tijd христианизации, van ons met jullie verborgen tot dusver.
Brengen alleen sommige замалчиваемые wetenschappelijke gegevens.

- in het midden van de 11 e eeuw, dochter ярослава wise, prinses anna is uitgegroeid tot de franse koningin. Maar elke van " wild " киевской russ vorstin niet dacht dat kwam in " просвещённую " europa en nam parijs, hoe groot dorp, over wat ze schreef in zijn brieven. Bracht ze mee naar lege provincie die dan werd beschouwd als frankrijk, deel bibliotheken, één of ander deel van de boeken waarin terug gegaan naar rusland alleen in, als ze eenmaal in een bibliotheek сулакадзаева. Na zijn dood, zijn weduwe verkocht aan een groot deel van bibliotheken романовым, na wat niemand meer over de boeken hebben niets gehoord. Slechts een klein deel van zijn bibliotheken kwam in de handen van andere verzamelaars, waaronder велесова boek waarmee миролюбов in het jaar 1942 maakte foto ' s.

- in 1653-1656 bekroond met de vanaf р. х. uitgevoerd religieuze hervorming патриархом никоном na wat meet nikon ' s snel " задвигают " in de schaduw, laten afzien van de originele вселенском de vanaf патриаршества. Maar waarom zijn " weg "?! Het punt is dat tot voor nikon christendom hoewel en was de openbare godsdienst, maar de belangrijkste массами russische volk geen quid pro quo snel, hoe heb je als een noodzaak. In die tijd mensen woonden in context orthodoxie-systeem vertegenwoordigingen en de norm van het leven славянского ведизма, gebaseerd op de wijsheid van vele millennia waarop kameraden werden de nazaten van soort hemelse en kleinkinderen даждьбога. Het christendom staal te noemen православным inmaken oren славянам, внеся een aantal oude православных gebruikt wordt bij rituelen in het christendom. Tegelijk met deze, in de zomer van 1682 jaar oud russ was geannuleerd местничество en werden verbrand alle родословные en de beroemde bits boeken, содержавшие verhaal staat benoemingen en прослеживавшие родословные знатнейших achternamen van het rijk.

- al peter i, werd gehouden door een ander groot hervorming. Achteruitrijden патриаршество, подчинив christelijke kerk rijk, virtuele door haar hoofd, petrus i, in de zomer van 7208 vanaf met. M., Bracht op land in moskou, russ christelijke kalender. In een handomdraai pen, live in de zin van het woord, de zomer van 7208 van de schepping van de wereld, optioneel petra, werd in 1700 jaar vanaf р. х.таким manier, de russen hebben gestolen 5508 jaar hun verhalen.

- in de keizerlijke rusland, sinds уложения alexei михайловича, er was een wet die tot " богохульную ", Ik bedoel " языческую ", Vertrouw de kombuis geloof, en tot de achttiende eeuw zelfs vuur (zelf бытование deze wet betekent wat media dit vertrouwen is niet zo moeilijk).
Is het het waard wonder dat vele monumenten изымались en zomaar verdwenen. Dus, in de vorige eeuw in sint-petersburg verdween heel support рунических boeken, behoorde aan собирателю erop dat de ai сулакадзеву.

- dezelfde standaard vatbaar voor en vondsten archeologen die niet in het schilderij общепринятую past bij het oude славянской verhalen. Zo, bijvoorbeeld revealed nog steeds in de vorige eeuw wrak бужского de heidense tempel met inscripties, рельефами nu niet worden onderzocht, ondanks het feit dat ik in een speciale literatuur ze werden genoemd, met zulke gezag, zoals academicus bd grieks.
Nog steeds komen sporen en rond nu изданных monumenten славянской vedische traditie. Nu ons weer proberen te overtuigen dat de russen mensen trots op te zijn, je bent niet in de middeleeuwen, geen nu zijn wij niet niets hebben gecreëerd, en alleen getraind door de aliens.

En hoe benefic misschien opvoeding moderne mens, gebaseerd op de " велесовой boek ", " бояновом гимне ", " het woord over de plank игореве " en de orale tradities folk! Man, hij liet op pad zo, anders zal het zien van mezelf en wat hij doet.

Op de liefde couth aan отчизне, zal hij een ware patriot, oké komt een onderscheid te maken tussen goed en kwaad, de waarheid en кривду. Hij voelt zich weer een deel van de natuur en kan niet levend wereld rondom jou beëindigen.
Uitbreiden bewustzijn persoon, in de taal van de woorden zullen vergeten, wist ik dat de wereld zal de nieuwe verf

Historische wortels russ-miljoenen jaren, de feiten:

- 1.997.994 voor christus. Eh.: Op de rivier aan lena hetzelfde oude nederzetting persoon-dearing-юрях.
In de 1983-1984 s. Ontdekt een unieke parkeren een oude man, 1-2 jaren geleden.
In september 1982 jaar op de oever van de rivier van lena, op 140 kilometer boven якутска, in een gebied dearing-юрях, expeditie politieafdeling tot siberische ballingschap en de sovjet-unie (baas yu. Молчанов), Op een hoogte van 105-120 meter boven de rivier stond open het meest oude nederzetting русов van iedereen die beschikbaar zijn op de dag van vandaag. Nederzetting bedoeld als " dearing ". By dearing раскопы capaciteit werkt niet een stok in de wereld. - voor het openen van meer dan 13 jaar met nieuws over ongeveer 32 vierkante meter культуросодержащего laag. Gevonden meer dan 4,5 duizend dingen materiaal van de cultuur van de eeuwenoude русов, waaronder-al, отбойники, verschillende wapens en anderen., Waarvan de leeftijd gedefinieerd in twee miljoen jaar tot nn dateren gedefinieerd. de beste moderne археологическими methoden en перепроверена геолого-геоморфологическим, палеомагнитным en andere " de meest betrouwbare methoden.
[verhaal siberië. Hoofddorp: Изд. Тгу, 1967., Academie voor wetenschap de sovjet-unie. Geschiedenis van europa met de oudste tijden tot onze dagen, 1988]

- 22.994 voor christus. Eh.: Op een hangar сибиряки eigendom van de kunst.
Het beeld op ангарских статуэтках vrouwen met uitgesproken монголоидными kenmerken leidt tot de conclusie dat de sprekers van hoge палеолитического kunst in siberië waren toch сибиряки die bij een boer woonden de hangar 25 duizend jaar geleden.
[новгородцев h. Met., Сибирская прародина. In mijn zoektocht naar гипербореи. M.: Witte альвы, 2006]

- 15.994 voor christus. Eh.: Hadden сибиряки lunar en sunny kalenders.
In het jaar 1972, bij de opgravingen ачинского (минусинская geheim you know) палеолитического kolonisten (18000 geleden), Ve ларичевым werd ontdekt sculpture garden staf van gepolijst een slagtand mammoet met rijen kleinste углублений, vorm het змеевидно извивающиеся tape op het oppervlak van de sway. Vastgesteld dat numerieke combinatie van sommige lijnstukken deden digitale rijen, соответствовавшие календарным gegevens. Die stok eindigde oude calendar палеолитического persoon, alle hulp die hij kon rekenen duur maanführer en zonnige van het jaar, maar ook duur perioden van de jaarlijkse rotatie vijf planeten-mercurius, venus, mars, jupiter en van saturnus. Deze kalender stond precies сибиряку tellen tijd zonlicht en лунных затмений.
[новгородцев h. Met., Сибирская прародина. In mijn zoektocht naar гипербореи. M.: Witte альвы, 2006]

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http://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/43186   vertaling?








Ehh that was ukr proposal after WW1, but they didn't get it https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Carte_de_ukraine_1919.jpg  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_during_World_War_I

Stalin made not one, but several genocides against the Ukrainian - American historian


Mercury, Venus, Saturn...align with the Pyramids of Gaza...
The last time this happened...
The Pharaoh's were alive to see it!!!
Here's the real thing. Venus (brightest), Mercury (below left) and Saturn (above right) as seen on December 3, 2012 by EarthSky Facebook friend Annie Lewis in Madrid, Spain.

I'm already here Mike smile-emoticon

https://www.facebook.com/mswitchkraft/posts/453976608123245 dancing gods


Why alcohol makes so many Asians turn red

From the diaries of Emperess Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova



God heeft geen religie. Mahatma gandhi.

En nog steeds god nee канонов, vijf pijlers van de en de regels niet цветастую kleren dragen. Hij kan me niet schelen of we eten appels tot спаса, koken of melk en het vlees van verschillende moordbord en accepteren of eten in een betere tijd dagen tijdens een van de ramadan. Hij vraagt niet lezen, намаз te snijden en geloven dat de wereld is gebaseerd op het lijden. Hij wil me niet onze twee weken post, gezicht, vol met vitaminen en вырезанная gat in de buurt van het harttarief in het teken van rouw voor усопшими.
Het is allemaal verzonnen zelf mensen: De goden слепили tekende pictogrammen en gaven van de witte steen ornamenten. Eeuwenlang waren religieuze oorlog roodharigen versnipperd vrouwen en degenen die dacht dat anders. Schreef honderden boeken, hebben duizenden regels en beperkingen. Veroordeeld iedereen die niet kan " миквэ ", Bidt niet voor de doden, op manieren протестантов en niet herkent литургии.
En niets tot en met 2000 jaar niet veranderd. We bestudeerden talen, gebruiken het internet, hebben een slimme eetstokjes en bewaren пуповинную bloed, maar blijven moorden, overvallen, liegen en haten, ondanks het jezus, кришну, mohammed en boeddha.
We vechten op straat en in privé-trein metro. Hebben honderden vijanden en de helft van een vriend. Verstoppertje spelen en подделываем stemmen. Maskers en kunstmatige kleppen. En hij is kapot vergeten, waarvoor we leven, ademen en сцеживаем melk. En zelfs geen namen aan voor je komst op deze aarde met enige taak-gelukkig!
God didn't wanted religion, he gave us Nature as a pic book to show what's it all about, all major religions started around 700 BC (christianity 700 years later, islam 1300 years later)  from nature- sun-ancestorworship after 800.000 years of mothergodesses, religion is now a political instrument and has nothing to do with any god. https://www.youtube.com/user/kerstmisification


Goths крымские en land, dori.

Waar is crimea waar scandinavië! Dit is duizenden kilometer weg die achttien eeuwen geleden was niet overwinnen minder dan voor jaren. Heb германских stammen om hun покинувших обжитые, maar перенаселенные van de aarde, dat is de reis duurde ongeveer anderhalf eeuwen. Aliens noemden de goten, en ze begonnen hun weg in de krim met berovingen en marine rooftocht. En dan met hen gebeurd is hetzelfde, en wat met de andere naties, приходившими op het schiereiland voor de trofee en nieuwe landen: Ze gaan wonen hier, staal bouwen kolonisten en het fort, en naar beneden de aliens hadden het over крымской готии, over het land dori, over светловолосых обитателях gebiedopneming aan de uitlopers van de kust.

In het jaar 84 wordt zomer sindsdien, zoals in de krim werd ontdekt door de eerste archeologisch monument, communiceert met de goten: In het jaar 1931 expeditie, onder leiding van een bekende wetenschapper volodymr блаватским, begin te graven in cape могильник ai-тодор. Zoiets nog nooit eerder in de krim gevonden: In die gaten неглубоких lagen амфоры обожженными met menselijke botten, zelden lichaam aanspoelen zouden pakken zonder dergelijke stembiljetten. Naast hen gevonden munten, puin aardewerk en diverse voorwerpen-wat, volgens de levenden, kan nuttig zijn dood. De studie van de goten achtergelaten op het schiereiland, leek toen интереснейшим richting archeologie. Wie wist dat van vele jaren van dit gebied wordt een taboe voor wetenschappers.

... Tijd is, zal ik je zeggen, dat is helemaal niet geschikt is voor wetenschappelijke hocuspocus,-juli 1942 jaar. Alleen wat duitse troepen was een wrak verdediging севастополя, door de stad doorgebracht конвои enorme zuilen gevangenen, en nu de " nieuwe meesters " hebt geïnstalleerdg regel. En op het plateau мангуп суетились mensen met pikhouwelen en лопатами-hier waren... Archeologische opgravingen. Special overgangsbepalingen onder leiding бригаденфюрера ss von альвенслебена en militaire officieren van kolonel perkament en kapitein werner баумельбурга (hij, trouwens, had een archeologisch ervaring) onderzocht een oude stad. Later overgangsbepalingen ging door de buurt бахчисарая en юбк, en de resultaten van deze изысканий uiteenzet браумельбург op uw werk " goths in de krim ". In feite, overgangsbepalingen was niet zozeer een wetenschappelijk, hoeveel politieke: Ze hebben het doel van het verzamelen van materiaal over германских ooit поселившихся vroeger op het schiereiland. Die zouden staven theorie over " неотъемлемых notice " оккупантов op crimea. Bestel overgangsbepalingen voltooid, zelfs перевыполнила, door een aantal крымских sterkste forten van verschillende tijd готскими. Door een aantal kranten, op dit moment in de krim zelfs regisseerde пропагандистский film over готах, in die binnenkwam en beelden de opgravingen.

Precies hetzelfde ik ruik de politiek over een paar jaar na de oorlog, wanneer, zoals vertelde dr historische wetenschappen igor храпунов, de sovjet wetenschapper was valproate " ontmaskeren onbetrouwbaarheid klaar " en het zoeken in de krim sporen van immigranten-een behoorlijke hoeveelheid cyrillisch. Volgens de archeologen раскапывавшие karakteristiek voor klaar voor de begrafenis, soms voerden parallel met de bekende славянскими culturen, en soms helemaal niet over высказывались supplies hun desbetreffende volk.

En hoewel ik kon heel veel te leren over de campagnes van klaar bij crimea, hun стычках met скифами en de inwoners боспора, rituelen, er is nog steeds heel wat witte vlekken. Een paar maanden geleden in de krim ging de internationale conferentie gewijd aan enkel gotham, связующему звену de krim en scandinavië,-wetenschappers besproken contacten van verschillende culturen, dat is me een vergelijkenis aangetroffen bij de opgravingen in verschillende hoeken van de wereld van voorwerpen.

Ontmoet op одежке op alle tijden. Het is geen verrassing, als goths geëvalueerdd valor en het welzijn van kinderen beschermen door... Je riem. Oh, in die tijd was hij niet zomaar een voorwerp met in orde met je kleren aan. Hoe kon de wetenschapper wordt geplaatst traditionele kostuum is klaar, zakken in hem zijn voorgeschreven, daarom ondersteboven aan zijn riem alle verschillende kleingeld-vanaf portemonnee bij mannen tot kleine spiegelservers готских schoonheden liefde. Grote zilveren gesp, ligula vaak uitgevoerd in de vorm van de hoofden van de adelaar, was onmisbaar element vrouwelijke kostuum. Misschien wel de grootste collectie van deze пряжек ligt precies in de krim, hoewel de afgelopen twee decennia aangezien мародерам heel veel dingen, illegaal выкопанных op het schiereiland, verscheen op de westelijke veilingen.

En de mannen, en vrouwen klaar gedragen door de gouden en zilveren oorbellen, armbanden, ondersteboven aan de schoonheid van уборам височные ringen, in beweging waren allerlei застежки-фибулы voor плащей, soms zeer dunne werk. Rooms-centraal en de beschermer van het duitse museum in de stad майнце (duitsland) dieter кваст meldde dat vaak dingen uit de krim verschillen hoger artistic vijfsterrenaccommodaties uitvoering, dan door naar andere plaatsen. Het is misschien te maken met het feit dat поселившиеся in de krim германцы перенимали ремесленные traditie van hun buren van de lokale stammen.

Senior dosent preekstoel archeologie копенгагенского universiteit (denemarken) ullah лунн-hansen uitgelegd dat een contact met de krim скандинавией прослеживаются op alle niveaus: Van dingen die staal militaire prooi en vervolgens eindigde in een погребениях, tot de handelsbetrekkingen en huwelijken. De meest gastheer vreedzame contacten waren vrouwen die aankwam trouwen, zodat het versterken van de militaire meubilair. Dus, in denemarken werden gevonden enkele vrouwelijke overblijfselen iii-iv eeuwen na christus, en погребенные in hen dames ongetwijfeld winst uit de krim-over deze wetenschapper vertelden gevonden voorwerpen.

De leider van de afdeling van archeologische sites regionale raad van west агдера (noorwegen) france-arne стюлегар vertelde dat onlangs op het terrein van polen lag een familiegraf готской edelen (dit kun je zien door rijke kostuum en de dingen in het graf). France-arne стюлегар, изучающий deze vondsten, suggereert dat de echtgenoot готского opperhoofd kunnen ontstaan uit de krim.

Twee decennia na de invasie in crimea goths hielden in angst боспорское rijk, ze gaan met een обжитых plaatsen скифов. Na verloop van tijd, roven en vernietiging сменились vakbonden nodig had en de handel. Op het schiereiland groeide fort gepromoveerd-centrum van het land, dori, готского staat. Weet ik niet precies, waar stond het fort, in sommige versies, op het plateau мангуп. Tegen die tijd готия bondgenoten sterke nodig: Crimea захлестнула wave nieuwe aliens, hun, en de vele. Ondersteuning van het land, dori verleende византия, en veel готских krijgers uit de krim gediend haar императорам.

Hier, op deze kust, zijn er land genaamd dory, waar zou zoiets nooit doen wonen goths... Land dori ligt op een heuvel, maar ze hebben geen камениста en geen суха, integendeel, de aarde is erg goed en brengt de beste fruit... Dus, hoe voelde dat hun terrein gemakkelijk toegankelijk is voor de aanval van de vijanden, iets te versterken besloot de keizer alle plaatsen waar je vijanden te treden, lange muren en op die manier heb vanaf klaar bezorgdheid over de inbraak in hun land vijanden byzantijns historicus en militaire handelenden прокопий кессарийский, vi eeuw Nn.

Nog een paar eeuwen gotham lukte je tong behouden, misschien en cultuur, hoewel hoe meer tijd kwijt, des te sterker растворялись ze onder andere volkeren, населяющих crimea. Van beieren soldaat johann шильтбергер die gevangen zit gevangen en niet vrijwillig повидавший verschillende landen (en was het in het begin van de vijftiende eeuw), Noem " goede gebied, именуемую готфией ", Waar is produceren goede wijn. Венецианец иосафат барбаро tientallen jaren later gaf:
Verder tot каффой изгибу, op de kust van de grote zee bevindt zich готия... Goths spreekt duits. Eerst in deze plaats waren alana, daarna kwamen goths; ze win deze landen en смешали zijn naam met de naam аланов.

Vierhonderd jaar later in таврической губернии onderzoekers zochten sporen klaar, антропологи beweerde dat onder de inwoners van sommige dorpen in geslaagd om de nakomelingen van deze natie. Gothic type eindigde " sterk het breedste bouw, ogen donker blauwe,, blond haar, met een vleugje рыжеватым... Teint, zoals bij alle blondjes, knuffelig, wangen en lippen vermiljoen neus korte, little ". Al in de chesterfield tijd antropoloog grigorij петров, участвовавший in expeditie naar эски-кермен, onderzocht dorp reizenden andere ver van de bewoonde wereld bereikt punten die misschien gevonden in het relatieve behouden hun этническое gezicht. Hij dacht dat sommige inwoners, называющих jezelf крымскими татарами, bewaard gotisch kenmerken: Hoog groei, lichte ogen, haar en huid.

Natuurlijk, later alle крымчан mengeling oorlog, uitgewezen, check in schiereiland переселенцами. Maar toch geheugen over mensen, пришедшем ooit van een scandinavië, сохранялась niet alleen in de vorm van de items van de opgravingen: Veel крымчан waarschijnlijk niet eens weten dat hun voorouders of waren de inwoners van het land, dori.


ukraine pics 1904


Het is een belangrijke заземление eigenschap van de natuur. We заземляясь научаемся leven te zien zoals ze is. We gaan niet in de wolken. En het leven begint te veranderen, er is iets aan de hand, mannen maakt... - заземлиться houden van de mensen die ergens in de buurt, ruimte, waar je woont. Leven, en niet wachten tot de perfecte voorwaarden.

De praktijk: Doe het zaken met plezier. Jouw huis is een bron en een manier om het verhogen van de vrouwelijke energie.

Universele vrouwelijk kwaliteit waarin in jezelf bezorgdheid, vriendelijkheid en de mogelijkheid om de ruimte te bewaren in een благости en zuiverheid. Het is de kwaliteit van de bazin van mijn leven.

De praktijk: Bescherm uw innerlijke vrede, na drie regels: Geen leugens meer. Geen woede. Geen poen.

Hoe minder komt achtige-energie in je gedachten, hoe радостнее zal leven. Probeer vandaag geen spoofberichten (en jezelf ook!), Niet boos zijn en niets te doen voor de winst.

Voelt om созидательницей heel belangrijk, als je wilt zien hoe je vrouwelijke energie heeft wonderen verricht. Weet je nog hoe genieten van een heerlijk diner met humeur hebt, inspireerde man, hoe nadat je wrok, mij leven veranderd. Dus jouw проявлялось kwaliteit tegen зидательницы.

Elke seconde elk van ons kiest созидать of niet verpesten. In gedachten, mijn woorden, gevoelens, handelingen.

De praktijk: Je hebt vast wel gehoord over zo ' n belangrijke dingen zoals te dienen. - het dienen van dingen die we doen voor anderen, niet te wachten in het antwoord van dankbaarheid of liefde.
Probeer vandaag opletten, welke stemming je вносишь in je ruimte-vreugde of verdriet, бодрость of woede? En bewust kies schepping. Doe iets voor andere van de ziel.

Dit is kwaliteit voor een vrouw niet verplicht is en de werkloosheid in een horizontale positie van het lichaam. - het is расслабленность afwezigheid haast, achtervolging, een worsteling.

De praktijk: Je zit in het tempo van mijn leven. Laat elk woord, beweging worden heel zachte en расслабленными. Geniet van elk hun actie.

Een vrouw kan genezen is één van hun woord, aanwezigheid, druk.

In de aard van vrouwen vastgestelde enorme voorraad liefde, tederheid en zorgen. We kunnen zorgen, om te helpen en ondersteunen. Kortom, de warmte zijn wonderen genezing van het lichaam en ziel. De genezing van de situatie.



Russian came as dialect after Ukrainian language not before


The largest known Neolithic period settlement in Europe was located in Ukraine.
s On the picture is a photo of reconstruction of trypillian house, based on archeological finds.



Georgia uncovers unique writings that may change world history


911 story of gander


The history of the evolution of the national flag of Ukraine. Infographics from 882-

Earliest religions were mothers(goddesses since 833.000 BC)-nature and sunworship as bringers of (new) life, was more factual then all those male myths religions..



Legende van onze voorouders.

Sprookjes пушкина geschil is mooi, nee. Maar en de noordelijke былички folk, ruwe poëtische genie, oude, rare, ook verdienen de aandacht.

De gepubliceerde gegevens legendes opgenomen in de 1970-1990 s. Sint-specialisten van de petersburgse (ленинградского) van de universiteit en sommige andere scholen zijn in het noorden tijdens диалектологических, этнолингвистических en фольклорных expedities over op de rus in het noorden.

#72. домовой-ta-ja, en er zijn домовой. Huis стережет, natuurlijk. Toen een koe in het huis van leiden, wanneer vertrekken in een nieuw huis of ziek wie, altijd met een домовым gesprek opgewonden. Of daar doet cho, en praat met ze, gewoon hardop, maar soms безобразит, ja.

Kan ' s nachts eten van vergiftigingen achtergelaten, en ze zeggen dat het gebeurt, ding wat redt zich wel, dus hij безобразит.

Mensen сказывали, en soms beweegt, ja daar stoelen переставляет. Hoe ziet, ik weet het niet, maar wat van meester lijkt, dat zegt, alsof het zo, misschien ook niet. En scott houdt, zodat ik niet gevallen. Garage? Dus dit is домовой. Alles wat die ander (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, ивановское, 1990).

#74. vrouw verteld. Ik zit op mijn rug naar de oven hef. Kwam zo ' n klein mannetje, een beetje van de vloer, en zegt: " over drie dagen de oorlog voorbij is ". De oorlog is voorbij en over drie dagen. Dit is домовой was waarschijnlijk (архангельская reg., Het zwembad à. , пинеги шардомень, 1984).

N° 76. домовой, meester zijn er zo. Hij is niet getoond, niemand hem ziet. Broer heb. Kwam, en hem leidt in de tuin en vind hem geen deuren. Had hem in de tuin, leidt hem gewoon in de tuin, heb het zelf niet zien. Mijn vader ontdekte воротечки en klopte drie keer, en hij ging (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, котецкое, 1990).

#79. is hij altijd bij ons woont. In de winter, zomer беленький коричневенький. Hier коровам трубочкой staarten weeft (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, ивановское, 1990).

#80. is hij, домовой, goede wil niet, en het huis van de beschermer. Als ik dit op de makkelijke en поругай hem, en ging de zaak. Wanneer gaan waar, huis, de afgehaald, zodat домовому goed toeven hier, dan huilen komt (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, ивановское, 1990).

#83. домовой woont in de onderwereld, onder de drempel, op zolder, harige, zoals de bosgeest, hij ademt, verzorgt haar mensen (архангельская reg., Het zwembad à. , пинеги шардомень, 1984).

#91. is de meesters. Ik herinner me, een was-mezelf zag. Zat in de oven, прялкой aan mijn wiel spin. In een geel платке-золовка bracht-witte trui. Aan mijn wiel spin. - zie ik zelf ga! Komt langs, hoe заулком [toont]- Daar [toont]. Het is net zelf ga. In een geel платке, witte trui. Hij nam. Ik heb de lamp погасила, van de oven in de deken met zijn hoofd завернулась-ik weet het niet, net als de nacht перекоротала.
Wat is er een onzichtbare kracht (uit wologda reg., District белозерский., Акинино, 1988).

#96. bij opa hier, een paard was wit, en nu домовой zal het vee, dus ik heb haar alles doet, en als dat niet zo, dus изведет. Dus hier is een paard is iets was wit. Hij komt opa in de stal, en heb een paard hooi gezet. " ' n-die-zegt,-je ложил?" - " niet-zegt dat ik niet ". En de andere keer en xhosa bij paard заплетена. Verstopte je grootvader, kijkt, man iets alsof hoog is, ja en liep naar paard niet iets, hooi hem gelegd en een vlecht заплел. Daar is opa kwam thuis en zei dat hooi домовой stadiumhepa (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, виджа, 1990).

#99. vader komt naar huis, en opa op dit moment slaapt zeker geweest. Ziet je vader, in de tuin een paard waard, en loopt iemand aan de buitenkant [karkas-winkelwagentje voor besvruchten, champignons]. Vader besloot-opa, verbaasd. Kwam thuis, en net voor de auto ergens thuis. Vader wakker grootvader, zegt, ik zag je nu in de tuin, je hooi droeg. We gaan ten varkenskot, keken, en hooi vers, alleen наношено (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, святогорша, 1990).

#100. als домовому приглянется klootzak, dus hij is een beest houdt, het is glad, koele. Nou, we zijn paard iets pigtails zullen worden. En als je het niet leuk vindt hij een dier, dan изведет zijn. Nou, de hele ochtend in schuim klootzak is iets. Nou, домовой iets klein bent, лохматенькнй, in de wol de hele (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, виджа, 1990).

#102.-ik mee van de gastheer was. Ik moet zeggen: " ging, en mijn baas bij mij ". Mijn meester, zodat ik hier kwam, en deze weg helemaal. Ze zijn op de tweede nacht vertrokken. Ik heb gehoord dat gefluit hoorde bonken op de brug [bridge-1) luifelgang; 2) de vloer, de vloer in сенях, op de veranda], Dan in m ' n zaak op de brug, затопотали. Niet één man. Rollen maar naar buiten en kom aan георгиевскому (вологодкая reg., Белозерский district, акинино, 1988).

#103. man bekend lijkt [дедушко]. En alleen een gelukkige (uit wologda reg., Белозерский district, меросло, 1988).

#104. дедушко домовой hebben. Wanneer in een nieuw huis verhuizen, we moeten vragen. Покланяешься: " дедушко домовой! Laat me los!" Geen попросишься, dus, zeggende, komt niet laten schrikken. ' s nachts in het huis, ruik je dat, dat gaat, en te zien dat er iets niet видиши. Als je niet weggaat, дедушко oproept, dus hij плаче. " kom op, en dan roep je,- - дедушко заманушко, kom met me mee ". En als het niet ok is, huilt iemand (архангельская reg., Het zwembad à. , пинеги кеврола, 1984).

#108. in het huis домовейка keer gehuild als iedereen weg, alleen zijn achtergelaten duck. Koe растелится, домовейка vragen: In de hoek чотыре spugen ja drie keer zeggen: " дедушко-домовеюшко, ga van m ' n теленоцка, zingen, eten, goede цисто, voor mij, op хозяюшку, verre van " (архангельская reg., Gebied, мезенский oest-пеза, 1986).

#109., een andere keer, want hoe быват. Als дедушко домовеюшко houdt van de gastheer, heeft hij hem косичку назади засуслит, заплетет, en je deze косичку waag het niet op het spoor is. Zelf заплел en zelf расплетет. En als расплетешь, hij is een heleboel kijken misschien en misschien en slecht.
Heb домовых iets eerder gezegd, hoeveel mensen in het huis, de zelfde heb домового en familie: Man, жона en kinderen (архангельская reg., Het zwembad à. , пинеги засурье, 1985).

#116. in elk huis uw домовой. Kleine-goede, grote slechte.


#116. in elk huis uw домовой. Kleine-goede, grote slechte. We пахали verkocht. Taka выползла toad groot. " raak, raak,-man zegt,-het домовой, meester stallen ". We haar terug te leggen. Welke хошь домовой kan worden. Klootzak ligt op заваленке, raak, zeggen ze. Wie weet wat dit is (новгородская reg., Любытинский district, своятино, 1986).

#119. ging ik naar bed, en de deur open gelaten. Gaat het katje, zoals снеговая, blank. Heb pootpoot op de vensterbank, opkwam. Terug langs me heen, ik heb haar, ze is, hoe batas, paperback (uit wologda reg., Кирилловский district, благовещенское, 1979).

De basis van het verhalen vertellen, meestal liggen de beelden en de verhalen die verband houden met een gevoel ведическими, oude cyrillische mythen. Wat повествуется, meestal is de verteller zoals имевшее plaats in feite. Het is allemaal de bijgevoegde oude verhalen groter had voorgesteld en onvergetelijke stuurde blik.

Misschien toch iets meer kracht in deze wereld?

In 1187 in Hypation Chronicle first appeared WORD "UKRAINE", and moscow/kremlin didn't excists even...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo19imJWN_M&list=RDOo19imJWN_M#t=26 dinosaur prank
http://cicret.com/wordpress/ skinnphone7

Hürrem Haseki Sultan
Ottaman Empire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIBO-meEtC8 THE HISTORY OF THE TURKISH AND OTTOMAN EMPIRE - Discovery History Ancient Culture (full documentary)
History of Turkey Documentary
Asia and Europe, has a long and distinguished record as a centre of civilization - from one of the world's first towns (Catal Huyuk), through the successive periods of Hittites and Trojans, Ionians and Lydians, Romans and Byzantines.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc5CsihlSO8 History of Turkey Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YVXs1LAenA Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was an Ottoman and Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and the first President of Turkey. He is credited with being the founder of the Republic of Turkey. His surname, Atatürk (meaning "Father of the Turks"), was granted to him in 1934 and forbidden to any other person by the Turkish parliament.
Atatürk was a military officer during World War I. Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, he led the Turkish national movement in the Turkish War of Independence. Having established a provisional government in Ankara, he defeated the forces sent by the Allies. His military campaigns led to victory in the Turkish War of Independence. Atatürk then embarked upon a program of political, economic, and cultural reforms, seeking to transform the former Ottoman Empire into a modern, secular, and democratic nation-state. Under his leadership, thousands of new schools were built, primary education was made free and compulsory, while the burden of taxation on peasants was reduced. The principles of Atatürk's reforms, upon which modern Turkey was established, are referred to as Kemalism.


12 Native American Astrological Signs
and Their Meanings -

The Native American tribes share a spiritual connection with nature, in the sense that nature plays a crucial role in deciphering the cosmos that consists of highly enigmatic elements in it. The Algonquin stance, "your birth date is the first drum beat of a fantastic ceremonial dance of life", just shows how the Native Americans associate life with a celebration, they celebrate and honor everything that breathes, be it human or animal. They observed the flora and the fauna, their strengths, their weaknesses, and sought powers from them to perform difficult tasks. For example, because a bat has the ability to see clearly in the dark, they (Native Americans) invoked its spirit to gain the power to see their prey clearly during a hunt in the night.

When it comes to astrology, an animal totem was assigned to those born within a given time period. It is believed that these people share the traits of the animal symbol they are born under .

"You make your way through life in-step with your animal counterpart. The two of you dance a pattern that weaves your life experience. And although you will have more than just one animal alliance, these birth animals are always available to share wisdom and help you with your evolutional growth in this lifetime. "
― Avia Venefica

Otter (Jan 20 to Feb 18)

Element: Air
Western Zodiac: Aquarius ♒
Color(s): Silver
Stone/Mineral: Silver or Turquoise
Traits: Unconventional, Independent, Friendly
Compatible With: Deer, Raven, Falcon

The otter is an unconventional creature which behaves differently than its closest kin, the weasel. The traits of those born under this symbol are quite similar to this totem. They are highly creative, friendly, independent, and tend to view life in a way that is seldom understood by others. They are intuitive beings and tend to look beyond what may meet the eye. They are not afraid to experiment and are highly witty by nature. Because of this, many people may take them to be stupid or foolish, only to realize that their eccentricity got them to the right path.

Wolf (Feb 19 to Mar 20)

Element: Air and Water
Western Zodiac: Pisces ♓
Color(s): Blue-green
Stone/Mineral: Turquoise or Jade
Traits: Sensitive, Intuitive, Generous
Compatible With: Bear, Woodpecker, Snake

Though we all tend to see the wolf as this lone, dangerous, and deadly creature, the Native Americans see it as a generous and caring creature. Those belonging to this clan are highly sensitive to their surrounding environment, like the wolf. Every positive or negative energy will affect them, which is why they are likely to lose themselves in the joy or troubles of others. A wolf is also a hunter who is strongly attached to its pack. Similarly, the bearers of this animal totem tend to hunt for spiritual fulfillment and the meaning of life. They belong to their pack, and a loss of any of its member, or their permanent lover, can prove to be devastating for them.

Wolves will sacrifice themselves to fulfill your needs. Their gentleness and generosity will make life seem to be a lovable journey indeed!

Falcon (Mar 21 to Apr 19)

Element: Fire
Western Zodiac: Aries ♈
Color(s): Yellow, Green
Stone/Mineral: Opal
Traits: Powerful, Spontaneous, Sapient
Compatible With: Salmon, Owl

A falcon is viewed as the fearless leader in Native American astrology. This creature is powerful, clear-eyed, and is not afraid of the turbulent winds of life. What makes the members of this clan born leaders is their ability to clearly look through the fogginess of a situation. They can weigh the pros and cons of any undertaking and are highly efficacious when it comes to getting a clear shot at their aim. They are persistent, stubborn, and confident. They will not hesitate to initiate anything that seems right to them. They are the perfect role models for other signs that are hesitant and have doubts about their judgment. They are also the ones who instill passion and fire in the environment.

Beaver (Apr 20 to May 20)

Element: Fire and Air
Western Zodiac: Taurus ♉
Color(s): Yellow, Blue
Stone/Mineral: Jasper, Hematite
Traits: Practical, Hardworking, Reliable
Compatible With: Goose, Woodpecker, Bear

It is remarkable how the beaver is highly strategic when it comes to digging underground tunnels and structures to create a safer haven for itself, free from the hardships and troubles of the outside world. Those belonging to this sign also believe in acquiring material possessions to live a comfortable life, free from misery and limitations. Which is why, they tend to use their heads while making decisions. They tend to go with the already established norms, and are not quite the risk takers. They are great providers, ensuring that their loved ones have all their materialistic and emotional needs fulfilled. They are also very helpful and loyal to the ones they love.

Deer (May 21 to Jun 20)

Element: Fire and Earth
Western Zodiac: Gemini ♊
Color(s): Yellow, Blue
Stone/Mineral: Agate
Traits: Moody, Intelligent, Conversationalist
Compatible With: Raven, Otter

The deer is an enchanter that grabs everyone's attention. It is admirable for its looks, sharp senses, and swiftness. You will hardly find this creature steady at one place as it is always on the move, just as the member of this clan. Those born under this symbol are highly inquisitive in nature, which compels them to constantly move from one place to the other. They are also very particular about their appearance and tend to be well-groomed. Being quite sharp and intelligent, they can engage practically anybody in a great conversation, which makes them great hosts. They are constantly looking for stimulation and excitement in life, which makes them highly moody and fickle-minded.

Woodpecker (Jun 21 to Jul 21)

Element: Water
Western Zodiac: Cancer ♋
Color(s): Pink
Stone/Mineral: Carnelian, Rose Quartz
Traits: Protective, Sensitive, Supportive
Compatible With: Snake, Wolf, Beaver

Woodpeckers are known to provide the perfect nest for their offspring that consists of anything and everything that they need to thrive. So are the members of this clan. They are highly protective and supporting, playing the part of the much-needed listeners who empathizes and understands with love and patience. They are totally devoted to their loved ones and will shower all their love and care to them without fail. However, they can be overtly protective and jealous at times.

Salmon (Jul 22 to Aug 21)

Element: Fire and Water
Western Zodiac: Leo ♌
Color(s): Red
Stone/Mineral: Carnelian
Traits: Proud, Energetic, Confident
Compatible With: Owl, Falcon

The Native Americans take inspiration from the salmon in many ways, one of them being the difficult journey it takes in its lifetime to find the perfect spot for reproduction. Those who bear this totem are known to have a salmon's traits of being highly determined, focused, and enthusiastic about their goals and ambitions. Their willpower is unvanquishable, and so is their power to influence others. These clan members will easily spark the spirit of others and make them a part of their quests in life. They are also very creative and friendly in nature, and always find the kind of moral backup that they need in their lives. In a good environment, they can be quite generous, helpful, and loving.

Brown Bear (Aug 22 to Sept 21)

Element: Water and Earth
Western Zodiac: Virgo ♍
Color(s): Brown, Purple
Stone/Mineral: Topaz
Traits: Practical, Modest, Dutiful
Compatible With: Goose, Beaver

The bear is looked upon by the Native tribes as a creature who is methodical, intuitive, and levelheaded. This ability of the bear makes its clan members great mentors, especially when it comes to making others listen to the voice of reason. The practical and modest demeanor of these people makes them great confidants as they are always able to understand and decipher the important details of a coiled up situation. They are also very generous and giving to those they love and care for. They have a big-heart, patient attitude, and an intellectual and inquisitive mind. They have great analytical abilities which makes them great advisers.

Raven (Sept 22 to Oct 22)

Element: Earth and Air
Western Zodiac: Libra ♎
Color(s): Brown, Blue
Stone/Mineral: Jasper
Traits: Peace-loving, Friendly, Diplomatic
Compatible With: Otter, Deer

Ravens are known to balance the extremities of two sides. The Native Americans believed this bird began its life as a white bird. However, as it grew, some wrong actions and sacrifices changed its color from white to black. Hence, this totem is also symbolic of our outer as well as inner self. Those born under this clan are peace-loving creatures who strive for harmony and unity in the environment. They often act as the wise old men of the group, whom others look up to for opinions and advice. They are good at avoiding and resolving conflicts, which is why, they share good terms with almost everybody.

Snake (Oct 23 to Nov 22)

Element: Water and Earth
Western Zodiac: Scorpio ♏
Color(s): Violet, Orange
Stone/Mineral: Amethyst
Traits: Impulsive, Secretive, Spiritual
Compatible With: Woodpecker, Wolf

Snakes are perhaps one of the most feared-yet-mysterious animals among all, and the same mystery is observed in those born under this clan. If you carefully observe the snake, its ability to be present around us without any evident sign, shows the secretive nature of this reptile. Also, its ability to rejuvenate itself at regular intervals is what makes its clan members excellent healers, be it at a physical, spiritual, or emotional level. These people may be quite a challenge to understand, which is why, they may always be doubted for their actual intentions.

They are spiritual beings, meaning, they always find themselves connected to the ethereal elements of this world. If they have a positive outlook towards others, these individuals can be extremely loving, caring, and supportive to the needs of others. Mess with them, and you will get their powerful and deadly strikes .

Owl (Nov 23 to Dec 21)

Element: Earth and Fire
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius ♐
Color(s): Gold, Black
Stone/Mineral: Obsidian
Traits: Adventurous, Broadminded, Independent
Compatible With: Falcon, Salmon

An owl is admired for many of its unique qualities, including its natural ability to look clearly in the dark. This is the reason why individuals belonging to this clan have the potential to gain immense wisdom and philosophical enlightenment in life. They are great listeners and are very good at imparting advice when it comes to life and its meaning. It is interesting to note that the members of this clan are quite like and unlike their animal totem. This is because they are party animals, highly social and outgoing in nature, especially when it comes to going out at night.

Goose (Dec 22 to Jan 19)

Element: Earth and Air
Western Zodiac: Capricorn ♑
Color(s): White, Silver
Stone/Mineral: Quartz, Peridot
Traits: Dependable, Ambitious, Methodical
Compatible With: Beaver, Bear, Raven

The goose is admired for its ambitiousness and reliability. These birds are also very methodical in their way of living. Have you ever noticed how they travel in a group? They fly in a V-shaped formation, where the strongest female among the lot is the leader, followed by the second-strongest, third-strongest, and the like. This strategy is favorable when it comes to breaking the wind and paving way for the others behind. The V-shaped formation also helps the geese flying behind to view their path clearly. Which is why, the bearer of this totem are totally driven towards achieving their goals and invariably succeed at any cost, due to the strategic and methodical approach in life. It is said, that if you need something to be done, the goose will do it for sure. These people make great business leaders and are known for their practicality and seriousness, especially when it comes to work. Towards their family and loved ones, they can be highly generous and kind, ensuring that they provide their dear ones with all the resources, be it tangible or intangible.


Native Americans adore animals. We believe that animals are messengers of the superior power that governs the world, and it was by observing and communicating with them that one can evolve and unlock the mysteries of the world.

We don't really know why only these 12 animals were chosen as the astrological symbols of birth, what we know for sure is that, they did an impeccable job at coming down to these animals among the many, and associating human demeanor with their traits. If you carefully sum it all up, the traits of us humans and animals are not so different after all!

CIA-Mossad-MI5 plans for Greater Ukraine leaked. In Russian.
Thanks Eduard Shevchenko



no holodomor mice eat the bread?

http://russia-insider.com/en/one-pager-latest-developments-russia-rf-sitrep-20150827/ri9402 kremlinmedia


http://xn----7sbffg7cecoh3b.xn--p1ai/index.php/component/k2/1411-oberegovaya-vyaz  zie de klok
7523 sinds?


http://ukraineistoria.blogspot.com/2015/08/blog-post_31.html  cossacks






op 8 September 1514 versloeg jaar Oekraïne Rusland in de slag bij Vorsja. 8.09.1989-in Kiev begon de stichtende Congres van de nationale Mirza van Oekraïne voor de wederopbouw














Berehynia of Bereža is een van de oudste en meest gerespecteerde symbolen in onze voorouders, zijn genetische wortels bereikt de diepte van eeuwen. Het is een symbool van leven en de vruchtbaarheid, het symbool van moeder natuur, de moeder van alle dingen, die tot leven wekt en beschermt de (bescherming van) onze familie haard. Virâdžaûči mannen en zonen in moeilijke wandelingen, moeder, vrouw en geliefde gaf hen een geheugen van deze uitstekende charmes-handdoeken van oberegami te leven keerde terug naar hun eigen huizen.

De afbeelding van de beschermer om ons naar ons kwam in borduurwerk: op de ceremoniële handdoek in vrouwen de kleding Zie gestileerde vrouwelijke figuur met verhoogde van handen (bescherming)-de weg van pokrovitel′nicì ziekten en menselijk lot. Soms, holding in de handen van de beren een bloem-een symbool van rijkdom en welvaart, of vogels-waarzeggers heldere lot en familie geluk. In het midden van de shape ook zobražalasâ bloem, symboliseert de zwangerschap of het kind. Zeker, ging vandaar zeggen "kinderen-het is de bloemen van het leven." Vaak, huisvrouwen pìdmìnâla ìdeograma-diamond met haken-agrarische symbool van vruchtbaarheid, magische oberìgal′nij teken (Oekraïense schorten is soort van een "slap aftreksel" van dit motief).

Op een moment wanneer onze verre voorouders in kleine nederzettingen onder doof bos in najtâžkih opzicht leefden, was de sleutel tot overleven de aanwezigheid van een groot aantal kinderen die op de boerderij worden zou. Vestigen op de aarde zou alleen sterke families en clans, waar vele werknemers voor rozkorčovuvannâ bos, ploegen, bouw van gebouwen, enz., dus de cultus van gezonde, sterke vrouw, kunnen om de geboorte van gezonde kinderen, was niet groot.

Bereginya is, mensen van alle kwaad, "huis" van de godin, zoals dat heet, die de huis, kleine kinderen, het welzijn van de familie beschermt. De vrouw in het begin was het woord, en haar Beregineû, warm en mooi lìkuvalo en povertalo, de vrouw-als een symbool van het leven zelf het wezen van aanbidding in de grijze oudheid was. Het is een vrouw die door God aangesteld om opslaan van de familie, kinderen, liefde, comfort, harmonie... Het is dat een kwetsbare vrouwelijke schouders "zijn de drie hoeken in het huis", zoals terecht opgemerkt door de folk wijsheid. Echo's van haar vinden in dergelijke woorden als: "de kust", "berk" (de boom voogden Frets), "bereženij", "beschermen", "charmes", enz.

Het symbool van de hoeders veel ouder voor zijn vereenvoudigde prototype-Rune Odal in Nazi-noordse tradities, het is bekend uit Tripoli, de cultuur die de vrouwelijke symbolen doordringt. Vrouwelijke voorlopercellen wordt vertegenwoordigd door de beelden van de klei povnotìlih volwassen vrouwen bevallen. Buik Protector bleek de diamant, verdeeld načetvero met stippen (zaden binnen)-een symbool van ingezaaid met vakken. Ook zijn veel van de trypilian statuetkah verticaal, rechte, zigzag-anker en golvende lijnen die gekoppeld aan de tekenen van stralen van de regen en stromend haar vrouwen performers en tanks zijn.

De Trypillian Bereginya was niet alleen de eigenaar van de hemel, maar het geheel van de natuur, de Meesteres van de hemelse wateren, het afhing van vruchtbaarheid. Onze voorouders het geschilderd op de muren van hun woningen, de pisankah en andere rituele objecten, vilìplûvali van klei. Onder de trypillia zijn nederzettingen bekend voor het vinden van de vrouwelijke beeldjes. De meeste van hen hebben een religieuze doel.

In houten rìz′blennì van Kyiv Rus voldoet ook aan de hoeders van karakter, maar hij was een sterke styling en vereenvoudiging, evenals de tools en technologie van de tijd uniek verhinderd portretteren alle elementen van dit symbool.

Het symbool van de boom van het leven en de hoeders toeschrijven, vaak deze tekens zijn vzaêmozamìnûût′ elkaar. In dit verband op de voeten van vrouwelijke beeldjes rozmìŝali teken van de aarde. De voeten van de godin is de wortels van de bomen die in de aarde. Huisvrouwen afgebeeld en zmìênogoû, evenals de land-hun God van de onderwereld Navi-Âŝura of slang. Dienovereenkomstig, het bovenste gedeelte van de boom werd geassocieerd met het hoofd van de godin.

Uit verschillende bronnen bekend namen van voogden: leven, Dana, LADA, Lelâ, diva, een oudere vrouw, Rozhanytsya, Moksja. Van X, dat wil zeggen, werd met de komst van het christendom, de symbolische waarde van de wachters (Venus, Rožanicì) vertaald in een beeld van de Maagd, Oranta, die ook verbeelden met armen verhoogd tot de hemel, net als een oude huisvrouwen. In het mom van Oranta man všanovuvala de natuur, všanovuvala leven, een prestatie van het moederschap.

Dus, het symbool van de wachters is heilig voor ons, Oekraïners, de genetische code, die in de werelden van natuur en schepping, en de bescherming, is omdat het eeuwige vernieuwing en harmonie van het menselijk leven.

This Russia, or about what the Russians are afraid to remember







Neanderthals Made a Last Stand at Subarctic Outpost?

"Tool kit" may put Neanderthals in northern Russia—surviving later than thought.

By John Roach, for National Geographic News

PUBLISHED SUN MAY 15 19:04:00 EDT 2011

A hardy band of Neanderthals may have made a last stand for their species at a remote outpost in subarctic Russia, a newfound prehistoric "tool kit" suggests.

The Ural Mountains site "may be one of the last [refuges] of the Neanderthals, and that would be very exciting," said study leader Ludovic Slimak, an archaeologist at France's Université de Toulouse le Mirail.

Neanderthals dominated Europe for some 200,000 years until modern humans began moving into the region about 45,000 years ago. The two human species likely shared space for a while, but it's a mystery what happened during that period, how long it lasted, and why Homo sapiens prevailed in the end.

The dating of butchered mammoth bones and sand grains that surrounded the tools suggests the settlement was last occupied about 33,000 years ago. Both types of artifacts were radiocarbon dated and luminescence dated—a technique that determines when material was last exposed to sunlight.

By 33,000 years ago, all or most Neanderthals are believed to have died out. But the Byzovaya tools match those made and used by many Neanderthals, a signature tool kit of scrapers and flakes created by banging rocks together—what's called Mousterian technology.

PS This is another reason why I call them - the savage, uncivilized, pagan, "uneducated barbarians in the kremlin".

Thats a insult to Neanderthal, who had larger brain then modern day men, but were too specailized on surviving Ice-ages, btw the Ket people in Krasnoyarsk_Krai, Sibera are the one surviving with the most pure Cro-Magnon features, and yes all modern day men except African have some neanderthal in them. :-)

The chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Ravil Gainutdin said that Russia is the legal successor of the Golden Horde, at the opening of the new mosque in Moscow.




Myths on Ukrainian language

VIDEO:from Russia .. The earth began to move
Something really weird is going on in the earth's atmosphere. Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth's core or HAARP?
People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomens. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on? Can it affect a human evolution? What do you think about that?
Watch the video and judge for yourself

In the Black Sea found the world's only underwater river
British scientists have found the bottom of the Black Sea's only the ocean underwater river. This discovery made by scientists from the University of British city of Leeds who conducted research on the spot.

7 most exciting caves Ukraine.

The caves have always attracted and even a little scared people with his mysteries and beauty.

In Ukraine, the largest caves in the Crimea and western Ukraine.


Of the nearly 45.000 religions and sects there are 38.000 christian, Have to agree to disagree, if Jesus ever excisted he was a Jew, catholic was named as such in year 110 : Catholic was first used to describe the Christian church in the early 2nd century.[19] The first known use of the phrase "the catholic church" (he katholike ekklesia) occurred in the letter from St Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans, written about 110 AD.[note 3] In the Catechetical Discourses of St. Cyril of Jerusalem, the name "Catholic Church" is used to distinguish it from other groups that also call themselves the Church.[20][21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church btw I'm catholic from birth










we weten nog niet de helft van de geschiedenis, er zit nog veel meer in de grond, ik zei tegen de archivaris dat als Oud Vossemeer al in 1200 bestond (en niet pas begonnen in 1410) dat zeker voor Bergen op Zoom moest gelden,http://www.bndestem.nl/regio/bergen-op-zoom/de-stad-is-duizend-jaar-ouder-dan-gedacht-1.707265  en dat klopte ook, in de romeinse tijd begin jaartelling werd daar al gewoond http://archeologieboz.nl/oud/nieuws.htm http://www.bndestem.nl/extra/dossiers/van-bergse-bodem-hoopje-waardeloos-hout-bleek-zeldzame-klotendolk-1.629458 Bij Poortvliet bleek dat 3200BCE aan e Kadijk al mensen woonden, die hadden een takkenpad gelegd over de moerassige ondergrond... Fascinating...zou Spock zeggen grinik



De nationale taal-borg staatsveiligheid

Wil je weten waarom кремлёвский project "недороссия" vanaf донбасса naar odessa gezet misiukking en waarom russische agressie kan niet verder geen grenzen en de krim донецкой en луганской gebieden?

Kijk goed op de kaart-crimea, alsmede donetsk en луганская gebied zijn de enige регионами oekraïne, waar zijn de scholen met oekraïense taal leren minder dan de helft.

En dat is geen toeval. Op school met de overheids-taal leren kinderen прививается liefde en respect toegevoegd aan de oekraïense, onderhoud aan de oekraïense verhalen en aan de oekraïense cultuur. Op school met de russische taal leren прививается liefde aan een ander land, en aan de staat geen negatief, de plaatselijke cultuur en geschiedenis. Naar school met een overheids-taal leren hun kinderen geven mijn ouders-patriotten zijn thuisland, die misschien zelf als русскоязычными, het is nog steeds willen dat de kinderen wisten de taal van je land. Naar school met een russische taal leren hun kinderen die hun ouders geven die ze zien je toekomst in rusland, in tn "русском wereld". Dat is alles.

Hier, in feite, waarom niet waard van russische tanks en waard van russische terroristen staat in geen харькове, noch in zaporozhye, noch in одессе. Omdat de meeste volwassenen daar-patriotten oekraïne. Want daar is predominantly jeugd leert van de nationale taal. En tot молодёжью-het heden en de toekomst van het land.

Welke van deze doen onttrekkingen ons казакстане? Geeft meteen hun kinderen naar school met een overheids-taal leren. Als je dat niet wilt dat uw stad en uw gebied gekomen zijn "redden" (lees fortune en vernietigen) gewapende de russen en lokale lullen-гопники.

Qazaq Elinde – qazaq tilinde! Qazaq tilin üyren!

Of лайк delen, als je het ermee eens.

World is ruled not by truth but by hypocrisy, war & poverty can be solved in weeks/ a month..even walking on water is not truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q9vgBEn5fA&list=PLarj2-qKoqrjd6KbrAEVBNJhV2PCkpzN5

On October 11, in the territory of St Sophia in Rome, the monument to the Holy Great Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv, Baptizer of Rus-Ukraine is to be unveiled. The rite of inauguration of the memorial will be held on the occasion of the millennium of the repose of the great Kyivan Prince will be performed by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the UGCC Primate.
It should be noted that the author of the monument to the Holy Great Prince Volodymyr is Leonid Molodozhanyn, world famous sculptor of Ukrainian origin. The monument was constructed on the occasion of the millennium of the Baptism of Rus-Ukraine as a gift to the Holy Father John Paul II. Its installation on the Ukrainian plot of land in the Eternal City near St. Sophia Cathedral will mark the 1000thanniversary of repose of St Volodymyr.
As we have previously reported, in late July Kyiv hosted the celebrations dedicatedto the Baptism of Kyivan Rus-Ukraine and the 1000th anniversary of the repose of the Holy Great Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv.

October 7, 1571 AD: the Battle of Lepanto, a brave admiral, a patchwork alliance of European Christian states, the Holy League, a unique show of naval heroism and genius for the greatest sea battle in History, the battle that saved the Christian West from defeat at the hands of the Ottoman Turks and prevented the Islamic tide from spreading west.
On the Turkish side, there were 222 galleys, 60 smaller ships, about 750 cannon, 34,000 soldiers, 13,000 sailors, and 41,000 oars...




I don't know if any of you guys are interested in history. This particular series of events has very similar parallels to the war mongering of Vladimir Putin to some extent.
I have been looking at this book written at fortnightly intervals by Winston Churchill between 1936 and 1939 regarding his fears about the build up of Germany's war machine. The book is called Step by Step
Here he shows the invasion of parts of Austria and the Rhineland.
Concerns were raised at the League of Nations who like the UN proved to be toothless. Churchill warned over and over again in parliament of the dangers of Germany but people thought he was crazy until too late.
The book is chilling reading.

Ukraine's Complicated History
by Alexander J. Motyl
"The current Russian war against Ukraine and the problems of the Donbas are not a recent phenomenon," says historian George Liber, "but the product of a long evolution."
Alexander J. Motyl is a Ukrainian-American political scientist, writer, artist-painter, and poet living in New York City. A specialist on Ukraine, Russia, and the USSR, Alexander Motyl is currently professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark.
Alexander Motyl interviewed George Liber, a professor of history at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

October 15, 1529 AD: the 1st Siege of Vienna, the German Landsknechts pikemen fought alongside the Spanish musketeers and the Viennese garrison, the weather helped, the Ottomans were defeated, Europe won!
The Siege of Vienna in 1529, as distinct from the Battle of Vienna in 1683, was the first attempt of the Ottoman Empire, led by Sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent, to capture the city of Vienna, Austria.
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent had proclaimed a Jihad and within the city walls fear and despair were widespread. If Vienna fell it seemed, then the rest of Europe too was no longer safe.
The Sultan had sworn to conquer Vienna and march over its wreckage into Europe. Its walls were weak, and its garrison was outnumbered about five to one by the soldiers and artillery of the greatest, most relentless military force in the world.
In the Autumn of 1529 a 200-300.000 huge Ottoman army with 300 cannons set up camp to the south-east of Vienna and besieged the city for three weeks.
As the Ottomans advanced towards Vienna, the city's population organised an ad-hoc resistance formed from local farmers, peasants and civilians determined to repel the inevitable attack.
The defenders were supported by a variety of European mercenaries. Although King Charles V was away fighting a war with France, he dispatched a few thousand Landsknechts for the defense of the city. Landsknechts were professional mercenaries whose flamboyant dress-code served to show that they were an elite force who could afford everything and had no need to observe social barriers.
However the atrocities committed by the Ottomans served as a harbinger of what would happen to Vienna should it fall.
... "people were butchered in their thousands or abducted, babies were slit from their mothers wombs and cast away or impaled, maidens were violated until they died. May the almighty have mercy on their souls and may the murders committed by these cruel bloodhounds not go unavenged" reported
Together with Wilhelm von Roggendorf, the Marshal of Austria, Niklas Count of Salm, head of the mercenary relief force dispatched to Vienna, conducted the defense of Vienna with 16,000 regulars and 5,000 militia." Niklas was a seventy-year-old German mercenary who had distinguished himself at the Battle of Pavia in 1525 AD.
The extraordinary amount of rainfall which coincided with the campaign, not only forced the Ottoman army into the abandonment of their heavy cannons, their best chance of breaking undermining Vienna's defenses, but it also created a complicated situation in terms of the food supply to the army. Finally, during the siege the delay caused by the rainfall allowed the cities defenders time to identify the threat that Ottoman sapping posed and enact measures to counteract it effectively.
More rain fell on October 11, and with the failure of the mining strategy, the chances of a quick Ottoman victory were receding by the hour. In addition, the Turks were running out of fodder for their horses, and casualties, sickness, and desertions began taking a toll on their ranks. Even the elite janissaries now voiced discontent at the state of affairs. In view of these factors, Suleiman had no alternative but to contemplate retreat. He held a council of war on 12 October which decided on one last attack, with extra rewards offered to the troops. However, this assault, too, was repulsed, as once again the arquebuses and long pikes of the defenders prevailed in keeping out the Turks.
On the night of 14 October, screams were heard from the opposing camp, the sound of the Ottomans killing their prisoners prior to moving out. Some defenders who had foreseen only surrender interpreted their deliverance as a miracle.
The siege signaled the Ottoman Empire's highwater mark and signalling the end of Ottoman expansion in central Europe, though 150 years of tension and incursions followed, culminating in the Battle of Vienna in 1683.
To a significant extent the Siege of Vienna in 1529 was a unifying force within Christianity and served as a distraction from the internal turmoil caused by the Reformation.
Please find out more at:
Siege of Vienna 1529
The Siege of Vienna 1529
Siege of Vienna


Cтоматология доинкского periode.
Heb je enig idee, wat de kwaliteit van het moet een boortje en hoe hoog kracht om kleine gaatje aan кромке tanden?!
Heb поинтересуйтесь: mijn tandarts kan hij doen drie kleine отверствия in mijn tand (twee van hen bij de rand) moderne высокотехнологичным wolfram-карбидным бором met пневмотурбинным drive) historici zeggen dat доколумбовы beschavingen wisten niet wielen smile-emoticon
Automatisch vertaald

cocktail winterweer


"Palestinian people" was completely invented by the KGB. It was the Lubyanka project, a special operation  (NOT)



Laboratory for the study of "Russian World", "The history Katsap" History Katsap: Nation traitors, Part 2.

how "russia" became
"russian" language

















prussia is reason tsar renamed muscovy to russia, and stole name rus and history from Kyvian-rus/Ukraine-rus


katsap site
misses a.o. 1721-1725  Tsar STOLE name RUS and history of Ukraine from 5th century on, from Ukraine  http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/

A glimpse of history


An ancient legend has it that three brothers, namely Kiy, Schek and Khoriv along with their sister Lybed founded a settlement on the slopes of the Dnepr River and called it Kiev after the eldest brother. It did not take long for this settlement to become the political center for Eastern Slavic tribes.


The formation of Kiev Rus, powerful medieval state unifying Eastern Slavic nations in the expanse from the Baltics to the Black Sea, from the Volga to Tisza rivers.

JULY 28, 988:

Russian Grand Prince Vladimir adopts Christianity as the official religion of Kiev Rus. This act has a positive impact on the development of political and cultural relations with Byzantium and other European and Middle East countries. Kiev becomes one of the most famous centers of Christian civilization.


The formation of Zaporozhskaya Sech, sociopolitical and military-administrative organization of Cossacks. The Cossacks provided resistance to the invasions of the Turks, the Tatars and the domination of Polish nobility.

OCTOBER 23, 1545:

Cossacks took the Turkish fortress Achi-kali (Ochakov, Nikolaev region).


The Liberation War of the Ukrainian people led by Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky against Poland.

OCTOBER 6, 1648:

Troops under command of Bogdan Khmelnitsky laid siege to the city of Lvov.

AUGUST 16, 1649:

The Cossack army led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky won a battle against Polish troops near the town of Zborov, Ternopol region.

JANUARY 8, 1654:

Fighting against Polish oppression, Bogdan Khmelnitsky turns to Russian Tsar Alexei for help and enters into an alliance with Russia in the Ukrainian town of Pereyaslav; Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia), becomes a protectorate of Russia. Kiev keeps its role as the economic and cultural center of Ukrainian lands. In the 18th century Kiev becomes an Orthodox symbol for the entire Russian Empire.

MARCH 16, 1686:

In Moscow Russian prince Vasiliy Galitzine and Polish envoys signed the Eternal Peace Treaty between the Tsardom of Russia and Poland. The treaty secured Russia's possession of left-bank Ukraine plus the right-bank city of Kiev. The region of Zaporozhskaya Sech, Severian Lands, cities of Chernigov and Starodub were also ceded to Russia. The treaty was a major success for Russian diplomacy.

NOVEMBER 23, 1708:

The Russian Orthodox Church declared an anathema on Ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa who betrayed Czar Peter the Great.

JUNE 27, 1709:

Russia won a decisive victory over Sweden in the Second Northern War. The battle was fought near the city of Poltava between Russian troops under Peter I and Swedish troops under Charles XII. The Russian troops killed or captured the entire Swedish army except for Charles and his followers. Sweden's defeat ended its status as a major power and marked the beginning of Russian supremacy in eastern Europe.

JUNE 18, 1754:

The earthen fortress Fort St. Elizabeth was founded in Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia). The fortress grew into the city of Yelisavetgrad (Kirovograd) named in honor of its formal founder, Russian Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, and also in honor of her heavenly patroness, St. Elizabeth. Elizabeth Petrovna is the daughter of Russian Czar Peter I called Peter the Great.

DECEMBER 12, 1764:

Russian Empress Catherine the Great abolished hetmanate, rule by a hetman, in Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia).

FEBRUARY 13, 1784:

In accordance with a decree issued by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the Tavria oblast (region) was formed. The oblast included the Crimean peninsula, Taman and the modern Kherson region.

FEBRUARY 21, 1784:

In accordance with a decree issued by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the fortress Akhtiar in the Crimea was renamed Sevastopol.

SEPTEMBER 2, 1794:

Empress Catherine the Great founded, by her decree, the city of Odessa, which became Russia's second most important port after Saint Petersburg, with grain as its principal export. The city suffered heavy damage in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) against German fascist invaders. Today Odessa is a major seaport, industrial and cultural center, with engineering, universities, museums and theaters.

NOVEMBER 22, 1801:

Vladimir Dal, Russian scientist, writer, lexicographer and dialectologist, was born in the city of Lugansk. He is famous as the author of the unique Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.

FEBRUARY 17, 1852:

Art collections at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg were opened to the public by Russian czar Nicholas I. The "Hermitage" pavilion adjoining the Winter Palace was built for Catherine II (the Great) as a private gallery for treasured collections. The museum is now housed in five interconnected buildings, including the Winter Palace and the Small, Old, and New Hermitages. Along with thousands of art objects from Central Asia, India, China, Egypt, the pre-Columbian Americas, Greece and Rome, the Hermitage houses outstanding collections of Western painting. Russian history is represented by archaeological material from prehistoric times onward.

APRIL 11, 1857:

Czar Alexander II approved the National Emblem of the Russian Empire, namely the double-headed eagle.

NOVEMBER 30, 1867:

The Vorontsov lighthouse was put into operation in Odessa. It became the first signal tower in the Russian Empire, which was equipped with electric lamps.

APRIL 17, 1877:

Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer and one of the world's greatest novelists, finished writing the novel Anna Karenina. His great novel (1875-77) concerns the aristocratic woman, who deserts her husband for a lover, and the search for meaning by another autobiographical character Levin.

FEBRUARY 26, 1886:

For the first time in history of the Russian Empire mercury was produced at the cinnabar processing plant based in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region.

MAY 21, 1892:

For the first time in history of the Russian Empire an electric streetcar entered service in Kiev.

OCTOBER 25, 1897:

The first football match took place in the Russian Empire.

SEPTEMBER 12, 1898:

In accordance with a decree issued by Russian czar Nicholas II, the Polytechnic Institute opened in Kiev.

JANUARY 12, 1906:

The first number of the Russian-language newspaper Kievskaya Mysl was published in Kiev.

FEBRUARY 12, 1914:

The first bomber Ilya Muromets with 16 passengers took to the air for the first time. The airplane was designed by Kiev engineer Igor Sikorsky and manufactured by the Russian-Baltic railroad car building plant.

MARCH 14, 1914:

Russian pilot Peotr Nesterov made the first flight from Kiev to Odessa.

FEBRUARY 27, 1918:

In Kiev Central Draft Headquarters started full mobilization of the Red Army.

NOVEMBER 3, 1918:

A public assembly (veche) in the city of Chernovtsy passed a decision to make Northern Bukovina a part of the Soviet Ukraine.

NOVEMBER 14, 1918:

Vladimir Vernadsky was elected first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

APRIL 6, 1919:

Soviet troops won back Odessa from Entente forces that included British and French invaders.

JUNE 8, 1920:

Ivan Kozhedub, Thrice Hero of the Soviet Union, was born in the village of Obrazheevka, Sumy region. He is famous as the flying ace who destroyed 62 enemy planes during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) against Nazi Germany.

APRIL 9, 1921:

The country-house museum of Russian dramatist and short-story writer Anton Chekhov opened in the Crimean port city of Yalta.

DECEMBER 4, 1921:

More than 108,000 residents of lands along the Volga River migrated to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

MARCH 21, 1922:

The Council of People's Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic established, by its ordinance, 32 ore mining managements in the Donbas region. They came within jurisdiction of the State Coal Industry Administration.


The formation of the U.S.S.R. incorporating the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the Soviet Union.

DECEMBER 28, 1922:

The Workers-Inventors Society was set up in Odessa.

SEPTEMBER 25, 1923:

The Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic allocated 12 million rubles to the first state reserve Askania-Nova in the Kherson region.

OCTOBER 1, 1923:

A sea route between Odessa and Rostov-on-Don via the ports of Yevpatoria, Sevastopol, Feodosiya, Kerch, Berdyansk, Mariupol and Taganrog reopened in the Soviet Union.

FEBRUARY 28, 1924:

A new telephone line with Nizhniy Novgorod entered service in the city of Kharkov.

APRIL 30, 1925:

In Moscow the Soviet of Labor and Defense adopted a program for the construction of a bakery in Kiev. It had a capacity to produce 4,500 poods of baked goods per day. A pood is the old Russian unit of weight equal to 16.38 kilograms.

OCTOBER 15, 1926:

The Russian Drama Theater opened its first season in Kiev.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1929:

The Zaporozhye-based plant Kommunar manufactured the first Soviet combine harvester.

NOVEMBER 17, 1933:

The Academic Russian Drama Theater named after Alexander Pushkin was established in the city of Kharkov.

APRIL 20, 1938:

A decision about the compulsory learning of the Russian language in all schools was passed in Ukraine.

DECEMBER 20, 1938:

Work-record books were introduced in the Soviet Union. They are still valid in Ukraine.

JANUARY 6, 1939:

Valeriy Lobanovskiy, distinguished Soviet footballer and merited coach of the U.S.S.R., was born.

JUNE 4, 1939:

The Ukrainian Arts Committee invited a group of experts of the Moscow-based Tretyakov Gallery to restore 11th-century mural frescoes at the St. Michael chancel of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.

OCTOBER 10, 1939:

The Moscow-based Library of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. supplied 100,000 books on various subjects to the Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia by free gift.

OCTOBER 12, 1939:

The People's Assembly of Western Ukraine issued declarations aimed to join the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.


The Nazi German occupation of Ukraine, including the capital of Kiev from 1941-1943, during the Great Patriotic War.

OCTOBER 26, 1941:

A municipal committee on a defense was formed in the port city of Sevastopol. The committee played an important role in the organization of the defense against German fascist invaders.

MAY 20, 1942:

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. established, by its decree, the Order of the Patriotic War (First and Second Class). It was the first decoration awarded to heroic defenders of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War against German fascist invaders.

OCTOBER 17, 1943:

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. conferred, by its decree, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on 306 generals, officers, sergeants and soldiers of the Red Army for the successful forcing of the Dnepr River during the Great Patriotic War against German fascist invaders.

NOVEMBER 6, 1943:

Troops of the First Ukrainian Front under command of General Nikolai Vatutin took Kiev by assault, liberating the capital city of Soviet Ukraine from German fascist invaders.

NOVEMBER 7, 1943:

The 3rd Guards tank army liberated the town of Fastov, Kiev region, from German fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

OCTOBER 8, 1944:

Victorious Soviet forces took the village of Lavochnoe, Lvov region, thus driving last German fascist invaders from the Ukrainian territory.


Ukraine, together with 50 other states, becomes a U.N. Charter member.

JULY 6, 1952:

A monument to Pavel Nakhimov, gifted Russian naval commander, was founded in the port city of Sevastopol on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth. Today Sevastopol is the home of Russia's Black Sea Fleet.

JANUARY 25, 1957:

The Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic established annual prizes for the best scientific works.

MAY 25, 1957:

The largest Soviet hotel Ukraina opened in Moscow.

NOVEMBER 6, 1957:

The Eternal Glory Park in honor of the Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the Soviet heroes, who defeated German fascism, with a well-proportioned obelisk at the grave of the Unknown Soldier opened in Kiev.

JULY 10, 1958:

Construction of the 80-kilometer gas pipeline Amvrosievka-Stalino (present-day Donetsk)-Makeevka commenced in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was the branch of a main pipeline between the cities of Stavropol and Moscow.

JANUARY 23, 1959:

The world largest whale factory ship Soviet Ukraine was launched in the city of Nikolaev.

FEBRUARY 14, 1965:

The air route between the cities of Kirovograd and Moscow opened in the Soviet Union. A direct flight took three hours, using the airplane Antonov-24.

MAY 8, 1965:

Kiev, Moscow and the Byelorussian city of Brest were given the title of "Hero-City [of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945]".

APRIL 29, 1966:

The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine established, by its ordinance, the Institute of Strength Problems under the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

OCTOBER 30, 1967:

The Soviet Union was the first in the world to perform the unmanned docking of the spacecraft Kosmos-186 and Kosmos-188.

JULY 9, 1970:

The literary-memorial museum of Russian writer Alexander Green opened in the Crimean resort town of Feodosiya. It must be noted that Green is the assumed name of Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky (1880-1932).

JULY 2, 1976:

A monument to victims murdered by German fascist invaders in the ravine Babiy Yar during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) was inaugurated in Kiev. More than 100,000 peaceful residents of Kiev, prisoners of war, hostages, prisoners of Gestapo and the Syrets concentration camp were killed and buried in the ravine and trenches around it.

MARCH 28, 1979:

The hotel complex Yalta opened in the Massandra park of this Crimean seaport. The hotel was constructed by Soviet and Yugoslav builders for the All-Union joint-stock company Inturist.

JUNE 6, 1984:

The Finance Ministry of the State Bank of the U.S.S.R. put the one-ruble coin into circulation, which was dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the birth of Russia's greatest poet Alexander Pushkin.

DECEMBER 21, 1988:

The world largest transport airplane Antonov-225 Mria took to the air for the first time. The Ukrainian-built airplane has a carrying capacity of 250 tons.

AUGUST 1991:

Visiting Kiev, then U.S. president George Bush lectured Ukrainian parliamentarians on the virtues of remaining in the U.S.S.R. and warned them not to be tempted by dangerous nationalism into the ridiculous project of trying to form their own state.

AUGUST 24, 1991:

The Supreme Council adopts the Act on the Declaration of State Independence of Ukraine. Today, however, most citizens of Ukraine are wishing for a reunion with Russia, Byelorussia and other former Soviet republics.

OCTOBER 24, 1991:

The Supreme Council proclaimed nuclear [weapon]-free status of Ukraine.

MAY 30, 1998:

The reconstructed bell tower of the St. Michael Golden Domed Cathedral was inaugurated and consecrated in Kiev. Since the 12th century, majestic domes of the Cathedral have inspired warriors to defend Kiev Rus from foreign invaders.

SEPTEMBER 26, 2000:

A Dnepr-1 rocket blasted off from the cosmodrome Baikonur in Kazakhstan and put five commercial satellites into orbit. It is important to note that Dnepr-1 was designed by the Ukrainian-Russian company Kosmotras.

MARCH 16, 2014:

More than 96% of the Crimea's population voted in favor of secession from Ukraine and joining Russia. The referendum attracted 83% voter turnout. Importantly, opinion polls showed that 91% of citizens of Russia approved of the reunification of Crimea with their country.

NOT just 15% as forbes sais




15-page 99
These aforementioned studies are the best indication we can find to illustrate the situation of people living in Siberia 26,000 years ago. I refer to Mal'ta boy of Lake Baikal, who's on the record with the first gene mutation to haplogroup R. Another Siberian individual from Afontova Gora (Krasnoyarsk) had the first R1 gene around 20,900 years ago. Their relatives, settled around 15,000 years ago somewhere on the north shore of the Caspian Sea, have produced the splitting of R1 into R1a and R1b, which both subclades form today the majority of the population of Europe and the ex-Soviet Union, but also are present in many other countries of the Eurasia.
These Siberians living 26,000-20,000 years ago were hunters and fishers and had the same diet that of the Inuit people described in Greenland in the 1970s.
However the article did not mention that the health of today Inuits has been badly affected by new diet with carbohydrates and other modern practices.
The successors of the haplogroup R, who were the R1a, or the Aryans, returned 20,000 years later to their ancestral lands from Siberia and formed the Afanasevo culture of Minusinsk basin, Krasnoiarsk and Altai Mountains regions of West and Central Siberia (3,500-2,500 BC).
During this long period of time, their movement was from Central to West Siberia, to Urals and Caspian-Pontic regions, Caucasus region, entering Iran and Anatolia, from where they crossed into the Balkans. In the Balkans originated the new Indo-European language. The Aryans, speaking the Indo-European language, created series of cultures on their way back from Balkans to Siberia, like the proto-Hellenic (6,500-6,000 BC), the Starcevo-Vinca-Cris (6,200-5,000 BC), Cucuteni-Trypillian (5,000-3,000 BC), Khvalynsk (5,000-4,500 BC), Sredny Stog (5,000-4,000 BC), and Yamna (3,600-2,300 BC). From Afanasevo they formed some other cultures like Catacomb culture (2,800-2,200 BC), Sintasha (2,100-1,800 BC), Andronovo (2,000-900 BC) and BMAC. And then they conquered (1,700-1,650 BC) Iran and Indus Valley civilization around 1, 550 BC.
According to the genetic findings, a branch of Aryans (at that time they did not speak the Indo-European languages, which were form later in the Balkans) entered Iran and India for the first time around 6,000 BC, while another branch entered almost simultaneously the Eastern Balkans (Greece). The branch that entered India advanced to Center and South India, but also crossed to the east until reached the Mekong Valley in the Southeast Asia; they left few genetic traces from Laos to Thailand and to Cambodia. Some specialists call the first Aryan invasion of India as the original Vedic Aryans. The issue is very disputable because few Aryan genes were also found in the Nepalese and Tibetans, and also in North China, Manchuria, and Korea.
The most interesting question here is why the Aryans returned to their ancestral land? The answer may be in their ancestral memory about the "healing grounds of Siberia", which grounds heal by the locally imposed diet, but also this diet empowered the body and the mind.
However the Siberian bearers of the haplogroup R1a and R1b invaded and conquered most of the farming settlements of the Eurasia between 3,000 BC and 1,500 BC, imposing their genes into higher segments of the local population (like in the aforementioned discussion on India). The R1a were called the Aryans, and they came with "space (visual) intelligence", nonlinear thinking, domesticated horses, chariots and metallurgy, helping the local farmers to upgrade their "civilization". But later, their original communitarian faith changed being influenced by the habits of the agricultural society; their pastoralist lifestyle habits were imposed to the agriculturalists by forcing them to introduce the patriarchate; from that point on, everything changed in the agrarian society, opening the way toward aristocratic elites, despotism and social inequality. This was the consequence (as the adaptation of the Aryan elites to local agrarian behaviors) of changing their pastoralist but visual, contextual, nonlinear thinking into the verbal, content-analytical, linear thinking of the agrarian societies they conquered. In the meantime the R1a always travelled with smaller groups of R1b (named Arbins), while suffering their interference.
However among the Aryan groups, those producing Andronovo culture, remained approximately (some moved west from the Ural River valley to Volga River valley, eventually settling in Donbass) in the same region for a long period of time (over 1,200 years), while preserving the original pastoralist mentality and lifestyle. This branch of Aryans seem to be the core from which later evolved the future proto-Balto-Slavic people and the proto-Slavs.
Here I like to quote a more authoritarian opinion from Eupedia on the R1a haplogroup whereabouts: "R1a haplogroup...have been the dominant haplogroup among the northern and eastern Proto-Indo-European language speakers that evolved into the Indo-Iranian, Thracian, Baltic, and Slavic branches. The Proto-Indo-Europeans originated in the Yamna culture (3300-2500 BCE). The southern Steppe culture is believed to have carried predominantly R1b lineage, while the northern forest-steppe culture would have been essentially R1a dominant. The first expansion of the forest-steppe people occurred with the Corded Ware Culture. The migration of the R1b people to central and Western Europe left a vacuum for R1a people in the southern steppe around the time of the Catacomb Culture (2800-2200 BCE). The forest-steppe origin of this culture is from the Corded Ware Culture. The Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian language groups belong to the same Statem isogloss and both appear to have evolved from the Catacomb Culture (Ukraine). Ancient DNA testing has confirmed the presence of haplogroup R1a1a in samples from Corded Ware culture in Germany (2800 BCE), from Tocharian mummies (2000 BCE) in Northwest China, from Kurgan burials (1600 BCE), from Andronovo Culture in Southern Russia and Southern Siberia, as well as from a variety of Iron-age sites from Russia, Siberia, Mongolia and Central Asia."
Nevertheless Siberia continued to produce somehow large groups of population for several thousands of years, who were more intelligent and free of infantile mortality because of their diet; it was a continuity of waves after waves of smart and healthy people, who, migrated westward and invaded Europe; in the course of time they have been gradually absorbed into the modern European population.


Indian warrior
And I'm a gentle Viking oldest roots Ukraine then Belarus, Denmark now Netherland , to boldy go where no (wo)man has gone before, to explore strange new physical and psychological worlds,to seek out new ways of living (with Mother Nature and not against) and new ways to build civilizations, to come to the last frontiers : Earth & (a) United World.


The ability for adult Europeans to drink milk was inherited from herders from the Great Steppes (Moldovia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan up to Siberia, Mongolia,China), just 4,000 years ago, a genetic study has shown.



sun climate change















Saturnia of Saturnalia




BREAKING NEWS  18:34 DEC. 13, 2015 Far-right National Front seeks to capitalise in second round of regional elections   18:30 DEC. 13, 2015 Armenia braces for protests after referendum results on constitution confirmed   18:05 DEC. 13, 2015 Turkey bans soldiers spend holidays in Russia   17:52 DEC. 13, 2015 Russia's ex-PM Mikhail Kasyanov: Putin and his regime are severely affected by sanctions   16:49 DEC. 13, 2015 Ukrainian MPs meet with president for tête-à-tête over scandalous parliament brawl   16:41 DEC. 13, 2015 Fire at Russian psychiatric clinic kills 23   16:15 DEC. 13, 2015 RFE/RL: Separatist Cossack commander killed in Ukraine's Luhansk   15:07 DEC. 13, 2015 Russian warship fires at Turkish fishing vessel in Aegean Sea   12:50 DEC. 13, 2015 Militants launch dozens of sporadic attacks along frontline: Ukrainian army   11:57 DEC. 13, 2015 One month since the terror attacks in Paris   11:32 DEC. 13, 2015 Russian protesters demand Putin sack ministers over economic crisis   11:26 DEC. 13, 2015 Obama calls Paris climate pact 'best chance' to save the planet   11:08 DEC. 13, 2015 Thousands march against Polish Eurosceptic government over constitution spat   18:03 DEC. 12, 2015 Power says Ukraine crisis 'remains no less real, no less urgent'   13:08 DEC. 12, 2015 Poland's new LNG terminal receives first shipment of gas from Qatar   12:20 DEC. 12, 2015 Ukraine Interior Ministry says investigation underway to return Dutch art works to museum NEWSLIVEPOLITICSBUSINESSENTERTAINMENTCRIMETECH&SCIENCESOCIETYSPORTPRESSOPINIONABOUT

POLITICS13:02 DEC. 13, 2015
Ancient Kyiv Pechersk Lavra to be divided between Ukraine's rival church factions?

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Petition to transfer religious site to Kyiv Patriarchate gathers more than 10,000 signatures

A long drawn out dispute may be on the horizon between two rival factions of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. More than 10,000 signatures have been collected in favor of transferring the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, one of the best-known historical attractions in the country, over to the Kyiv Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Lavra, also known as the Monastery of the Caves, is currently in the possession of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Watch also Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate accepts the annexation of Crimea by Russia

Both of these churches are adherents of Russian Orthodoxy and share the same beliefs. But the Kyiv and Moscow patriarchy represent different sides of Ukraine's divided political environment. The idea to transfer the nearly 1000-year-old World Heritage Site is not being taken lightly by the Moscow Patriarchate.

Klyment, Bishop of Moscow Patriarchate of Ukrainian Orthodox Church: "When the new power came, the Soviet power, it was the start of the so-called terror. It all started with the closing down of churches and provocations. That's what we see today in the form of this petition."

Nearly 70 percent of Ukrainians are of Orthodox faith, close to 15 million people belong to the Kyiv Patriarchate, and at least 10 million belong to the Moscow Patriarchate, according to the Christian Science Monitor. The petition to transfer the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra to the Kyiv Patriarchate has not been welcomed by everyone. These parishioners had this to say:

"The church has canon laws and you can't just do what you want, take the store because it's owned by Muscovites?"
"I support that the churches on the territory be divided between the factions."
"How do I explain this? Would you give away your own house?"

The conflict in east Ukraine between combined Russian-insurgent forces and Ukrainian troops has only been fueling the antagonism between the two churches in Ukraine. During the regime of disgraced pro-Kremlin President Viktor Yanukovych the ruling elite had been under pressure to be a parishoner of the Moscow Patriarchate. Yanukovych also reportedly put the Kyiv patriarchate under pressure and created problems for the church.

Watch also Churches fall victim to Russia's 'holy war' in east Ukraine

Now the Kyiv Patriarchate says the petition to transfer the Lavra is likely to stoke hostility between churchgoers.

Archevstratiy Zorya, Archbishop of Kyiv Patriarchate of Ukrainian Orthodox Church: "As a church we are not interested in fomenting interdenominational conflicts. We are seeing that ever since the Euromaidan revolution, Russia and pro-Russian forces have been attempting to sow religious hatred."

In the Ministry of Culture there are no plans to hand over the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra just yet. But according to a ministry official over 50 churches belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate have switched to the Kyiv Patriarchate since the start of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Ukrainian authorities seeking to take Kiev Pechersk Laura away from Moscow Patriarchate

RE: Muscovy 1581




In 1569 the "Russian Empire" did NOT exist - it was Muscovy [Moskali and Muscovites] before and after 1569.

In fact Latin, Greek, and Ruthenian [AKA - Ukrainian] were the languages used on European documents in 1581.

In 1581 Antonio Posevino, papal legate and member of the Order of Jesuits, paid an official visit to Moscow:
We also saw that, by tradition, Muscovy is extremely dependent in religious matters on Rus' [AKA - Ukraine] , which is currently ruled by the Polish king: very recently the Kyivan [AKA - Ukrainian] metropolitan of the Ruthenian [AKA- Ukrainian] faith ordained some Muscovite bishops.

"In Muscovy a person who has memorized the Slavic letters is considered an extremely learned person. Very few people know the Lord's Prayer, and almost no one knows the Symbol of Faith, the Ten Commandments, and the Holy Virgin............


Canards have been the "SYSTEMIC" policy, procedure, and practice of the kremlin [AKA - Muscovy] – for centuries.
Although the statement made by Metropolitan Kirill sounds quite credible and theologically articulated, it contains a controversial ecclesiological ambiguity. For Metropolitan Kirill all the historical facts of Rus', obviously, do not have any substantial ecclesiological or historical value. The historical local Church, as it was initially founded in Kievan Rus'- Ukraine by the Patriarchate of Constantinople and rightly recognized by Metropolitan Kirill as Local- "mysteriously transformed itself", in words, the of Metropolitan Kirill, into the local Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. In the centuries from 988 to1686- the beginning of the occupation of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine by the Russian Orthodox Church, the Metropolis of Kiev prospered as a local Church under the Ecumenical Patriarchate. We have to remember, that it was the Metropolis of Kiev, not Moscow, that was placed by Emperor Leo the Wise, in the constitutional record of metropolis, archbishoprics and bishoprics "to the Patriarch of Constantinople", on the 61st position (57). This document, dating from the 11th century, categorically defines the Metropolis of Kiev as a separate ecclesial entity, that in no possible way can it be identified with the Moscow Patriarchate, which at this time was not even on the map of Europe.
This fact that the local Church of the Metropolis of Kiev was independent was so strong in the mind of the ecclesial life of the fifteenth century that even the autocephaly of the Metropolis of Moscow was defined in terms of separation from the Metropolis of Kiev (58). Even the "Golden Seal Certificate" of the Ecumenical Patriarch Jeremiah II in the year 1591, validating the establishment of the Moscow Patriarchate, defined the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church as the Church of Russia and the far northern parts within the Russian dominion, excluding the metropolis of Kiev and Lesser Rus' (59):

"the throne of the most venerable and Orthodox city of Moscow is and shall be called Patriarchate' .. and all Russia and the Far-Northern Territories shall be subject to the Patriarchal Throne of Moscow and all Russia. This has its place after His Beatitude of Jerusalem in the sacred diptychs, it is the head of this region of Moscow and all Russia and the Far-Northern territories" (60).

history orthodoxy
serbs and tower of babel

putins world order

Civilization to Chaos: Russia, if we can make believe ourselves absurd "facts", we surely will try to make the entire world believe the same, thats us, the kremlins

The term "Russia" or "Imperial Russia" did not exist until the 18th century. There was Kyvian Rus circa 1000 and several centuries later circa 1500 there was Czardom of Muscovy or simply Muscovy and a Ukraine. I would suggest that you see the famous Beauplan maps for additional information.

This article stated: "Both of these churches are adherents of Russian Orthodoxy and share the same beliefs."
Are you kidding me ?? The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate IS NOT a Russian Orthodox Church and has absolutely no ties to it. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is only Ukrainian in name. It is in fact a branch of the Russian Orthodox Church which spreads lies and disinformation within Ukrainian society.

Russia's forgotten role in the creation of Israel
Op-ed: Without Soviet aid at the critical moment in the late 1940s, it would have been very difficult for the State of Israel to have been born










Passage du Gua - a unique way to the water

? rus pravda ?


Epic Ukraine & muscovy (russia)...Ukraine-RUS is succesor to Kyvian-RUS, not russia. In 1721 Tsar stole name RUS and history of Ukraine.... (youtube.com)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=togSTpk3dyU edited voorstuk
idem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pADajoVGel8
according to most russian historians and genetics russia is just north-ukraine...RUS name comes from river Ros near Kyiv. Tsar in 1721 just stole stole name rus and history ukraine and call it russia instead of muscovy to please prussia....russia/moscow has no history before 1100, it was just marsh land...
mongol invasion in ancient rus

varangian Rus (Ukraine)

Generally speaking, the Norwegians expanded to the north and west to places such as Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Greenland; the Danes to England and France, settling in the Danelaw (northern/eastern England) and Normandy; and the Swedes to the east, founding the Kievan Rus, the original Russia. However, among the Swedish runestones which mention expeditions over seas, almost half tell of raids and travels to western Europe. And in todays Sweden it has been found more Arabic coins from the Viking age then the Arabs has found themself from this era plus there has been found tonnes of viking treasures in todays Sweden which made the areas in todays Sweden to among the most riches places on earth during the viking age. So its easy due archeology to track the Varangian Rus til todays Sweden. But also, according to the Icelandic sagas, many Norwegian Vikings went to eastern Europe. . The names of Scandinavian kings are known only for the later part of the Viking Age. Only after the end of the Viking Age did the separate kingdoms acquire distinct identities as nations, which went
hand in hand with their Christianization. Thus the end of the Viking Age for the Scandinavians also marks the start of their relatively brief Middle Ages.

According to the Primary Chronicle, compiled in Kiev about 1100-1200 Ad, one group of Varangians was Rus' people. Their name became that of the land of Rus' this happened because one of Rus' princes, Rurik (Old Norse: Hrörekr) had been recognized by several East Slavic and Finno-Ugric peoples as their ruler, founding the Rurikid Dynasty, which later would rule over Rus' and after its fall over Russia for many centuries. Rurik first came to Staraya Ladoga in
862 and then moved his capital to Novgorod in 864, while his relative Oleg (Old Norse: Helgi) conquered Kiev in 882 and established the state of Kievan Rus', later inherited by Rurik's son Igor (Old Norse: Ingvarr).
Sviatoslav was the first ruler of Rus' who is recorded in the Primary Chronicle with a name of Slavic origin (as opposed to his predecessors, whose names are ultimately derived from Old Norse). This name is however not recorded in other medieval Slavic countries. Even in Rus', it was attested only among the members of the house of Rurik, as were the names of Sviatoslav's immediate successors: Vladimir, Yaroslav, Mstislav). Some scholars speculate that the
name of Sviatoslav, composed of the Slavic roots for "holy" and "glory", was an artificial derivation combining those of his predecessors Oleg and Rurik
(they mean "holy" and "glorious" in Old Norse, respectively).

Engaging in trade, piracy and mercenary activities, Varangians roamed the river systems and portages of Gardariki, as Rus' lands were known in Norse sagas. They controlled the Volga trade route (Route from the Varangians to the Arabs), connecting Baltic to the Caspian Sea, and the Dnieper trade route (Route from the Varangians to the Greeks) leading to the Black Sea and Constantinople. Those were the critically important trade links at that time, connecting Europe with wealthy and developed Arab Caliphates and the Byzantine Empire;via those routes most of the
silver coinage came from the East to the West. Attracted by the riches of Constantinople, Rus' Varangians initiated a number of Rus'-Byzantine Wars, some of which resulted in advantageous trade treaties. At least from the early 10th century many Varangians served as mercenaries in the Byzantine Army,
comprising the so-called Varangian Guard (the personal bodyguards of Byzantine Emperors). Eventually most of them, both in Byzantium and in Eastern Europe, were converted from paganism into Orthodox Christianity, culminating in the 988 Christianization of Kievan Rus'. Coinciding with the general decline of the Viking Age, the influx of Norsemen to Rus' stopped, and Varangians were eventually assimilated by East Slavs by the late
11th century.












December 31 1648 jaar hetman bogdan chmelnitski met legers is lid geworden van kiev, ik ben nogal peremozhnoho op polen. Zo ' n aantal wint, wat zdobulo dit leger zvytyazhtsiv, oekraïne wist niet viddaven. Het leger was horodyany kievskiye begroeten met aanraken. En de patriarch van jeruzalem paisiy geeft hetʹmanovi titel prins, dat hij het recht heeft om samoderzhtsem geworden.
Ik wil dat we allemaal aan de samenleving shanovne aan al de volgende jaren met ons als 1648 e jaar afgerond.




From the article, one of many incisive observations: "[Rejection of contemporary worship] (thankfully) doesn't mean a return to the church of the 1950s, but it (thankfully) means an increasing rejection of the church of the 1990s and 2000s. More emphasis is being placed on liturgy and community, and less on using corporate worship chiefly as a contrived evangelistic tool. Also, as I've cited before, most millennials... are leaving the church faster than any generation before us. Even by its own standards (i.e., number of butts in the seats) contemporary worship is a failed experiment."

Ireland's were descended from farmers and bronze metalworkers from the Middle East and modern-day Ukraine

Gates of Europe: new book about Ukraine's history released in the USA



Peace and order is maintained by age-old warrior Sleeping Sayan, the Master of the Taiga, it is believed. The falling of the rock will signal that this slumbering giant has awoken from an eternal sleep to defend her motherland (Sleeping Sayan is seen as female).





Wat Pentagondoctrine betreft pak ik effe uit 1976, was begin 20,
J.D. Bernal Sociale geschiedenis van de Wetenschap 2, blz.627:citaat:
Een half dozijn waterstofbommen is voldoende om de steden en industrie van Engeland weg te vagen.
Volgens een Amerikaanse militaire deskundige zou een totale Amerikaanse nucleaire oorlogsvoering met Sovjet-Unie (toen nog: noot) ongeveer 700 miljoen doden maken, waarvan 250 miljoen doden in Europa, die beslist niet beperkt zou blijven tot de vijand.
Dergelijke Amerikaanse militaire theoretici zijn zelfs bereid een redelijke prijs
in de vorm van maximaal 60 miljoen doden in de VS zelf te betalen in een kernoorlog
tegen de Sovjet-Unie


For the Pentagon doctrine regarding war :

Science in History, Vol. 2: The Scientific and Industrial Revolution Paperback – March 15, 1971
by J.D. Bernal (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-0262520218  ISBN-10: 0262520214
Page 627 quote:

Half a dozen hydrogen bombs is enough to wipe out the cities and industry of England.
According to a US military expert a total US nuclear war with Soviet Union(then: note) would
cost about 700 million deaths, of which 250 million deaths in Europe, which certainly would
not be limited to the enemy.
Such US military theorists have even prepared a reasonable price in the form of up to 60 million
deaths in the US itself in a nuclear war against the Soviet Union
to defend VITAL AMERICAN INTERESTS  ... end of quote
and we were thinking Hitler and Stalin were BAD? They were just playing in the kindergarten...

10 sexual traditions of the ancient world, which may shock you btw wife for rent still excists in islam world, we call that...
While conservatives/femenists argue that modern society has become too loose in their morals compared with the pious ancestors, some of the ancient sexual practices now look too extravagant.

Moscow forever doomed to be soulless travesty of Kyiv - the capital of the mother and the heart of Russia




Verschillende interessante svitlyn joseph tselestionovycha khmelevsʹkoho, de bekende fotograaf hier oude poltavy keane. Xix - poch. Xx sr. Hij werd geboren in 18.03.1849 in warschau, zoon van polen shlyakhtycha en russische dvorianky. By the way, vader fotograaf hier was areshtovanyy voor deelnemen aan polʹsʹkomu povstanni 1863-1864 jj.
Khmelevsʹkyy een tijdje gewoond in tohochasniy kapitaal, toen, in 1875 r. Verplaatst naar poltavy uit petersburg, waar waren levende familieleden in de trant van z ' n vrouw. Daar ontdekte hij atelier vvazhalosʹ die één van de beste in rosiysʹkiy rijk. Deelnemer 20 internationale fotovystavok, heer veel gouden médailles en dyplomiv. Vele prominente mensen van die tijd in fotohrafuvalysya khmelevsʹkoho: michael kotsyubynsʹkyy, nicholas sklifosovsʹkyy, lesja oekrajinka, olena pchilka, panas myrny, vladimir korolenko, nicholas m " yasoyedov, stefaniv khotkevych en in.
Helaas, na de dood tovenaar in 1924 zijn creatieve erfgoed was natsionalizovana nieuwe macht dan haar sporen zijn verdwenen. Aan onze tijd dozhyla slechts een heel klein deel van z ' n svitlyn. Op sommige van zijn originele foto later werden gemaakt gekleurde poshtivky. De meeste van de mooiste zwart & wit oryhinaliv svitlyn blijkbaar opgeslagen in derzhavnomu archief oblast poltava.


when the empire dies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CecTfX28LNQ  viking heritage in ukraine

Patriachy sinds 4000 BCE heeft de wereld en de vrouw geen goed gedaan, vandaar dat ik de matriarchy weer terug wil, dan heb ik al 50% van de stemmen, wie is er voor?





"We have seen that we face not fellow Slavs, but Asians, not brothers, but enemies"





Russia - a country founded by Peter I on the basis of the Moscow-Tatar principality.



allah is een maan-god

terwijl Jaweh en z'n vrouw Aserah (gniffel) voortkomen uit de oude
mesopitaanse culturen..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Semitic_religion


Moskou koninkrijk was om te produceren hun eigen munten alleen in petrijns tijd, toen de tsaar peter bracht de nederlandse en ze stichtte de mint.
Op een foto denga (tangas, tamga) tsaar van de gouden horde dzhanibeka. Er moet worden opgemerkt dat de barbarijse (horde zalesskaya), Opgenomen in de gouden horde en gebruikt de ordynskimi munten. Bij deze munten zie je de bekende dubbele adelaar
Een munt denga tot het jaar 1838, toen het werd vervangen door de polkopeyki





A Brief History of Belarus  in the last 1000 years, Battle of Grunwald in 1410

8 greatest architectural monuments, which we lost in 2015










arcryl tube rocket with oxygen


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjToheC01SHpEc21EZTQ/view?usp=sharing  info ukr rtf
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTI0UjJ0ZW5nVUE/view?usp=sharing  info ukr pdf


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTd3MHM4N3VNa0k/view?usp=sharing booklist ukr .docx
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohM0M1WjFnV2JZZjQ/view?usp=sharing  booklist uk





The mixing of races leading to their degeneration(its more mixing of cultures btw)

Its more mixing of cultures I think...besides race medical/allergic difficulties

Asked a known local racist, why you go sit in the sun so much? he said to get a tan. I said in fact your jealous yes? smile-emoticon
Genetic studies have shown that the Russian - one of the most pure-bred peoples of Eurasia. A recent joint study Russian, British and Estonian scientists, geneticists and put a big fat cross on obihozhem Russophobian myth, for decades to introduce into the consciousness of people - say, "Scratch the Russian and you will definitely find a Tartar."


Scientists have proven: the civilization of Europe was born in Russia!
 11.30.2014 14:04 | Source
More precisely - in the village area Kostenky Voronezh region, about more than 40 thousand years ago
Altai Princess was Europeans




".... De sponsors van het ontwerp-plan, dat zal worden geopend op de eilanden van de onderzoeks-en educatieve centra in verschillende gebieden - elk van het eiland zal haar wetenschappelijk profiel. Ook in het centrum van elk van de 7 eilanden zal gebied met een hoge toren in het centrum - er zal gehouden worden voor de uitwisseling van ervaringen tussen bewoners en gasten van het eiland. De verwachting is dat de infrastructuur van de stad wordt uitsluitend "groene" - water ontvangt van de atmosferische water generatoren, elektriciteit - met de hulp van zonnepanelen en wind de muren, en afval zullen worden verwijderd met het gebruik van de meest Moderne systemen...."








Map of Poland and Hungary by Sebastian Munster, 1550. The map shows "Russia" for Ukraine, "Russia Alba" for Belarus, while the Moscow Princedom is called "Moscovia." (karty.by)

1723 Ukraine and Moscovia on same map http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/x-moskovie_1723.jpg

Alex Shiropaev,Poet, writer and public figure.
Co-Chairman of the National Democratic Alliance: Moscovia(RF) invaded and occupied Russia (Ukraine)

http://www.riseearth.com/2016/02/1300-year-old-fortress-like-structure.html tuva,siberia

http://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_R1a_Y-DNA.shtml#Slavic me too













Treasures of the Princely Church of St. Nicholas in Lviv,

chronicles of Ivan


BTW this topic points to a wiki that has been changed (by pro-kremlin trolls?!) The name of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, changed for "Russia" by Tsar Peter I in the early 18th century. The goal of this change was to establish a connection between Muscovy and medieval state of Kievan Rus', thus claiming the right of Moscow to possess all the lands of Rus'. was first in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovy_%28disambiguation%29 From May 22 , 2008 till June 5, 2015! Changed (removed, cause of this reddit? ) Oct 3, 2015. https://web.archive.org/web/20150515000000*/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovy_%28disambiguation%29
Rewrite history attempt, even on wikipedia?
Muscovy was officially renamed the Russian imperial decree in 1721. The ethnonym "Russian" was fixed later - only at the end of the century, when Empress Catherine II of "the highest command" Moscow ordered the people called "Russian people" and forbade him to use the title of "Muscovites".
http://fakeoff.org/history/pochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya Why Russians are not Russian, and Kievan Rus, not Russia
Russia - a country founded by Peter I on the basis of the Moscow-Tatar principality. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvsviti.com.ua%2Finteresting%2Fsociety%2F31910
The land of Moksel https://www.google.nl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the+land+of+Moksel http://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/01/the-history-of-ukraine-from-herodotus-to-hitler/











↓ beroemde vrouwen oekraïne uit tijdvormen kiev motie xx sr.
1. anne van kiev, anna kiev (ontucht. 1024-na 1075) - middelste dochter grootvorst van kiev jaroslav i van de wijs en de dochter van de koning van schotland en zweden inhiherdy (irene), Kleindochter po moeder olof iii shetkonunha, tweede vrouw van de franse koning henry ik kapeta, koningin van frankrijk, de moeder van de toekomstige koning filipa en. In de geschiedenis van dit land ze was vertrokken, zoals prababtsya bijna 30 van de franse koningen.
2. eupraksia neyolova (zoe, andere vent; 1108-1172) is de dochter van de grootvorst van kiev mstyslava volodymyrovycha, kleindochter van vladimir is cap. Vanaf jonge jaren bestudeerd folk geneeskunde, likuvala ziek (vandaar de naam "andere vent").
3. euphrosyne mstyslavna (ontucht. 1130-1175) - de koningin van hongarije, oude oost-knyazivna, dochter van de grote prins van kyivan mstyslava volodymyrovycha is cap, vnuchka grote prins van kyivan van vladimir is cap. Vrouw uhorsʹkoho koning geuzen ii van dynastieën arpadiv.
4., catherine. Ja zobrazyv taras sjevtsjenko meisje, waarin was verliefd.
5. anastasia lisovsʹka (schaduwzandoog of khyurrem sultan, ontucht. 1505-1558) - eerste nalozhnytsya, dan - vrouw suleymana en pyshnoho, sultan van het ottomaanse rijk. Moeder sultan selima ii. Echte naam en plaats van herkomst onbekend. In polʹsʹkiy literaturniy tradities - alexandra, in ukrayinsʹkiy - anastasia. Waarschijnlijk was de dochter van de priester lisovsʹkoho lviv stadsbeer speer of podilʹsʹkoho stad chemerivtsi. In 1518-1520 jaar kwam naar tatarsʹkoho polonu en was is verkocht in slavernij.
6. knyahynya olga (ontucht. 890-24 juli 969) is de vrouw van prins ihorya ik.
7. marusia churai (1625-1653) - napivlehendarna oekraïense folkzanger en dichter tijdvormen khmelʹnychchyny, die door perekazamy, woonde in poltavi. Ze was geaccrediteerd met copyrighted bekend in de oudheid narodí nummers: "oh kom niet, hrytsyu", "kotylysya karren uit de bergen", "zasvit horace kozachenʹky" en andere.
8. lesja oekrajinka (echte naam: larissa stuy kosach-bloem; 13 (25) 1871 februari novohrad-volynsʹk-juli 19 (augustus 1) 1913, soerami, georgië) - oekraïens pysʹmennytsya, vertaler, culturele figuur. Schreef in nayriznomanitnishykh top: poëzie, lirytsi, eposi, drami, prozi, publitsystytsi. Werkte ook in het gebied folʹklorystyky (220 mensen melody is geschreven met haar stem) en actief deelgenomen in de oekraïense natsionalʹnomu beweging.
9., catherine osmyalovsʹka (1904, poltava, oekraïne-1997, kiev, oekraïne) - oekraïens actrice, mensen is artystka oekraïne (1951). Znimalasʹ in films: "perekop" (1930), Prometheus (1935), "natálka poltavka" (1936, natálka), "neskoreni" (1945, valya), "oekraïense deuntje" (1945, solomiia).

Ukrainian People's Republic was established legitimately and USSR appeared as a result of the coup and the overthrow legitimate authority 




"Here lies the King": The oldest written record in Breton is before French






To the 760 anniversary of the city are preparing interesting events 760





http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/blog-post_29.html war rapist german-russian

We suggest you make an extraordinary journey - travel back 100 or more years ago and see how Ukrainian living at the time.




godess maya
Judging by the myriad of images that we got from prehistoric Eurasia source of ancient religious experiences were great mystery woman's life-giving power of creation. Great Mother Goddess, with the sacred darkness of the womb which go all creation, was a metaphor of the nature, the universal source that is constantly updated in a continuous change of life, death and rebirth. Statues of various incarnations of Goddess could be clearly visual, including a detailed reproduction of her clothes and Chief hat or extremely shematyzovanyh. It is possible that the latter served as amulets. Figurines are usually found in the sanctuaries on the altars, platforms in furnaces, special places for the offerings, as well as caves and graves. It often happens that archaeologists find a structure of this kind of figures that were stored in a container or stacked in miniature "painting" of a particular aspect of worship. Obviously, these groups were used for rituals. Continuous manufacturing figurines suggests that it was a kind of energy process in which all participants were involved in the ritual. Paleolithic and Neolithic goddess Maia (Slav. Seva Lada) - it creates a life of itself. Goddess of spring, gardens, fruit, rain, good weather, sunlight, nature, greenery, flowers, patroness of fertile land in Trypillians, Romans, Greeks (Greek nymph of the mountains, the eldest of the seven Pleiades - the daughters of Atlanta. The mother of Hermes, transformed into a constellation I was in heaven) Serbs (Golden Mayan) Indians. Sometimes translated as - Mother of the universe. From Slavic swing - fluctuate, flutter, wobble,  goddess Maya "zamayuye" wood first green leaves, which are reeling under the breath of spring wind (associated with the branches of willow, birch, which is the female characters). The western and northern Slavs represented her long-haired, very beautiful woman, holding a ripe grapes and apples. This feminine Goddess has always supported life, participated in the cycle of vitality, annually obdarovuyuchy everyone to lavish gifts. Similar to his patron and people born during this time. They always something klopochutsya, mostly for the good of others. Day Goddess Maya - May 1. Maya - ancient Slavic goddess of vegetation that covers the ground covers zelenotrav'yam. Its long festival celebrated women across Europe, the church persecuted member of the holidays and the Inquisition burned them as witches. May 1 - a day celebrating the awakening of nature and the Celts. Overall in Central Europe, including the British Isles and Scandinavia Pagans celebrate May 1 large processions. In the procession is the central figure of "Queen of May". She is dressed in white on the head she wears a wreath of flowers, and even crown. The ancient Celtic countries Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and the UK the first day of May, called "Beltayn." This is an old Irish word that means light or bright light the fire, a fire that can be seen. In the ancient Indian, Vedic mythology - Maya goddess - Goddess positive magic power, patroness of white magicians and Goddess of illusion and deceit good. 1st May - a magical holiday of love, fertility, intertwining male and female energies. In Indian belief, Maya prominently. Her figure, and what it represented, far exceeded the simple image of the embodiment of nature. Hindus and Buddhists worship the Maya as the "Mother of creation." It is one of the incarnations of the deity Kali, the goddess in three persons: the Virgin Mary and an old woman. First identified with Mayeyu which represents mind, energy, magic and creativity. The worship of the Goddess Mayi was moved to the worship of Mary, Mother of God. Evidence of this - special liturgy, which consists of litany in honor of Mary and songs are also sung as praises in May - songs prosperity, joyful month of May, which was the month of Mary.  When we study the night sky, we can see seven stars that form the constellation 'I Pleiades. The ancient Greeks thought that the Pleiades - it's seven daughters of Atlas and Mayan goddess - the youngest of them. When Atlas, led by giants took part in the revolt against the gods of Olympus, as punishment he had to keep the world on his shoulders. Maya and her sister weeping image of his father. To save them from suffering, the gods turned them into doves. Then they soared to the highest heavens and the stars were bright - because seven stars that we call the Pleiades.  Goddess Maya also combined with great civilizations Maya people of Central America. Traced all the Mayan goddess (Tripoli, Slavic, Greek-Roman, Hindu, pro-American) have one common source. Also, Maya gave birth to Buddha enlightenment. The same goddess, Maya the Greeks, Hermes was a virgin mother, who had as many as reincarnations of the Buddha. Sometimes partner Maya was Volcanus (Greek, the divine blacksmith god of fire). It was nothing but a mythical fire pairing of male and female water. In induyisiv Agni, the fire god was a man Kali Maya, although he occasionally prokovtuvavsya and "suppressed" her. According to Tantric phrase Goddess suppressed phallus in his brilliant ion. In a Maya embodies all three aspects of parent Trinity. Its colors were white, red and black, the colors of gun or virgin, mother and Baba. Like any form of Kali, it was the Creator. Also, it was also the spirit who has lived in women. Mahayana text says: "Of all forms of Maya, the woman is the most important." For pro-American version of Maya - was the Mother Goddess Mayauel Mexican Ahava, which was called "Woman with four hundred breasts" who cherish peace, and that all beings world motherly attitude. We recommend you also read: Jari ~ god of sexual pleasures. Yarylky cult Paraskeva-Friday Investigation image Bereginya

god jan of sexual pleasures
Jari (Jarun, Yarovyt) - God the spring sun, love (like "flesh"), earthly pleasures, childbirth, riot, prosperity, love, passion, madness, male force growth. Jari - symbolized fertility and fecundity, was a symbol of sexual power and protector of flora. One of the manifestations Dazhboga. Spring night and day Yarylo in white linen robes, with bare feet (do not crumple to the ground) rides on a white horse. Spring, young Sun that "yaryt" fertilizes Earth nourishes its life-giving force (yar'yu). Yarily Symbol: Svastya and phallic symbols (displayed in the ritual dolls). The word "Jarun" is used to refer to animals "at the time of estrus and fertility," anyone who "yaruye", that is excited. "Yaryty", "nayaryuvaty" - in the sense of "to do something quickly and tirelessly," "to be in sexual relations." "Ran through the furnace Jari pole began yaryty woman, just stick knocks." In the Belarusian tradition preserved in the name Yarily ritual song: "Valachыvsya Yarыlo  Pa usemu Light,  Paul radzyv rye,  Lyudzyam dzetsy pladzyv.  And hdze is on Nagoya  There rye Capo  A hdze same zыrne on us,  there Kolas zatsvytse." Almost all sources of holiday Yarily (Yarylky) indicate broad their dissolute character. Celebrations were accompanied not only dancing, ryazhenymy but drunkenness, violent behavior, performance lewd, obscene songs, free attitudes of young people. Family men on Yarylky not allowed. The feature of the celebration was on fire ignition "Yarilin baldness", singing songs "with Prychynky", ie explicit erotic content, continuous orgies, which ended only in the morning. Thus, in Polesie Yarilin day before sunrise boys with girls, smashing into pairs, riding on zhytu that explained as follows: "With guys so pokatayeshsya - the guy will love <...> took me to marry."









And the cynic in me says that this picture on the internet is no accident. As the wife of one of Putin's most trusted men, I am sure she can wear whatever she likes in private. But the photo has been broadcast to all Russia. Official Kremlin propaganda hasn't said anything about Ukraine being "a failed state" etc for months. And Putin in his national TV appearance last week made virtually no mention of Ukraine at all.

I suspect he intends to start making overtures to Kyiv of some sort.
Tatiana Navka's birthplace - a Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk.








In the US, found the remains of Yaroslav the Wise: they want to take  Russia. Experts are studying various possible return Ukrainian relics.

Secrets of the sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise

As was the Russian Kuban: By 1930 Ukrainian language was official here, and Kuban Cossacks considered themselves Ukrainian - rosZMI


Hoe in de oekraïners in 300 jaar dezelfde genen en of ze nu zijn?
- genen veranderen voortdurend. Sotsiumu afhankelijk van waar mensen worden geboren met genetische erfenis. Bijvoorbeeld, een persoon geboren met genetische erfenis held - alʹtruyistychna, sterk, eerlijk, klaar om te vechten voor de waarheid. In nezalezhniy land ze heeft de steun van de gemeenschap wordt de leider, de hoogste post. Een man is grondgebied okupovaniy vstupytʹ in conflict met het systeem. En haar nyshchytyme is een marteling, gevangenis, yaznyuvatyme vbyvatyme.
Voor twee jaar vóór de oorlog, veel helden. Hoe gaat het met je?
- oekraïners henetychniy opgeslagen in het geheugen rysy helden en we kunnen proberen ze. Helaas, deze mensen zijn maar een paar. En vandaag in het merendeel van de samenleving is nog steeds in rabsʹkomu staat.

Shot bandurist Congress in Kharkov in the 30 years


I honestly shocked! Now, the meaning is clear and widespread swearing ...))


Bezet de itsjkerië
Het jaar 1996, het russische leger doodde de familie van kleine kinderen...!
Ps: de misdaad van de russische federatie in de cr itsjkerië


The brutal truth: why the Germans did not take Moscow in the 41st, because of the dam reservoirs were blown surrounding Moscow.November 29 Zhukov reported on the sinking of 398 settlements, without warning the local population, in 40-degree frost ... the water level rose to 6 meters

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/4350001.htmlDnieper dam built by america, blown up by stalin order


Een klein beetje over achterbakse en verraad!
17 september 1939, na 1 september hitler-duitsland, polen, het rode leger binnenviel in oost-polen.
Om drie uur in de ochtend van 17 september 1939, de poolse ambassadeur in moskou václav gzhybovskomu werd overgedragen aan de nota, die zei: " de poolse staat en de poolse regering praktisch opgehouden te bestaan, en daarom zijn kracht verliezen en Alle overeenkomsten zo ver tussen de ussr en polen '. In reactie op de ambassadeur had geweigerd om de argumenten van moskou, waarin staat dat bijna de helft van het grondgebied van polen is nog vrij, terwijl de regering blijft functioneren. "potemkin lees me de tekst van een diplomatieke nota aan molotov, zegt dat de poolse staat opgehouden te bestaan, en in dit opzicht, de russische regering heeft afgegeven bevel om zijn troepen te bewegen door de poolse grens. ik categorisch weigerde te nemen de sovjet-noot, vaststellend dat in deze situatie, ik kan ze alleen onder de aandacht van de regering van de russische agressie" - zei dat de voormalige ambassadeur van polen in moskou, václav gzhibovskiy.
Het verdedigen van de oostgrens van polen, de dood van meer dan 6 duizenden poolse soldaten, en 180 duizend gevangen werden genomen. Al snel daarna begon de eerste vuren van het poolse leger, die werd de apogee massa-executies van polen, bekend als de "katynʹskoy tragedie". Over een paar maanden op de oostelijke gebieden aan de vooroorlogse nkdv volop gewerkt. Volgens sommige berekeningen, voor het begin van de oorlog tussen de sovjet-unie en duitsland in siberië was verwijderd ongeveer 1 800 duizend mensen.
Een beetje later dan stalin schrijft bedankbriefjes telegrammen ribbentropu en hitler die zal benadrukken dat "... De vriendschap tussen de volkeren van duitsland en de sovjet-unie, verzegeld in bloed..." Bedankbriefjes telegrammen werden gepubliceerd in de krant "de waarheid" van 25 december 1939

Tot de dag van de overwinning...
Een veteraan van het rode leger rabichev leonid nikolajevitsj van massale verkrachting van vrouwen en meisjes, op de schietpartij van kinderen met hun moeders in "bevrijd" gebieden.
Sinds december 1942 rabichev - luitenant, commandant van de 100 e van een apart leger bedrijf faln in het beheer van het 31 e leger. Bij de centrale, derde wit-russische en oekraïense fronten eerste deelgenomen aan vechten voor de vrijlating van de rzheva, sychevki, smolensk, orchies, borisova, minsk, lida, grodno, vechten in oost-pruisen uit te koenigsberg golʹdapa in silezië op dantsigskom richting deelgenomen aan De vangst van steden, levenberg khaylʹsberg buntslau, en anderen, in tsjecho-slowakije bereikt in praag. Bekroond met twee bestellingen van vaderlandse oorlog ii graad, de volgorde van de rode ster ", Medailles.



upa anthem

In the basement of an old house in London found the bodies of strange creatures

Источник: http://fishki.net/1935117-v-podvale-starogo-londonskogo-osobnjaka-nashli-tela-strannyh-suwestv.html © Fishki.net





Samuel  Huntington  was  wrong.  The  new  wars
are not between civilizations but between those who
believe  in  the  clash  of  civilizations  and  those  who
think that universal values really exist.

How Ukrainians have developed tolerance for other religions

Illusion of a (russian) Federation


What Makes Kharkiv Ukrainian
Russia insists that Kharkiv does not belong to Ukraine. Meanwhile, even several waves of Russification failed to make it truly Russian



285 years ago, the Queen of the Muscovite Anna seized the old Ukrainian book printing



Empress Catherine II gave the Black Sea Cossack Host the rights to these lands. Her decree of 30.6. and 1.7.1792 handed these lands over to the Black Sea Cossacks "for eternity".
The Cossacks founded the administrative centre of Yekaterinodar (literally "Catherine's gift") in 1794

In 1784 Potemkin formed the Host of the Loyal Zaporozhians (Войско верных Запорожцев) and settled
them between the Southern Bug and Dniester rivers. For their invaluable service during the Russo-Turkish War (1787–92),
they were rewarded with the Kuban land and migrated there in 1792.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Map_of_Kuban_Oblast_%281916%29.jpg?download   80Mb




Ukraine's first printed book disappeared from Vernadskyi National Library, - Library Director   8759


Ukraine will not suffer the fate of Caucasus (2015) May 22 , 152th rememberance Circassians deportation - genocide (3/4 of people killed)



"golden cradle", an ancestral symbol revered by all Crimean Tatars






Stolen ancient viking's sword from the dawn of Kyivan Rus comes back home to Ukraine

Russian Full-Spectrum Conflict: An Appraisal After Ukraine


The precious map of the USSR, made of rubies, diamonds, amethysts and other gems. Soviet mosaic, 1937.

The Hippocrene Language and Travel Guide to Ukraine. http://pages.prodigy.net/l.hodges/ukrain

Ukrainian Recipes. This site in Lviv, Ukraine has a large recipe list.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Sea novogrod knew

Більше читайте тут: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=nl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://tsn.ua/tsikavinki/na-harkivschini-znayshli-zagadkoviy-pidzemniy-monastir-xviii-stolittya-312766.html&usg=ALkJrhjPONHM9Mfva6Kj-98WPy5faLiagQ






Donbas Has Always Been Ukraine: the Holodomor and Russification Legacies

Rob Hansen

The russians don't belong in decent European Society but need to get on their horses and go back to Aslan steppes where they truly belong...


YOU HAVE GOT IT ALL MIXED UP it is Russians that has got the mongolian /Fino Ugric DNA NOT Ukrainians as Ukrainians are the true Slavs ...

Take a look at how moscow leis about its history

Russians er nothing more then Mongolians that must have some funny sort of Down Syndrome or something as they think they are from Kiev Russ and Slavic background when the DNA study of today's so called Russians shows that the historical facts are thay they are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents and NOT Slavic...

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents ..Result Russians are NOT Slavic and have no real clam to Slavic historical lands


Mongolian blood in Russians


THE R1a explanation for dummy's Russians have is R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a.

Western and Northern European and also western Ukrainians have R1a -Z284 falls under the root R1a1a1* (M417), So this proves Russians are Asian NOT Europeans..

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents ..

1. Russians are not Slavic.

2. Russians are Mongolians / Finno-Ugric

3. Russians are lying about where they come from and how they really are

4.The DNA study's and results er inn LOL

You can't change facts, what we call today Russians are Finno-Ugric Mongolian descendants Result Russians are NOT Slavic and have no real clam to Slavic historical lands END OF STORY

The Mongolian Y-DNA (paternal) haplogroup R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a. and its offshoots are very common and the dominant gen among Russian men.

Studies have found the ethnic Russian frequency of R1a high as 62.7 percent, with an average of 46.7% of Russians in the "Russia-DNA Project" include R1a1, R1a1a, R1a1a1g, and R1a1a1g2.


Mongolian blood in Russians
! No longer available

Mongols founded Russia or Muscovy (1328)
! No longer available

Mongols established Mighty Russia
! No longer available

Russia, the successor of Mongol Empire
! No longer available

Russian alcoholism and the "Mongoloid gene"

SCIENTISTS researching cures for alcoholism and hangovers say that they have found a genetic link between Russians' traditional weakness for drink and the marauding Mongol armies.

in a test of Muscovites it was proven that they are infact descendants of mongolians / finish the Mongol genes are dominant genes in what we today call Russians..

Scientists foud out that the Mongolian genes make the Russians absorb more alcohol into the bloodstream and break it down at a slower rate than most Europeans.

That means that they get more drunk and have worse hangovers, and are more likely to become addicted to alcohol, given Russia's taste for vodka, its harsh climate and the social and economic chaos after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

"The difference is huge — in reaction speed, memory, hand tremor — and in how they recover," Vladimir Nuzhny, of the Health Ministry's National Narcology Research Centre, said. "On average, 76 per cent of people in Moscow have this Mongoloid gene. So this, we think, is part of the problem."

As part of the study, the scientists paid 12 volunteer students to drink 350 grams, about a third of a bottle, of vodka in an hour, and then monitored their behaviour.

"That's a lot by Western standards, but it's normal for Russia," Dr Nuzhny told The Times. "At first they thought it was great, because they were being paid to drink, but after a while they realised it was more like work."

The intoxicated students had to perform a series of tests, including answering questionnaires and playing rally-driving computer games, and they were breathalysed at regular intervals. The scientists even measured their ability to stand up straight.

After sleeping off the effects in a dormitory at the laboratory — which had a karaoke machine — the students were given a slap-up breakfast before doing more tests to measure their hangovers. The study showed that those with the Mongol genes absorbed 50 per cent more alcohol into the bloodstream at peak levels and metabolised it much more slowly than the other students.

"The way they get drunk is completely different than the way Europeans get drunk . They are also more likely to feel aggressive or depressed," Dr Nuzhny said. "They do not necessarily look Mongolian, but the gene that governs how they metabolise alcohol is Mongoloid."

The Mongols swept across Asia and Russia and into Europe in the 13th century and ruled Russia for two centuries. Inter-marriage with the ethnic Finnish tribes that was living around the northern part of the moscow river at the time was common.

Scientists have long known that people of Mongol extraction, including Japanese,Koreans and Northern Chinese, have an enzyme for metabolising alcohol that is different from that of Caucasian Europeans.

Dr Nuzhny claims that his study is the first to look at the effect of alcohol on

Russians today are descendents of mongolians and finnish people and the DNA test shows this fact... The Russians today have inherited their forefathers Mongol genes.

He says that the phenomenon can be explained partly by evolution. The nomadic Mongols, whose only indigenous form of alcohol was fermented mare's milk, evolved with a different enzyme from the settled Europeans, with their long tradition of producing stronger grape and grain-based alcohol.

Dr Nuzhny's research is partly funded by pharmaceutical companies trying to develop drugs to cure hangovers and alcoholism.

Russians drink about 15 litres of pure alcohol a head each year, one of the highest rates in the world, and by some estimates one in seven Russians are alcoholics. Alcohol is largely to blame for a fall in life expectancy to less than 59 since the fall of the Soviet Union.




not named moskovia kremlinpropaganda

acient rus?


"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." - Winston Churchill
"A broader reading of history shows that appeasement, no matter how it is labeled, never fulfills the hopes of the appeasers." - Ronald Reagan
"I seem to smell the stench of appeasement in the air." - Margaret Thatcher



  Please circle the Russian Neo Natsie organization(s) operating in Donbas that you belong to:
Russian National Unity - Rossiiskaia pravda partiia RPP - "Shield of Moscow" (Shchit Moskvy) - "North Border" movement - Format 18 - Guestbusters - "Radical Politics" bulletin (Radikalnaya Politika) - "Slavic North" group (Slavyansky Sever) - "NS/WP Nevograd" - the Great Fatherland (Velikoe Otechestvo) - "Russkie Probezhki", "White Saratov" - Great Russia (Northwest) - Wotan Jugend - Gas Ghow - Sparrows Crew de Yekaterinburg - NOMP - (Slavianskoe vozrozhdenie) - Imperio Ruso Divino (Russkoe imperskoe dvizhenie, RID) - Russkaia Perm - "White Saratov" - (Russkii obraz) - (Avtonomnaia boevaia terroristicheskaia organizatsiia, ABTO) - Syktyvkar - (Narodnoe opolcheniie imeni Minina i Pozharskogo, NOMP) - (Pravye za evropeiskoe razvitie) The Right Wing for European Development - (Russkie Moskvy. Komitet spaseniya) - NSI Y NSO - Slavianskaia sila, SS - Soprotivlenie - Military Imperial Union of Russia (Voenno-derzhavnyi soiuz Rossii) - Vol'nitsa - KSO - The Army of People's Will (Armiya voli Naroda, AVN) - ESO - Russkii obshchenatsional'nyi soiuz, RONS

What a caterpillar calls the end... The rest of the world calls a butterfly ..This is NOT the end of Europe or the EU it is just a metamorphosis into the next step for the EU and the UK.

YES U,K, has now with the help democracy separated from the EU the SEPARATISM and anti EU force in the UK have got what they wanted..

Funny how Russia thinks this is a real heroic deed for the British people. AND THEN MOSCOW SAY ...The rural, working men of the UK said no to the alliance, created by the financial mafia and globalists ...

One sec.her........

This attertude from moscow comes across as hypocritical as in the contusion of Russia Federation it is a crime to lave the Union ..And anyone that even talked about it can face up to 5 years in prison...Just for saying his opinion ...that Russia must dissolve and the republics get away from Putins Financial mafia thugs and corruption of Moscow and its hegemony control..


Crimea Citizens to Receive 5 Year Jail Terms For Anyone Who Talks of Belonging to Ukraine–or Independence from Russia

THE UNION WAS STARTED by 1957 by the Inner Six countries of Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg
and the Netherlands http://netherlands.in/

AND the U.K. only became part if it in 1973 ...


The EU can trace its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC), formed in 1951 and 1957 respectively by the Inner Six countries of Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

What a caterpillar calls the end... The rest of the world calls a butterfly ..This is NOT the end of Europe or the EU it is just a metamorphosis into the next step for the EU and the UK.

YES U,K, has now with the help democracy separated from the EU the SEPARATISM and anti EU force in the UK have got what they wanted..

Funny how Russia thinks this is a real heroic deed for the British people. AND THEN MOSCOW SAY ...The rural, working men of the UK said no to the alliance, created by the financial mafia and globalists ...

One sec.her........

This attertude from moscow comes across as hypocritical as in the contusion of Russia Federation it is a crime to lave the Union ..And anyone that even talked about it can face up to 5 years in prison...Just for saying his opinion ...that Russia must dissolve and the republics get away from Putins Financial mafia thugs and corruption of Moscow and its hegemony control..


Netherlands and Australia were prepared to use armed force in Ukraine after shooting down flight MH17



nteractive map of the territory of Russia, 9 - 21 century (ria.ru)  haha

Collapse of USSR - Three days that shook the world in August 1991.

Archives opened. Ukraine 90 years ago was 1.6 times more

DNA solves mysteries of ancient Ireland, DNA evidence shows that proto-Celts in Ireland likely came from the Ukrainian steppes. This could explain why many groups in the Volga-Ural region have red hair and look similar to Irish people.









Muscovy - dead end of civilization

  Tsar Peter the Great was never Russian

Cradle of Ukrainian civilization - Trypillya


ofc religion is absurd, just look what people over the millenia did in name of religion and still do :-) People seem to need religion, God doesn't need it at all.

oldest found supposed to be 833.000 BCE, "youngest" 4.000 BCE, worshipping life bringing forces of female creatures in nature and sun (Mother Earth, Mother Nature and Mother Sun) and then they changed to patriarchy and war, and thats called progress rofl ol
Analysis of the ancient man's DNA reveal he had European ancestry.




https://www.facebook.com/nastya.melnychenko/posts/10209086494774514 July 3 https://www.facebook.com/nastya.melnychenko/posts/10209108320800151 July 5
Ukrainian journalist Nastya Melnychenko's Facebook post prompts others to share stories of sexual harassment and violence.
http://harassmap.org/en/ only site you can report sexual violence worldwide
Report them, NAME them, SHAME them.

In 2007 Council of Europe calculated that cost of domestic/sexual violence in Europe, besides the PAIN of being victim, in lost working days/reintegration, healthcare cost is 500 euro for each citizen (in 2007 340 billion !! for whole of Europe) you can easily recalculate that for your country. Besides this domestic violence is the largest (deadly) violence crime in Europe! (and elsewhere) (even more then organized crime) Why is that not adressed by politicians? F.i. in Netherlands it affects every year more then half a million (mostly women & children) on 17 million, and that for several years.
Domestic (sexual) violence comes from (religious) patriarchy, around 3100 BCE, after millenlia of matriarchy, when people still looked at Nature and lived accordingly. (Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Sun)
Patriarchy took people away from Nature and was more abstract (most using a male Sun abstract God like Christianity) and with state, also reason of war.



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War Since the rise of the state some 5,000 years ago, military activity has occurred over much of the globe. The advent of gunpowder and the acceleration of technological advances led to modern warfare. According to Conway W. Henderson, "One source claims that 14,500 wars have taken place between 3500 BC and the late 20th century, costing 3.5 billion lives, leaving only 300 years of peace (Beer 1981: 20)."

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/08/russian-ukrainian-women-sexual-abuse-stories-go-viral?CMP=share_btn_tw " In 2008, a St Petersburg judge threw out a case of workplace sexual harassment, ruling it was a natural part of human relations: "If we had no sexual harassment we would have no children," the verdict read." ----WTF






15 unpleasant facts about religion, Orthodox Christianity and






During the years 2015-2016 during archaeological work in the reconstruction of the Postal Square opened unique finds of Middle Ages and the remains of the coastal city Kyiv medieval quarter. A group of archaeologists led by Michael Sagaydaka managed to isolate and explore the many traces of human activity near the Dnieper River, starting from the 11th century. The plans archaeologists - further delve into the historical layers of the area, thus reaching historical monuments of Kievan Rus. Getting started in the area marked the reconstruction of the Postal Square.






Kolovrat (symbol), a Slavic pagan symbol of the Sun, similar to the swastika.


The earliest known swastika-like symbol dates from around 10,000-13,000 BC. It appears on a late paleolithic figurine of a bird, carved from mammoth ivory, which was found in Mezine, Ukraine. The bird was found with a number of phallic objects which is consistent with the idea that the swastika pattern was used as a fertility symbol.[23] However it has also been suggested that this swastika may be a stylized picture of a stork in flight and not the true swastika that is in use today.[24]

Among the earliest cultures utilizing swastika is the neolithic Vinča culture of South-East Europe (see Vinča symbols)

According to painter Stanisław Jakubowski the "little sun" is an Early Slavic pagan symbol of the sun. It was engraved on wooden monuments built near the final resting places of fallen Slavs to represent eternal life.[61] The symbol was first seen in a collection of Early Slavic symbols and architectural features drawn and compiled by Polish painter Stanisław Jakubowski, which he named Prasłowiańskie motywy architektoniczne (Polish: Early Slavic Architectural Motifs).[61] His work was published in 1923, by a publishing house that was then based in the Dębniki district of Kraków.[61] The symbol can also be found on embroidery and pottery in most Slavic countries.



Poles are West Slavs, Belarus-Ukrainian a.o. are called East Slavs,  Yuguslavs are south Slavs. The Slavs under name of the Antes and the Sclaveni make their first appearance in Byzantine records in the early 6th century. Byzantine historiographers under Justinian I (527–565), such as Procopius of Caesarea, Jordanes and Theophylact Simocatta describe tribes of these names emerging from the area of the Carpathian Mountains, the lower Danube and the Black Sea, invading the Danubian provinces of the Eastern Empire. From their they spread out to other directions, so Ukrainian, Belarus were first, since Muscovy came after 1000 they came later. (wiki) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavs


http://www.eupedia.com/forum/threads/28873-R1b1b2a1a   now its called R1B U106, U106 is not a german U boat, well my brother :-) thats same as me....
Y-DNA haplogroup P split into Y-DNA haplogroup Q and Y-DNA haplogroup R.

Y-DNA haplogroup R: proto-Indo-European people/Ancestors of Europeans

Y-DNA haplogroup Q: native Americans/Siberians

People who belong to Y-DNA haplogroup R are closer to people who belong to Y-DNA haplogroup Q genetically. Some ancient skulls 2x000 years ago found in west Siberia  belong to Y-DNA haplogroup R and have features of native Americans.  Ancestors of native Americans did not belong to Mongoloid race before they immigrated to east Asia. Mongoloid race or Mongoloid evolution rose in east or north Asia 1x000 years ago. No skulls of Mongoloid race before 13000 years ago had been found. In fact, native Americans are different to east Asians, they have more distinct face than east Asians.

And, Y-DNA haplogroup Q can be found in Sweden. I really can find some Asian features in some Europeans after I live in Asia for 10 years.

Europeans who have high cheekbones....
Finno-Ugric people had genetic influence to east Europeans and Scandinavians. That's why many Scandinavians and east Europeans have high cheekbones. High cheekbones can be found commonly in people who belong to Mongoloid race. Most people who belong to Caucasoid race have no High cheekbones.

The genetic influence of Eurasians spread widely to all Europeans.The following link can tell us the truth:


Northern Europeans (stock image left) have more indigenous hunter DNA, while southern Europeans (right) have more DNA from the Middle East. However, all Europeans have DNA from a third mystery group, called the Northern Eurasians. This group also contributed DNA to those who travelled across the Bering Strait


˜ For more than two centuries, historians in Russia have forged the history of the largest Slavic state of medieval Europe. Even today!˜ Moscow's politics denies the role of Ukrainians in
the creation of the most literate state in medieval Europe.˜ Find out long-hidden facts about Kyivan Rus' – Ukraine's
medieval predecessors
˜ Before the 4th century, all Slavic tribes were living in the area of today's Western Ukraine.˜All Slavic cultures were formed in relations with Scythian and Gothic culture
in the territory of Ukraine.˜After the 4th century some
Slavic tribes from the territory of Ukraine moved to central and north-eastern
Europe. Cultural and most advanced Slavic tribe in the 7th century were Polianians – the direct ancestors of the Ukrainian nation. Ukrainian Polianians were responsible for the creation of military-political alliance with the Vikings in the 8th century. Specific union between the Vikings and
Ukrainian ancestors led to the formation of ethnic (and geographical) concept
called Rus' that had Sarmatian origin. In the 9th century Ukrainian Polianians' capital Kyiv became one of the leading political and cultural centers in Europe. In the 10th century the Slavic-Germanic community of medieval Ukraine has formed ethnic names for local people – Rusychy, Rusuny or Rus' people. Until the 13th century, those Rus' names applied only to the
Slavic inhabitants of what is today the Ukrainian ethnic territory.˜The first great historical figure with obvious Ukrainian background was
Sviatoslav Ihorovych (942) Great prince of Kyiv. Sviatoslav had a distinctive
look that was seen only among the Ukrainian Cossacks five centuries later. Sviatoslav has brought together all the Slavic tribes in Eastern Europe and created the preconditions for creating a strong state.˜After accepting Christianity in 988thyear – in the middle of the 11th century Kyivan Rus' or Ukraine became the largest powerful country in Europe.˜During the 17th century, the name Rus' was stolen from Ukraine! Territorywhich was names "Ukraine" (means: in-land), first accepted Christianity in a huge multicultural Rus' state. Across the huge Slavic state between White and Black Sea, Christianity has been difficult to spread among undeveloped proto-Russian inhabitants.˜Under the influence of pagan proto-Russian populations in the north-eastern areas,
Christian Kyiv was already sacked in 1169th year by Suzdalian troops.
˜At the end of the Kyivan Rus/, only mainstream territory named Ukraine became a
defender of Europe in a war against Mongols and Muscovites.
˜King Danylo Halytskyi (1205) received significant support in Europe and Rome in the struggle against Mongols and Muscovites.˜Mongolians have helped the proto-Russians or Muscovites to establish a rebellious state knows as Muscovy (1328). Muscovites and Mongols were in a war against Ukraine and the rest of Europe for 150 years! Great Novgorod was finally occupied by the Muscovites and Mongols in the 16th century. Kyivan elite in Novgorod was killed and remaining Slavic populations was displaced through-out the Mongol Empire.
˜REMEMBER! The Russians were destroying medieval Kyivan Rus'-Ukraine!
˜REMEMBER! Medieval Rus' (882) has never been Russia (1721)!Rus' is the former name of Ukraine!

I think the genetic influence of Mongols(invaders in the 12th century) in east Europe is small enough that can be ignored. Mongols mainly belong to Y-DNA haplogroup C but we cannot find Y-DNA haplogroup C in Russians and other east Europeans. Finno-Ugric people, north Eurasians or pre-Indo-European people may be the source of features of Mongoloid race in European population..

But Mongols really had some influence of cultures, political and military systems to Russians like oriental despotism.



Turkish people also had some influence to Slavic cultures. For example:

Turkish tradition clothes

Polish tradition clothes


POLISH ATROCITIES before, in, and after WOII
Isn't this all genocide also? Or should we first look to the present first, and later orgive and reconcile ??????? Just wondering.....

Map murders Ukrainian Polish partisan divisions in Kholmshchyna (1942-1944 years)

Knife in the hands of Poland backs Ukraine https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newskraine.com.ua%2Fnizh-u-spinu-ukrayini-rukami-polshhi%2F

POLISH atrocities against Ukrainans since 1919, silent for decades. Genocide also?



Bystanders, Blackmailers, and Perpetrators: Polish Complicity During the Holocaust


Besides this : in WOII who joined Germany Nazi forces. From Russia 100 million (1940) 800.000 joined nazi forces. From Poland 34 million (1940) 500.000 joined nazi forces. From Ukraine 34 million (1940) 80.000 joined nazi forces.




the figures I gave for Russia and Ukraine were for the Liberation Armies 800.000 and 80.000 (I knew)




There was no Polish Liberation Army as far as I know, so I mixed those numbers up it seems




http://www.etymonline.com/columns/links.htm (site where lot of english words come from)

Ukraine is now forced to FIGHTING AND IS WORKING HARED to fix a historical injustice to its linguistic and culture heritage and at the same time fight the sovieticus mentality of corruption left over by the Russian controlled USSR and if that was not enough, it is also being forced to defend its land from Moskali Russian evil underhanded war / attack and annexation of the Ukrainian nations lands..

The Russian government has in history and are still today underhandedly and covertly promoting the spread of the Russian language and Russian dominance over Ukraine.

Russia even promotes this idea of a justifiable and rightful dominance over Ukraine not just to its own Russians and the world in general but among the native Ukrainian population as well... They do this by actively refusing to acknowledge the historical facts and the existence of the Ukrainian language and take every opportunity too belittle Ukrainian history by calling it a myth; this way Moscow is indirectly saying that Ukrainian history never existed and Ukrainian people are just nothing more than confused little Russians..

If we look back in time this is nothing new, the Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Pyotr Valuev in 1863 issued a secret decree that banned the publication of religious texts and educational texts written in the Ukrainian language The Emperor Alexander II expanded this ban by issuing the Ems Ukaz in 1876 (which lapsed in 1905). The Ukaz banned all Ukrainian language books and song lyrics, as well as the importation of such works. Furthermore, Ukrainian-language public performances, plays, and lectures were forbidden

During the Soviet times, the attitude to Ukrainian language and culture went through periods of suppression (during the period of Stalinism) While officially there was no state language in the Soviet Union until 1989, Russian in practice had an implicitly privileged position as the only language widely spoken across the country From around the 1960s nearly all dissertations were required to be written in Russian That caused most scientific works to be written exclusively in Russian. Studying Russian in all schools was not optional, but the requirement SO DONT COME SCREENING about Russian Russian language rights in UKRAINE after forcefully running a linguistic genocide on the Ukrainian language for years.

The real question is how does that world negotiate with a mad man like Putin and his thugs How did the world deal with Stalin or Hitler ..? You have no other choice then too take them out and end them and their nation like you take put down a willed dog..

And why is that the best way of dealing with them you ask?

Well with very few exceptions, the men who are running Putin's Government and Putin him self are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand mostly ex KGB with a sovieticus mentality. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere But now they are free to continue with their evil in other nations as well as in their own because the rest of the world is being week in it response just like British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was with that other psychopathic cases Hitler back in his day

Putin's goal has been to show that what's happening in Ukraine "isn't democracy and that Ukrainians won't be able to do anything," That's crucially important for the Kremlin because his legitimacy is based on his claim that democracy can't work in Russia.
Russkii Mir,"

When Putin annexed Crimea last year, he claimed to be protecting the rights of Russians abroad, which has also been his main rationale for supporting the separatists in eastern Ukraine. Other Russian neighbors worry that Putin's claim will extend to them. "Next it can be Latvia, which is 40 percent Russian, or maybe Estonia," says Bondarev, who like some other Kremlin critics compares Putin's logic with Hitler's rationale for annexing Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland in 1939. A new law defining "compatriots" abroad enacted two years ago—along with the creation of a new Foreign Ministry department devoted to that issue—is raising more fears. "Putin, like Stalin, is eyeing world domination under the motto of Russkii Mir, which he's combining with an incredible wave of anti-Americanism,"

THE END GAME IS CLEAR "Defeating the United States is now an officially stated goal for Russia."

Some of the propaganda comes out through a proliferation of ostensibly independent cultural organizations in Western capitals that are funded by state and private money and headed by prominent Kremlin loyalists.

They include one called Russkiy Mir, which operates centers in Washington, London, and other Western cities and which Putin created supposedly to promote the Russian language and Russian Orthodox values. The stated goal of another, the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation—with offices in Moscow, New York, and Paris—is to gain a hearing for Russian positions on global human rights and democracy and to expose what it says are double standards by the West. The involvement of Russians in the West is key. "They need the support of the émigrés to build the concept of the Russkii Mir,".

They are representatives of the oldest and most illustrious Russian families, who played a huge role in the Motherland's history," he told the government's official paper of record, Rossiiskaya Gazeta. "Today they include professors of leading universities, scholars, doctors, successful entrepreneurs, and journalists. They support Russia and the Russian people with their souls."

Putin's wider Russkii Mir strategy includes the establishment of a Moscow-led bloc of former Soviet countries called the Eurasian Economic Union, which Russia launched with Armenia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan this year as a counter to the EU and other Western organizations. Its name evokes Eurasianism, a hard-line nationalist movement conceived by émigrés in the 1920s based in France who believed Russia to be closer to Asia than Europe. Resurrected in the 1980s, it has been led by well known Russian neonazi named Alexander Dugin, he is also one of Putin's top advisory's a strident ideologist who has the idea to from a strategic bloc that would join the former Soviet Union to Middle Eastern countries, including Iran and remake the USSR in sheep's clothing calling it Eurasia Union . Without Ukraine, however, Putin's union remains very much symbolic.

Moscow is encouraging such sympathies among both far-left and far-right groups in order to help split Western opinion. That's an old game for Moscow: European Communist parties and other groups acted in the same way during the Cold War. Now the Kremlin is quietly cultivating radical parties across the continent—including some that are openly neofascist—united by the common goal of undermining the European Union.

Despite the paradox, many far-right parties across Europe, including France's anti-immigrant National Front and the Dutch Freedom Party, are voicing loud support for Putin. Russia also has ties with Hungary's nationalist Jobbik party, Slovakia's People's Party, and Bulgaria's anti-EU Attack movement. National Front leader Marine Le Pen recently praised Putin, saying that "he proposes a patriotic economic model radically different than what the Americans are imposing on us." Her party went so far as to take out a loan worth more than $10 million from a Russian bank owned by a Kremlin ally. Last year, both the National Front and the United Kingdom's anti-EU UK Independence Party won 24 seats in the European Parliament, an institution they want to sideline.

Anti-Americanism also fuels support for the Kremlin from Europe's left. Greece's new ruling coalition, led by the radical left-wing Syriza party, has made waves for emerging as a potential Russia ally within the EU. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has objected to sanctions against Russia. Last year, during a trip to Moscow, he accused the Ukrainian government of having "neo-Nazi" elements. He's not alone. The Greek defense minister, Panos Kammenos, was photographed in Moscow last year together with senior legislators from Putin's United Russia party, and Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias is known to have friendly ties to Dugin, whom he invited to Athens in 2013 to lecture about the role of Orthodox Christianity.

Elsewhere in Europe, Communists and other powerful leftist groups that supported the Soviet Union during the Cold War tend be sympathetic toward Russia. Not least in France, where more than 60 percent of those polled believe their country was wrong to suspend a $1.39 billion sale to Russia of two highly advanced helicopter-carrier ships after the conflict in Ukraine started. Against that background, Shakhovskoi's letter has been effective. "Westerners listen to the émigrés," "Most people don't care about one or the other side [of the conflict in Ukraine]. But a certain number do believe that America will do anything to remain the strongest power, and that Russia needs to balance the United States." the same United States that save France and Europe in ww1 and ww2 and gave France and Europe the Marshall help too rebuild their nations after ww2 and lest not forget also gave freedom to eastern Europe by crushing the USSR and winning the cold war. Yes that United States..

Although there is no evidence that émigré descendants' support for Putin has significantly swayed opinions in Russia or abroad, its importance lies in what it reveals about his strategy. It shows the Kremlin is able and willing to use Russians living abroad—even those who would not seem natural allies of his regime—as part of its so-called hybrid war in Ukraine and use hundreds of thousands, if not millions of them, as Putin's proxies."

Russian controlled soviet union former satellite states like Poland, Romania, and Czech the Baltic sates, Slovakia ect ect ect ...couldn't wait to join NATO and the EU to get as fare away from Russian hegemony control as fast as the possibly can at the time .

"Putin bases his policies on Lenin's principle: probe with bayonets; if you encounter mush, proceed; if you encounter steel, withdraw," the aide said. "With Obama, Putin has encountered mush for nearly seven years, never steel, and that's why he continues to challenge the United States time after time."

If the Russians weren't such malignant, belligerent a**holes, they wouldn't have to worry about EU NATO and former satellite states like Poland, Romania, and Czech the Baltic sates, Slovakia ect ect ect running too the front door of EU and NATO .

Her is a thought if every one thinks you are a bunch of malignant, belligerent a**holes and you think you are the the greatest thing since sliced bread and you are the only one that thinks that maybe you need a reality check and just maybe just maybe you are a bunch of malignant, belligerent a**holes and not the greatest thing since sliced bread

The Ukrainians are living all over Ukraine the myth of just Russian live in east Ukraine is a myth and that's all it is.... To day only 17,3% of ethnic Russian live in Ukraine they only are 17,3% of the nation BUT ARE SHOUTING like they was 96%

In the 2001 Ukrainian census, only 17,3% of people identified themselves as ethnic Russians. 17.3% of all the population of Ukraine

Also out of that 17,3% 70% of then live in Crimea and acording too Putin and you that is now part of Russia that gives us only 5% living in what now is Ukraine with out Crimea ... their are now only left 1416705 ethnic Russians and in the land the total population in Ukraine is estimated to be 44,840,743 in 2014

Ukraine Demographics

Ukrainians make up almost 77.8% of the total population, while Russians take the second spot with almost 17% of the population. Other minorities include Bella Russians 0.6%, Bulgarians 0.4%, Hungarians 0.3%, Crimean Tatars 0.5%, while Romanians and Poles both are 0.3% and Jewish residents make up 0.2% of the total population. Other minorities present are 1.8%.

The major language is Ukrainian, spoken by 67% of the population, while the second most common language is Russian, spoken by 24% of the total population. The remaining 9% is comprised of various other languages.

The Untold Story Of White Slavery ( Ottoman Turks, Arab And Barbary Muslim Slave Trade)

The Ottoman penetration into Europe in the 1350s and their capture of Constantinople later in 1453 opened new floodgates for slave-trade from the European front. In their last attempt to overrun Europe in 1683, the Ottoman army, although defeated, returned from the Gates of Vienna with 80,000 captives.874 An immense number of slaves flowed from the Crimea, the Balkans and the steppes of West Asia to Islamic markets. BD Davis laments that the ''Tartars and other Black Sea peoples had sold millions of Ukrainians, Georgians, Circassians, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Slavs and Turks,'' which received little notice.875 Crimean Tatars enslaved and sold some 1,750,000 Ukrainians, Poles and Russian between 1468 and 1694. 876 According to another estimate, between 1450 and 1700, the Crimean Tatars exported some 10,000 slaves, including some Circassians, annually—that is, some 2,500,000 slaves in all, to the Ottoman Empire.877 The Tatar slave-raiding Khans returned with 18,000 slaves from Poland (1463), 100,000 from Lvov (1498), 60,000 from South Russia (1515), 50,000–100,000 from Galicia (1516), during the 'harvesting of the steppe.' Numbers from Moscow (1521), 800,000 were taken and from Valynia (1676), 400,000 were taken. 800,000 from Moscow (1521), 200,000 from South Russia (1555), 100,000 from Moscow (1571), 50,000 from Poland (1612), 60,000 from South Russia (1646), 100,000 from Poland (1648), 300,000 from Ukraine (1654), 400,000 from Valynia (1676) and thousands from Poland (1694). Besides these major catches, they made countless more Jihad raids during the same period, which yielded a few to tens of thousands of slaves.878 These figures of enslavement must be considered in the context that the population of the Tatar Khanate was only about 400,000 at the time. (1463-1694) while sources are incomplete, conservative tabulation of the slave raids against the Eastern European population indicate that at least 7 Million European people-men, women, children were enslaved by Muslims.

Sources suggest that in the few years between 1436-1442, some 500,000 people were seized in the Balkans. Many of the captives died in forced marches towards Anatolia (Turkey). Contemporary chronicles note that the Ottomans reduced masses of the inhabitants of Greece, Romania, and the Balkans to slavery eg from Moree (1460)-70,000 and Transylvania (1438) - 60,000-70,000 and 300,000-600,000 from Hungary and 10,000 from Mytilene/Mitilini on Lesbos island (1462) (Bulgaru p 567) and so it continued.

Barbary Slavery
Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the White Slave Trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800 (Palgrave Macmillan). Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th, by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone (these numbers do not include the European people which were enslaved by Morocco and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast), 16th- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul's additional slave import from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700. The markets declined after the loss of the Barbary Wars and finally ended in the 1830s, when the region was conquered by France.

In 1544, the island of Ischia off Naples was ransacked, taking 4,000 inhabitants prisoners, while some 9,000 inhabitants of Lipari Island off the north coast of Sicily were enslaved.870 Turgut Reis, a Turkish pirate chief, ransacked the coastal settlements of Granada (Spain) in 1663 and carried away 4,000 people as slaves.

The barbaric slave-raiding activities of the Muslim pirates had a telling effect on Europe. France, England, and Spain lost thousands of ships, devastating to their sea-borne trade. Long stretches of the coast in Spain and Italy were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants until the nineteenth century. The finishing industry was virtually devastated.

Paul Baepler's White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives lists a collection of essays by nine American captives held in North Africa. According to his book, there were more than 20,000 white Christian slaves by 1620 in Algiers alone; their number swelled to more than 30,000 men and 2,000 women by the 1630s. There were a minimum of 25,000 white slaves at any time in Sultan Moulay Ismail's palace, records Ahmed ez-Zayyani; Algiers maintained a population of 25,000 white slaves between 1550 and 1730, and their numbers could double at certain times. During the same period, Tunis and Tripoli each maintained a white slave population of about 7,500. The Barbary pirates enslaved some 5,000 Europeans annually over a period of nearly three centuries.


black sea flood 6400 BCE ?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8th_millennium_BC ancient egypt


Rurik, Jaroslav den vise och Djingis Khan
A number of sword-chapes and other artifacts from Viking Age Scandinavia, and parts of (mostly eastern)
Europe with Scandinavian Viking Age presence, carry a bird of prey ornamentation. A connection with the Ryurikid trident of Kiev Rus, as has been suggested, is questionable. The trident has a Khazar and Turkic tamga origin, and was probably adopted by the Ryurikids as one of many symbols to authorize their rule. Also, what developed to a trident earlier appeared as a bident. Much later, The Golden Horde, conquering the Khazar and Rus lands, used a similar device.

Mot in swedish I can't read :-(




The Regulation of Sex-Themed Visual Imagery: From Clay Tablets to Tablet ... pg 145

1995: Kur'an, İncil ve Tevrat'ın Sümer'deki Kökeni [The Origins of the Koran, the Bible and the Torah in Sumer]
2005: Bereket Kültü ve Mabet Fahişeliği [Cult of Fertility and Holy Prostitution]

In St. Sophia put priceless manuscript found in the US, with impressions of life in Ukraine XVII century


At Khortytsya dug giant with male and female features, Yamna culture.
Almost two-meter giant is a descendant of the ancient Europeans

Russian Slavs are not genetically the Slavs and irrelevant

Uncomfortable topics of Russian history

Yellow-blue flag of Ukraine in 1848 and 1880 respectively (photo)

http://fakeoff.org/culture/mif-ob-arabskoy-tsivilizatsii The Myth of Arab-Muslim civilization https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fculture%2Fmif-ob-arabskoy-tsivilizatsii&edit-text= Science is based on law of cause and effect, and on law contradiction , ISLAM isn't...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Qpy0mXg8Y Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner
The history of Islam in Europe and how it effects us to this day. This is a history based on numbers and facts that you may not see anywhere else and explains why we may be afraid to see Islam for what it is based on its own doctrine and practice.

Myths of the "Third Rome." Myth 13: The heirs of Rurik






World War III has begun

Bandera - our Jesus, and 4 more myth about Ukrainians


State ancient Galician or mysterious ancestors


ukraine pagan
http://vk.com/club54853794   ic slavic zodiac
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Sqm3zGztQ who are the russian, who the slavs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkU9RoJWUNM  2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTFAwKUr2NY  mystery of slavic scivilization
http://www.bogunemil.narod.ru/istochniki.html  history slavs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xPJlSpZcjA  rus decandants rus (ukraine) m "The Round Dance Stories"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogHKoZHqQ0U Poles and Slavs the Blonde haired Aryans.wmv



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPOfurmrjxo george carlin on religion

zeitgeist ukrainian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LoLqHo8ZEk





https://www.createspace.com/5528598 rh pos a  https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/176630229336515
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_group_system  no less african/asian neanderthal?







Muazzez_İlmiye_Çığ besloten groep aangemeld

De wet mag dan spreken van gelijk ouderschap, maar dat is niet feitelijk en niet wetenschappelijk zo. voor n man is t maken van een kind in een "wip" gebeurd, een vrouw is er met medeneming van die ENE zaadcel plm. 9 maanden mee bezig. Dus het moederschap  geeft al veel meer werk dan de verwekker doet. Reken dat maar even uit in vrouwuren versus manuren (nou ja minuten dan) . DAARBIJ die ene zaadcel, daarvan zitten er tussen 20 en 50 miljoen in een mililiter/MILLIGRAM sperma plm.. Dus afgezien van t "werk", draagt de man 1/20 tot 1/50 miljoenste milligram bij, terwijl de moeder in die plm. 9 maanden er een baby van maakt van gemiddeld 3500 GRAM. Als je dat effe uitrekent  dan zie je dat de man als zijn bijdrage kan rekenen  van iets van 0,00000005 miligram (laatste cijfer een 2 als t 1/50 miljoenste is) en de bijdrage van de vrouw/moeder die t kind met meeneming van die ene zaadcel met en in/uit haar lichaam die baby maakt van  3500000 miligram (3500 gram) , uitgaande van 1/20 miljoenste is dat 1/70 miljardste deel van een baby, bij 1/50 miljoenste is dat 1/175 miljardste deel, dus hoezo gelijk ouderschap????  Dus een stukje haar van cm of stukje vingernagel, of huidschilfer  is dan waar de verwekker  "recht" op heeft.   Tenzij hij echte vaderschaps dingen heeft gedaan, zoals de moeder ondersteunen, niet enkel financieel, maar dagelijks. Zoals ik een aanstaande vader vertelde voor 'n kind tot minimaal 6 jaar moet een  vader maar 2 dingen doen 1. veel van mama houden 2. veel centjes verdienen - voor mama natuurlijk en ja zoals ik RvdK ook zelf verteld heb, Justitie en alles wat daaraan hangt zijn de grootste misdadige organisatie van Nederland. 

0,00000005=1/20 miljoenste 70 miljardste
0,00000002-1/50 miljoenste 175 miljardste
3500000 =3500 gram

De grondvorm van de mens is de vrouw, daarom zijn alle foetussen de eerste weken VROUWELIJK, mannen hebben ook tepels b.v. dus dat er vanaf 833.000BCE al moedergodin beelden te vinden zijn is zo gek nog niet, toen aanbaden ze de natuur, afstammelingen, en de zon en vrouw/moeder als levensbrengers. Is pas fout gegaan met de religieuze patriarchie ong. 5500/3500 BCE met hun mangoden, en toen kwam ook sexueel en huiselijk geweld en OORLOG, van voor die tijd zijn geen oorlogsresten te vinden, enkel van rampen...https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4ronrg/iamnotafraidtosayit_ukrainian_social_media_users

Fraud/corruption can be considered financial terrorism, and could best be dealt with in ANY country by including that in a terrorism paragraph in constitution(no lengthy costly courtcase is needed when caught redhanded) which states that extra nationalities (that of  country) will be void - that all present assets also future assets(pensions) will be seized - that their job is lost- that they NEVER can be employed in a public service , not even in a commission - that their name is published in public access database with all data - dat their citizens rights like voting ) are withdrawn..for violent terrorism in that paragraph there should be added additional rules.

The god(dess) doesn't need religion, only people do.
Oldest mothergoddess figurine is 833.000 years old and was worshipped together with sun as creators of life until 55003500 BCE (yes even in Middle East a.o. Palestine/Canaan) untill religious patriarchy brought us (up till now) 45.000 religions and sects (of which 38.000 christian btw rofl ol) , sexual-domestic violence and WAR ...#iamnotafraidtosayit (even if  I am a man)


Mother Goddess: The origin of religion and the earliest forms of religious worship

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th0gEh1xpjg goddess timeline

The Age of the Great Goddess: Ancient Roots of the Emerging Feminine Consciousness - Side A

The astronomical /astrological base for all religious worship
https://archive.org/details/originallreligi00dupugoog The Origin of Religious Worship
https://archive.org/details/stonehengeandot00lockgoog zie
permalinkopslaanbewerkenschakel inboxantwoorden uitverwijderenspamverwijderenonderscheidenreageren

http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-16310966.html Eva is the Primal Sex As nature boys and girls designed https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fspiegel%2Fprint%2Fd-16310966.html&edit-text=


We are all part of Mother God - Mother Universe - mother SUN - mother Earth - mother Nature  and if your woman , you're even  more (then men) , that why its called  wo -man and fe-male... :-)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nj25qJw0iQ islam pre-islamic god baal, son of astarte wife of jaweh

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql2yz7XDs2A belief man-made

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdOub4jx8p4 Who wrote the Quran? Abdullah ibn Sarh

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfdID6m1RE0 1/3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_PtTXEBPFU historical begin of islam 2/3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FemIJS6x5q4 cpl
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg8n5oGYECE better sound

isa in quaran








The ancient  used starsigns to calculate the seasons and months, just read the 19th century book dawn of astronomy. Since the dawn of mankind different months/weeks and years were used, (there were 5 and evenen 10 day week(egypt had 3 months of 10 days and 5 feastdays at end of year, and their year started not at January 1 but with flood of Nile, the in fact saw just 3 seasons) the starsigns we have now were described in sumer, and akkadians, babyloniers, egyptian despite several 1000's years in between used those.




Grand Princes of Kiev

According to the descendant testing listed at the Russian Nobility DNA Project at FTDNA, the branch of the Rurik dynasty
descended from Vladimir II Monomakh (Monomakhoviches) belong to Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1, while the branch descended
from his presumed paternal cousin Oleg I of Chernigov (Olgoviches) belonged to R1a1a.
The Y-DNA from the Proto-Rurikid branches is N1c1 and matches
the distinctive haplotype of the Monomakhoviches. Furthermore,
this N1c1 haplotype
possess the distinctive value DYS390=23, found in Scandinavia
but not in Uralic populations, confirming that this was indeed the
original haplotype of the Varangian prince Rurik (c. 830-c. 879)
who established the Kievan Rus'.

The N1c1 Monomakhoviches include:

Vladimir II Monomakh (1053-1125)
Mstislav I of Kiev (1076-1132)
Yaropolk II of Kiev (1082-1139)
Viacheslav I of Kiev (1083-1154)
Yuri Dolgorukiy (c. 1090-1157)
Iziaslav II of Kiev (c. 1097-1154)
Rostislav I of Kiev (c. 1110â€"1167)
Yaroslav II of Kiev (c. 1132-1180)
Roman the Great (c. 1152-1205) => Z1a (mtDNA)
Rurik Rostislavich (?â€"1215)
Ingvar of Kiev (c. 1152-1220)
Mstislav III of Kiev (died 1223)
Rostislav II of Kiev (1173-1214)
Vladimir IV Rurikovich (1187-1239)
Daniel of Galicia (c. 1201-1264)
Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263)
Lev I of Galicia (c. 1228-c. 1301)
Yaroslav of Tver (1230â€"1271)
Yuri I of Galicia (1252-1308), King of Galicia-Volhynia (or King of Rus')
Andrew of Galicia (?-1323), King of Galicia-Volhynia
Lev II of Galicia (?-1323), King of Galicia-Volhynia






Belarus man creates astonishing time-lapse video about Ukraine | Ukraine and Belarus were Kyvian Rus - My family before becoming dutch were Vikings , Belarus (Corded Ware) and Ukraine(Yamna culture)



During Stalin's reign these people were shot or sent to prison, perhaps even a familymember of you? (russian)


roesj warganing+ukraine


A History of Women in Russia: From Earliest Times to the Present


Here's the link to George Friedman's book "The Next 100 Years" written in 2006-2007 and published in 2008. The first decade has gone almost exactly as he envisioned. http://www.mysearch.org.uk/web...
According to Friedman, RuSSia will totally collapse in the 2020s and be divided between Japan, Poland and Turkey (pp. 136 and 160).





possibly they think/say they are not to blame cause everyone know russia is no country, in 1721 ruler peter renamed Muscovy to russia...which was just stolen name and history from Ukraine.  Even most russian historians, not paid by Kremlin that is, say Muscovy/"russia"-RF is in fact just north Ukraine.
Since big pretender Putin came into power they keep trying to rewrite history, even on Wikipedia.
Bad luck for them I collect paper encylopedia's in dutch and english, and past history can't be rewritten... let's start our own hybrid war on those big pretender Muscovites on Wikipedia to correct their many rewrites: to begin with: the Tsardom of Russia 1547 IvanIV which NEVER excisted, cause in 1721 Peter renamed MUSCOVY to russia.
http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/index.html(russian) http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/vgv5.htm muscovy(russian) from last III
Ivan IV was crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral 16 January 1547 coronation ritual was similar to what took place at the coronation of the grandson of Ivan III Dmitry in 1496 were, however, some differences. Although the term "kingdom" was frequently mentioned during the coronation of Dmitry, he was crowned the Grand Duke. Ivan IV was formally crowned king of Metropolitan Macarius. ........  (of muscovy)[65]
so NOT tsar...or tsardom in 1547

Ancient Russia is rewrite by "russians" of Ukraine history:

In 12th century the land is first mentioned as Ukraine. Russia does not exist http://empr.media/culture/history/first-mentioned-ukraine-russia-not-exists/
Arabs knew Ukraine as RUSS and called Black Sea Russ Sea around year 1000.

The Grand Duchy of Moscow, is not changed to the Tsardom of Russia by Tsar Ivan IV in 1547. https://books.google.nl/books?id=eD5AkdM83iIC&pg=PA241&lpg=PA241&dq=peter+the+great+1721+renaming+muscovy+to+russia&source=bl&ots=lQ40ZlFkR0&sig=15m-TkIa_JeGc6fKg5MsPudvcuY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi10bfLxdvQAhUEtBoKHYH4DTsQ6AEIKTAC#v=onepage&q=peter%20the%20great%201721%20renaming%20muscovy%20to%20russia&f=false
was renamed not from muscovy to tsardom of russia in 1547 but was done in 1721 and renamed THEN from muscovy to russia.
(also russian trolls try to rewrite Wikipedia)
The name of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow Grand Duchy of Moscow , changed for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia Russia by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great Tsar Peter I in the early 18th century. The goal of this change was to establish a connection between Muscovy and medieval state of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27 Kievan Rus' , thus claiming the right of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow Moscow to possess all the lands of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rus Rus' . Muscovy was officially renamed by Russian imperial decree in 1721. The ethnonym https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian "Russian" was fixed later - only at the end of the century, when https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_the_Great Empress Catherine II of "the highest command" Moscow ordered the people called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians "Russian people" and forbade them to use the title of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovites "Muscovites".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSn_0tBD_lE history channel ivan the terrible no mention of tsardom Ivan Moscow, it is just called Muscovy & Muscovites
Map of Poland and Hungary by Sebastian Munster, 1550. The map shows “Russia” for Ukraine, “Russia Alba” for Belarus, while the Moscow Princedom is called “Moscovia.” (karty.by) http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_Poloniae-Et-Ungariae-Nova-Descriptio1550.jpg http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_1552_basel_Nouvelle-description-de-Poloigne-Hongri.jpg color
1723 Ukraine and Moscovia on same map http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/x-moskovie_1723.jpg Polish & russian Ukraine and Moskovia 1723 http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/moskovai.Herman-Moll-1723.jpg

Btw while there was Muscovy, there never was, is , and will be a country named "russia"

http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4076 Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616 Title The Discovery of Muscovy Language English LoC Class DK: History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland Subject Willoughby, Hugh, Sir, d. 1554 Subject Chancellor, Richard, d. 1556

http://vgolos.com.ua/articles/rosiya_znykne_todi_koly_my_monopolizuiemo_istoriyu_kyivskoi_rusi_223333.html Name Russia will disappear when Ukraine monopolizes history of Kyvian Rus, then it will be again Muscovy...rofl ol

Russia is NO country, it's offical name is Russian Federation (RF) a unvoluntary federation of 85 parts of which Muscovy/Moscow is the parasite.

http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/index.html(russian) http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/vgv5.htm muscovy(russian) from last III
Ivan IV was crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral 16 January 1547 coronation ritual was similar to what took place at the coronation of the grandson of Ivan III Dmitry in 1496 were, however, some differences. Although the term "kingdom" was frequently mentioned during the coronation of Dmitry, he was crowned the Grand Duke. Ivan IV was formally crowned king of Metropolitan Macarius. Moreover, the cross and the royal decoration on the head and shoulders of Ivan is now perceived as the ones that were supposedly sent by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh Kievan prince Vladimir Monomakh at the beginning of the XII century. [65]

rob hansen
Russian history clearly shows Ukraine to be part of Russia, RUSSIAN HISTORY IS BASED A FALSIFICATION KNOWN AS THE CATHERINE CORICALS !!!

How can Ukriane be a part of any Russia if Russia did not be a reality you dimwit .... Moscow was to before after 1300 Ukriane and kyiv is from the 890 over 300 years before any moscow... Also Russia was not even a nation before Peter give it brith it in 1721 .. before that is was city state called moscow and that came into the world only 1300 .. So if Kyiv and Ukriane was in 890 you to the math !!



Peter did this after Treaty of Frederiksborg (1720), and the Russo-Swedish Treaty of Nystad (1721) and after the battle of Poltava...That is when Russia became Russia.. Another thing is what we today call Russians are not Russians as they are not Slavic like Ukrainians or Polish people read on to get the facts,,,,,,


But first lets take a look at USA ..... The United States as a nation began with the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 - as well as a century and a half earlier, when a group of English Puritans landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620.

All nations have a story to tell how they came into being. Some are rooted in ancient history while others, including numerous new nations that arose on the ruins of European colonial expansion, tie their emergence to more recent events. But whether mythical or historical, those origins are always connected to the land those nations inhabit.

Not so Russia. It may be the only major nation to locate its origins in a foreign country. Every Russian school kid learns that his country’s history began on the banks of the Dnipro, in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

It is as if Americans had decided to trace their history back in the time of William the Conqueror in 1066, War of the Roses or Edward The Confessor ha ha ha ha ....

This may seem like a minor thing, but it explains a great deal in the average Russian’s attitude toward Ukrainians. If Russia is a direct descendant of historic Kyivan Rus, how can another nation equally trace its origins to it - a nation, moreover, still occupying the same territory?

Vladimir Putin recently declared that Ukrainians and Russians are “one folk” - meaning, of course, that Ukrainians are Russian. An extraordinary number of his countrymen share this belief. Imagine a prime minister of the United Kingdom insisting that Americans are not a nation but merely Brits with funny accents. But it is even more ridiculous than that: it’s as though the Italian president would lay claim on Spain - or one of Spain’s former colonies in Latin America - asserting that the Spanish language is a bastardized form of Italian.

Russia’s attitude to Ukraine and things Ukrainian reflects deeply ingrained imperial complexes, revealing that, while the Soviet Empire collapsed in 1991, the Russian Empire still lingers in the minds of the citizens of the Russian Federation. And, one of the strangest things this past year has been the number people with Ukrainian surnames, many of them also born in Ukraine but now living in Russia, who spew hatred for their native land.

What we know today to be Russians are nothing more than Finnish nomadic tribes that assimilated with the Mongolian horde in the 1200 They are not Slavic people like Ukrainians or Polish people even if they claim to be, and therefore have no real claim to Slavic lands or history .. But descendants from finish nomadic tribes that assimilated with the Mongolian.

The Russians brainwashed just continue to brainwash everyone, when they assert that Kyivan Rus was the cradle of three sibling nations â€" Russians, Ukrainians and Belarus; and that because the Russians are “older brothers”, they have the right to the legacy of Kyivan Rus. To this day, Russian historians and officials make use of this woeful lie, which is repeated by Putin in his propaganda today .

Here are the facts:

At the time of the Kyivan Empire there was no mention of a Moscow nation in history Russia was not a part of history before 1721 when it was proclaimed be peter the grate It is well known that Moscow was created in 1277 as a subservient vassal region or ‘ulus’ to the Golden Horde, established by the Khan Mengu-Timur. By that time, Ukrainians city of Kiev and the Ukrainians peoples the Kyivan Rus had existed for more than 300 years.

There are no indications of any connection of Ukrainians peoples the Kyivan Rus with the Finnish ethnic groups in the land of ‘Moksel’ what today we know as Russia or the later of the Moscow principality with the Principality of Kyivan Rus up until the XVI century. At the time when the Ukrainians peoples (Kyivan Rus ) had officially accepted Christianity, the Finn tribes in ‘Moksel’ today's Russia was still was living in a semi-primitive nomadic state.

How can anyone speak of ‘an older brother’ when that ‘older brother’ did not first appear until centuries after Rus-Ukrainians? He has no moral right to call himself an ‘older brother’, nor to dictate how people are to live, nor to force his culture, language, and world views.


Russians er nothing more then confused Mongolians that must have some sort of dimwit Syndrome thinking they are from Ukrainian Kiev Russ and Slavic background..

The DNA study of today's so called Russians shows that the historical facts are that Russians are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendants and NOT Slavic like Ukrainians and polish people ...

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendants ..

Mongolian blood in Russians see link

THE R1a explanation for dummy's Russians have is R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a.

Western and Northern European and also western Ukrainians have R1a -Z284 falls under the root R1a1a1* (M417), So this proves Russians are Asian NOT Europeans..

Russians er nothing more then Mongolians with Down Syndrome thinking they are from Kiev Russ and Slavic background when the DNA study of today's so called Russians shows that the historical facts are they they are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents and NOT Slavic...

The Mongolian Y-DNA (paternal) haplogroup R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a. and its offshoots are very common and the dominant gen among Russian men.

Studies have found the ethnic Russian frequency of R1a high as 62.7 percent, with an average of 46.7% of Russians in the "Russia-DNA Project" include R1a1, R1a1a, R1a1a1g, and R1a1a1g2.

1. RuSSian myth about Ukraine and Crimea


2. Mongols founded Russia or Muscovy (1328)



The Vikings, the Rus’ & Kiev â€" the Entangled History of Russia and Ukraine

Stepping away for a moment from the unfolding current events in the Ukraine and Russia, it might be worthwhile to look at the history of the region, which was shaped by the arrival of merchant adventurers rowing long ships called Vikings by the Scandinavians and called Rus by the Finish tribs .

Take a look  at the http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangians

As with so much of history known as the Viking age, it began with the Vikings in period A.D. 793â€"1066 historians tend to agree with the Primary Chronicle that these Scandinavians founded Kievan Rus' in the 880s and gave their name to the land. Many Russian scholars are opposed to this theory of Germanic influence on the Rus' (people) and have suggested alternative scenarios for this part of Eastern European history.. This is because of the falsification of history done by Catherine the great with something called the Catherine chronicles In 1792, 'Catherine's falsification of History' saw the light of day. and that is the version Russia likes to present to its self and the world..

See link how Russia hijacked Ukrainian history


The Norse Vikings, from the region that we now call Scandinavia , rowed their long ships deep into the rivers of Central and Eastern Europe; pushing up the Volga, the Dnieper, the Volkhov and the Neva rivers, among others. Using rivers and lakes connected to the Volga, these Vikings traded as far as Iran. On a separate route on the Dnieper River, the Vikings traveled as far as Greece.


Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise, whose wife Ingegerd was from Swedish / Norwegian roalty

The first half of 1031 the Viking King Harald and his men were welcomed by Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise, whose wife Ingegerd was a distant relative of King Harald of Norway.

They were called the Varangians by the Greeks and Eastern Slavs. The Finns called them the Rus‘ which meant “men who row.” In 862 the Viking chieftain Rurik made Kiev, a into a viking trading port and integrated with Slavic tribes this village on the Dnieper became his new capital. The kindom he established became known as the “land of the Rus’.” (Later, 19th century historians would dub the kingdom the “Kievan Rus.”) The Ruriks Kievan Rus kingdom lasted for close to 400 years before the invasion of the Mongul hordes.

Russia stole the name Rus from the real Rus’ aka Ukrainians Kiev Rus as the Kievan Rus kingdom was literally born in Kiev and started by a viking called Rurk . Now, as the Russian Army is poised on the borders of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Army is taking orders from the capitol in Kiev, both sides continue to play their roles in their long and history, which began, more or less with the Viking Rurik.

But only one nation is the true ancestor of the Kievan Rus kingdom and that is TO DAYS Ukrainians.

You and Russians need to study history and stop believe the falsification of Ukrainian and Russian history and look at the time line and facts..

UKRAINIAN NATION has been around since 898. In the 11th century, Kievan Rus' aka Ukraine was, geographically, the largest state in Europe Also Ukrainian Cossack had its own Rada (parliament / government) and was self governing until 1783 when Catharine sent her lover Potemkin to annex Cossack Ukrainian lands..

First of all Russia as a state never showed its ugly head to the world before 1721 when Peter proclaimed a new nation and a new capital for the new nation and he called it Russia...

Peter did this after Treaty of Frederiksborg (1720), and the Russo-Swedish Treaty of Nystad (1721) and after the battle of Poltava...

On July 27 every year Kyiv celebrates the anniversary of when Kyivan Rus was baptized by Prince Volodymyr the Great in 988.

In reaction, Vladimir Legoyda, head of the information department of the Russian Orthodox Church, criticized Ukraine’s attempts to call Prince Volodymyr the Great the “baptizer of Ukraine and a local leader.”

The medieval Principality of Moscow wouldn’t be founded until nearly 300 later. So if Kyiv was baptizes by Prince Volodymyr the Great in 988 and The medieval Principality of Moscow did not show its ugly head before 300 years later how can Moscow and Russia clam Ukraine and Kiev never existed hahahaha

Before Peter Moscow and Novgorod and other city's was principality's or city sates if you like and the most known was the Grand Duchy of Moscow From 1283â€"1547 Grand Principality of Moscow members citys of the Grand Principality was the citys of Novgorod, Moscow,rayzan ,suzdal ,vologoda..


1547â€"1721 Tsardom of Muscovy

In 1648 under the Tsardom of Muscovy the Ukrainian leader, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, offered to ally Ukraine with the Russian tsar, Aleksey I. Aleksey's acceptance of this offer, which was ratified in the Treaty of Pereyaslav in 1654 This was not Ukraine or Bohdan Khmelnytsky, offering it them self to Russia this was an agreement that both independent nations will go together and fight the Polish that was at the time invading Ukraine and Russia...and nothing more than that. In this agreement the Cossacks also accepted to look upon the tsar as the protecting monarch and did pay some small money for the help and alliance in fighting the Polish..

But this was not giving up Ukrainian lands to the tsar nor did they give up their own Cossacks Rada (parliament) or the right to self governance.. It was more a deal like Canada, Australia, Scotland, New Zealand ect ect ect has to day with England they look up on English monarch as their monarch But still are a independent nation and lands with self governance and their own parliaments and leaders of state..

Russian Empire 1721â€"1917 (when Peter proclaimed a new nation called Russia )

The Russian Empire (Pre-reform Russian orthography: Россійская Имперія, Modern Russian: Российская империя, translit: Rossiyskaya Imperiya) was a state that existed from 1721 until overthrown by the short-lived liberal February Revolution in 1917.


Also Ukrainian Cossack had its own Rada (parliament / government) and was self governing until 1783 when Catharine sent her lover Potemkin to annex Cossack Ukrainian lands..


The lands was under occupation until 1917 bolshevik revolution until 1991

So based on this facts the Russia state has only had annexed control in Ukraine for 134 years That is fare less then what all Russians think

In the 11th century, Kievan Rus' aka Ukraine was, geographically, the largest state in Europe, becoming known in the rest of Europe as Ruthenia (the Latin name for Rus'), especially for western principalities of The name "Ukraine", meaning "in-land" or "native-land" usually interpreted as "border-land", first appears in historical documents of 12th century and then on history maps of the 16th century period. Greater Rus'" was used to apply to all the lands ruled by Kyiv, including those that were not just Slavic, but also Uralic in the north-east portions of the state.

So Ukraine and Kyiv is from the 11th century and was self governing until 1783 when Catharine sent her lover Potemkin to annex Cossack Ukrainian lands. and it remand occupied until 1917


Ukraine has existed more or less as far back as kyiv has been a city..

Ukraine however has from time to time ,also maintained a semi-independent republic in Zaporozhia, and a colony on the Russian frontier in Sloboda Ukraine.

The Battle of Konotop in 1648 took place during the period of Ukrainian history that is generally referred to as the Ruin.

This was the time after the death of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, during which many power struggles within the Cossack elite took place. Arguably, these power struggles were instigated by The Grand Duchy of Moscow AKA tsardom of Moscow in an effort to undermine the authority of the Cossacks and self governed of the Ukrainian nation and the Ukrainian Cossack state The 1648 Ukrainian Cossack (Kozak) rebellion or Khmelnytsky Uprising, which started an era known as the Ruin The Cossack state, the Cossack Hetmanate, usually viewed as the modern Ukraine and this was why back in 1648 So how can you come up with Ukraine as a state first existed in 1918,__????

Together with a number of other battles between East Slavs, such as Battle of Orsha, the Konotop battle was with a few exceptions an abandoned topic in Russian Imperial and in Soviet historiography. This attitude towards this event is explained by the fact that it dispelled some Russian propaganda positions about the unity of East Slavs, in particular the ones about "eternal friendship of Russian and Ukrainian peoples" and about "natural desire of Ukrainians for union with Russia". For all the skill and the bravery of the Cossacks â€" especially those defending Konotop â€" it still remains a bitter victory. A victory that did not have any significant impact on the course of Ukrainian history, where fratricidal war of the Ruin and personal ambitions of treacherous hetmans prevailed. As such, the Konotop battle remains a classic example of the battle and war Russia lost when trying too assert its dominance over Ukraine

Ukraine has never really been Russian.

Any more than Norway is Swedish or Danish just because Norway was forcefully taking into an union with Sweden and Danmark and for some time under Swedish and Danish occupation and rule dose not make Norway into Swedish or Danish lands ...

Norway like Ukraine was just a politically and military occupied nation for some time in its history that's all..

Norway has been from time to time under Swedish and Danish occupation and even some Norwegian city's was built by Swedish and Danish occupier's.... But that doesn't mean that Sweden or Danmark owns Norway or that Norwegians are Swedish or Danish ANY MORE THEN Russia owns Ukraine and Ukrainians are Russians ....!!!

History of Norway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQQjBkiA_Wk

Rob Hansen
No it is Pure Russianisem...

According to the famous historian Norman Davies, fascism, like communism, Russianisem, Putinisem, Naziissem ect ect can be defined by the following features:

* A pseudo-scientific conceptual basis (the belive of Russian 3rd Rom )

* A utopian goal (the Russiki Mir and Russians domanins of a new Russian world )

* A structure of a party-state (the restructure of the USSR borders )

* An autocratic leadership that demands complete devotion (Putinisem )

* Pervasive use of terror to prevent and eradicate dissent (East Ukraine , Syra chechnya, Moldova , Georgia, ect ect )

* Extensive and complex bureaucracy ( Using tax office to take out compatision )

* State propaganda and censorship (RT-News ect ect )

* Martial culture and aesthetics of force (The state and Russian belief in Russian superiority of Russian historical culture)

* Purposely induced fear of the ever-present external enemy (use state service like FSB, GRU to intimidate )

* Mentality of hate and intolerance (Anti othe ethnic grupes likeUkrainians, Muslims, Tatars , Kazakhstanis and others ect ect )

* Economic and mental collectivism (Putin has vast control over the gas and oil sectors and uses it as a political tool )

* Militarism (Rebuilding and promoting and using Military to attack and subdue the people like in the caucasus Chechnya ect ect )

* Messianism (Putin the half naked hours reading and bear wrestling superman is definitely believed by Russians to be a type of messiah, who acts as a savior, redeemer or liberator of a group of people.

* Contempt for liberal democracy and values (Putins regime is anti LGBT anti democracy Anti free press Anti free exspresion of art just look at-PussyRiot-and- Anna Politkovskaya ect ect )

* Moral nihilism ( is the meta-ethical view that nothing is intrinsically moral or immoral take a look how Russia lies about invading other nations and killing civilians and support of terrorism, and then turn abourd and say that it was to defend a grates good of Russia )

Clearly all of those are also characteristics of the Putin regime. Today in Russia, President Putin has the unquestionable control over Parliament, Government, courts, media and the most profitable sectors of the country's economy. To strengthen it further, he plans to reshuffle and consolidate the so-called "silovoy blok" â€" the repressive apparatus and intelligence service â€" by creating the new colossal iron-fist structure, the Ministry of the State Security.

So, we have every reason to declare that modern Russia is in fact, an authoritarian state with the genuine fascist elements, most prominently â€" the oppressive nature, the militarization of society, strict control over the mass media and complete disregard to human life

Russianisem=Putinisem,= the new fascism.

communism AND fascism is only 2 sides of the same coin ...

just like if you flip a coin you have 2 sides that first look diff. but it is still the same coin no matter how you look at it ,,,,

German national socialist workers party !!!! Or The Soviet Socialist Workers party are both fascist are both are totalitarian ..!!!

Is the same stuff !!!

USSR and-Nazi-same coine different sides

he same you can say about the evil of National Socialism also...that you say about communism..

The Real idea of National Socialism is also not preached ethnic or racial discrimination... But just look what the result is and you will see the truth..

Karl Marx ...The very cannibalism of the counterrevolution will convince the nations that there is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror.

So he will use terrorism on nations and society to get it to bend down to communisem !!!!

Karl Marx .... The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.

So her Marx is saying that classes and the races that are weak must be removed to give way for communisem !! (in other worlds must be killed )

Karl Marx .... Everyone who knows anything of history also knows that great social revolutions are impossible without the feminine ferment. Social progress may be measured precisely by the social position of the fair-sex-(plain ones included).

Her Marx is Advocating the need for genocide anyone that dose not want communism !!

Friedrich Engels .... All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm. For that reason they are now counter-revolutionary

Karl Marx .... Bourgeois society continuously brings forth the Jew from its own entrails.
Karl Marx as quoted in "Nationalism and Socialism: Marxist and Labor Theories of Nationalism to 1917", Horace B. Davis, New York: NY, Monthly Review Press (2009) p. 72. Original: Marx, “Zur Judenfrange” in "Werke", I, (1843) pp. 374-37

The Marxist Revolutionary-Holocaust-Live Free or Die

https://vimeo.com/73284941 the soviet story

Karl Marx .... On the Jewish Question (1843)

Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew -- not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. ... What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money… Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man â€" and turns them into commodities. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.


"The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way… They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust"
- Karl Marx ( Marx People’s Paper, April 16, 1856)



Russia is a terrorist state that regrettably has a veto vote and seat in the UN ...

As the historiens say RuSSia was, lucky enough to inherit the vote... But what really happened was that Russia stole and manipulated it’s way into getting the position and did this in it’s typical Russian makavelian Kremlin way of doing things...

That is how the position that the Soviet Union had before them in the UN ended up inside Moscows pocket .. And just like they have stolen most things that is now Russian and then after that claim it to be always Russian, so now is the veto vote in the UN now Russian..

This bad move of letting RuSSian inherit that position of the soviet Union in the UN and giveing RuSSia the veto rights in the UN has infact ONLY made the UN impotent, inadequate and weak and nothing more than that... This has resulted in doing nothing good for the worlds stability... !

By giving the terrorist state Russia a say so in the UN forum, it has only gave a way for evil to extend itself into something good and make something good into a farce ...

The only thing that has come out if that blunder of giving away the veto right to Russia is that now RuSSia gets a carte blanche to stop/ block any reaction by the worlds community in combating evil that moscow wishes to make sure prevails .... (in other words Russian evil gets to flow freely in our world )

And therefor the Russian people beloved, terrorist state known as Russia , can continue to pollute the world and our environment with its presence / existence and with its evil deeds...


Russian vetoes are putting UN security council's legitimacy at risk,

The body’s failure to act on Syria and Ukraine comes on top of wider criticism of its structure and the permanent members’ veto rights https://www.theguardian.com/wo...

Russia used its veto power in 2014 conflicts in Ukraine and Syria.
July 29, 2015: Russia vetoed a draft resolution seeking to set up an international criminal tribunal into the MH17 air disaster in Ukraine

May 22, 2014: China and Russia vetoed a resolution condemning the state of Syria

29 July 2015 etter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136). The letter is in regards to the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula.

8 July 2015 Russia Veto The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

22 May 2014 Russia veto Middle East - Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

15 March 2014 Russia veto etter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136). The letter is in regards to the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula.

19 July 2012 Russia veto Middle East - Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

4 February 2012 Russia veto Middle East - Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

4 October 2011 Russia veto Middle East -Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

15 June 2009 Georgia Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

11 July 2008 Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security- Africa (Zimbabwe)

12 January 2007 Myanmar Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

21 April 2004 Cyprus Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

2 December 1994 The situation in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

11 May 1993 The situation in Cyprus Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

And lets not forget the Russian controlled USSR vetos with that Russia has vetoed the UN 103 times almost 2 times more than all other put together...YES RUSSIA REALY WANTS WORLD PEACE !!!

'Russia is a Terrorist State': Lithuanian leader GrybauskaitÄ— riles Russian Foreign Office

Russia - Terrorist State

not just russias vetoes, also USA and the other permanent members (P5) UNSC.
Since 1900 Sykes Picot, treaty of sevres those 5 USA, russia, china and UK , France didn't bring the world to PEACE but to PIECES like I said many times.

I keep a site on the 4 freedoms of FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, January 6, 1941, which became the basis for the UN Charter.
As far as my research sofar has come, FDR didn't include any veto powers in that.
The League of Nations, predecessor of UN, where every member had a veto, proved vetopowers would cripple world peace, so don't blame UN, but just the P5 , permanent members of UNSC with vetopowers,
and ridicule the "crocodile" tears in UNSC meetings from ANY of those 5 members.

The ethnic Russian scum in the Donbas have never had Ukriane , Donbas people and / or land interest at hardt that ONLY and will ONLY ever have the interest of Russia as all Russians are always directly ot indirectly working for the Russkiy Mir AND THAY ARE ALWAYS DOING IT !!!!!



Russians are either 1 of 3 things or some part of all of the above..

1. The Russian person is a supporter of The Russkie Mir and of the terrorist actions of Putin and therefore no friend of a free ukraine without moscow control ..

He therefore indirectly and / or directly SUPPORTS Putins terrorists controlled / hegemony and fake states put up by the Kremlin inside other nations. The hegemony puppet states like Crimea, Donbas Kharkov, Transnistria , South / North Ossetia and Abkhazia... are put up to forward the Russkie Mir Idea and ideology.. And on the off changes a Russian does not support Putin's terrorist states they will still look upon Kiev and Ukraine as historically Russia lands and therefore part of the Russkie Mir and other wise. And therefore they are no friend of Ukriane even if they claim to be and even if they think they are....

2. The Russian person is a Russian terrorist working for the russian terrorist regime and end game the Russkie Mir ether directly of indirectly and therefore they are no friend of Ukriane..

3. The Russian person is both a Russian and a terrorist and a supporter of the terrorist actions of Putin and therefore no friend of a free ukraine without moscow control and Ukriane under the Russkie Mir ..

So no matter what the Russian person is.... He is no friend but an enemy of a FREE ukraine and

            MokoÅ¡ (Old Russian Мокошь) is a Slavic goddess mentioned in the Primary Chronicle, . . Mokosh is the Great Mother, Mat Zemlya .

Mokoš was the only female deity whose idol was erected by Vladimir the Great in his Kiev sanctuary along with statues of other major gods (Perun, Hors, Dažbog, Stribog, and Simargl). She is Holy Mother Russia and as Moshka is the Hindu ideal of faith. Brahma has lived for 311 trillion years of 4 yuga and the world axis of the north and south poles gives Russia the oil wealth there.

Welk land heeft de meeste trekken van een fascistenstaat en de meeste neo-nazi's? RUSLAND,China en ook VS. NIET Oekraine!
Which countries looks most like a fasciststate and has most neo-nazi's?
Russia,USA, EUropean. Not Ukraine!

NL https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=en&tl=nl&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rense.com%2Fgeneral37%2Fchar.htm&edit-text= UKR https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=uk&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rense.com%2Fgeneral37%2Fchar.htm


"The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way… They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust"
- Karl Marx ( Marx People’s Paper, April 16, 1856)

The migration weapon: The most brilliant of all time war against the West

Rob Hansen
Putin is using the Syrian refugees as an hybrid war tool ..

Also there is evidence that putin's FSB may be involved with Russian gangsters in the massive smuggling of refugees into the EU to make it unstable..

While Russia did not start the refugee crisis they may have found a way to exploit it to further their hybrid war against Europe. While the direct benefits of intervention in Syria are valuable to the anti-West coalition that Russia is forming, the far greater benefit could be a devastating flank attack on European unity.

Organized by the FSB Putin is dumping Muslim ''refugees'' on Norway as Norway is a schengen and NATO country Only 35 have come to Finland, even though Finland has a much longer border with Russia than Norway. But Finland is not a NATO country Norway is NATO and Schengen..

The practical arrangements of the refugee traffic to the Russian-Norwegian border is by the FSB in Murmansk, in partnership with organized criminal groups, the webiste https://www.aldrimer.no/ writes and citing norwegan intelligence sources who say that it is well known that the FSB, which is also responsible for Russian espionage against Norway, has close ties to the Russian mafia and other criminal groups.

In Russia, a very organized transport and support operation is established. In addition to human smuggling, there is also a very professional and extensive sale of bicycles to "refugees", given that it is not allowed to walk across the border. Norwegian or Russian citizens who drive refugees across the border could be punished.

The route to the Norwegian-Russian border is also being actively promoted on social media, writes the outlet.

And while Russian border guards require a Schengen visa to be let into Russia, there is no such requirement at the border to Norway - to seek asylum.

However, the "refugees" - mostly Afghanis, who have lived a long time in Russia - have to bicycle across the border, as walking is not allowed.

The bikes are left right after the border crossing into Norway, and the "refugees" are then free to seek asylum.
see link http://speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.2171/putin-is-dumping-muslim-refugees-on-norway.html

Europe, Syrian migrants reach Norway by bike via Russia helped by Russian border guards to get into schengen zone
see link


Norway demands answers from Moscow over Arctic migrant route
see link


Vladimir Putin 'making refugee crisis worse to undermine Europe'
Barack Obama called Vladimir Putin on Sunday evening urging him to cease bombing 'moderate' rebels in Syria

President Vladimir Putin "wants to exacerbate the refugee crisis and use it as a weapon to divide the transatlantic alliance and undermine the European project."

The charge is that the Kremlin, acting in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime as well as Syrian Kurd militias, is intentionally creating a fresh, destabilizing flood of refugees in order to overwhelm Turkey and Europe.

Experts say Russia's intervention is the main cause of the displacement of more than half a million Syrians since September and expectations that 2016 will see even more Syrians flooding Europe than the record numbers seen in 2015.

Russia is "behaving like a terrorist organization and forcing civilians to flee" by carrying out air strikes "without any discrimination between civilians and soldiers, or children and the elderly." President Vladimir Putin "wants to exacerbate the refugee crisis and use it as a weapon to divide the transatlantic alliance and undermine the European project."


In 1187 in ipatiyivsʹkomu litopysi eerste yavylosʹ woord "oekraïne".
Men gelooft dat veranderende motie over oekraïne was nodig en werd protestom tegen ahresyvnoyi tsarsʹkoyi beleid, die was achter het doel om te zetten om de oekraïense natie in het russisch. Ze zeggen dat dat de reden is waarom russische rijk prysvoyila jezelf de naam "rus", peretvoryvshy haar tijd op rusland. Het is een paar van het verlies van onze samobutnosti. En toen het duidelijk werd dat de oekraïners en in proberen te zijn op onze eigen en deze naam niet vykorenysh het haar dyskredytuvaty. Waarom oekraïne begon traktuvaty als "okrayinu rusland".




Scientists: Between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples no "relationship" even at the DNA level


Knew that already now searching for the 2 studies .... collected already a lot

ukraine europe




http://awarenessact.com/mystery-solved-this-is-how-the-pyramids-of-egypt-were-built/ :-)



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Da%C5%BEbog the Slavic SUN GOD

Rob Hanssen
A handfull of your friends and som russians intellectuals does not make a nation NOR DOES it represent the Russian public at large..Your heart is in the right place but STOP BEING NAVIE ..

Anti putin does not mean pro ukraine.

Anti putin does not mean that they don't think and see ukraine as Russia historically or otherwise..

Anti putin does not mean that they don't think and see Crimea as Russia historically or otherwise..

Anti putin does not mean that they don't think and see WHAT STALIN DID to the ukrainian (the genocide ) as not justified for the greater good of Russia ..

Anti putin does not mean that they don't think and see ukrainian language and /or the ukrainian state as a mistake and that it has no claim to ukrainian lands or that Russia is a big brother of Ukriane..

I can go on and on but you get the pitcher i think just because you are anti putin does not mean you are truly anti Russian control of ukraine and its people one really dose not have much to do with the other now does it ....?

But is is true sometimes we do see a handful of russians hobby demonstrating putin's regime (still that doesn't make them pro. ukrainie or anti russian dominance of ukraine it just makes them anti putin ) and still it don't make up the the rest of the scum and it is about time the russian people start taking responsibility for their actions..

The Russian people have voted in Putin and his thugs for almost 14 years now.

I ask you is it not time to say that the russians know what putin is and what he stands for after all the years he has been in power why do they continue to vote for him ...

I mean after 14 years of this man's evil and he is still getting reelected in transparent and fair elections according to international observers time after time after time by the Russian people is it not time to start pointing fingers at the people's choices soon ???

I say THE PEOPLE OF RUSSIA IS RESPONSIBLE for what putin does as they know him well and by now the old excuse that it is not the people but the government fault is getting well thin for the russians at this point....

Some people outside of Russia have even suggested that its President Vladimir Putin has gone mad. He is certainly living in an alternative reality and the Russians seem to like it even if he has become insane.

When it comes to self criticism or admittance of guilt to anything the Russian people never will take or accept any guilt for their nations faults within Russian or outside of Russian society, they will never admit fault to outsiders..

As they never see themselves as responsible this idea of guilt and morals, simply just doesn't exist, Russian nation has a history of turning away from and disregarding any facts that they find unappealing and critical of mother Russia; They simply find comfort in believing in noenazis, cia, NATO , EU ,and the western evil world trying to attack them and trying to encircle and subdue mother Russia..

If Russia society continues to deny the fact that are right in-front of them and chooses to continue on this path the Russian traditional paranoia about encirclement will become a self fulfilling prophecy. Putin has also alluded to the fact that the deterioration in gas prices will cause Russia to have to draw on its financial reserves

89 % voted for Putin regime and 89 % support his actions in Ukraine and now the truth of their actions and support of the despot that is Putin will be coming home to hunt them ...

I have no sympathy for Russians let them rot with their beloved KGB Putin .... Their is no such thing as an open free minded liberal Russian.. A liberal Russian makes a fare-right thug in the west look liberal..

Russia is worse than North Korea...a true-evil-nation by any standard !!!

Why you ask ??
Well in North Korea the People give their support to the regime because they don't have any contact with the outside world and therefore have no access to information and only get the regime's so called truth from the regimes propaganda spin doctors..

But in RuSSia all the people have access to information from anywhere they wish at any time they wish... But still they believe and support-the-evil-of the regime of Putin...

Russians mindset is all about what they thinks makes them as a nation look big and if that means they need to support evil regimes like Putin's Russia then that is what they do freely and willingly ...

Look at it this way...

Today in Russia ALL THE PEOPLE Yes all of them.... have access to more information within a minute at any time day or night then you will find in ALL OF THE WORLDS libraries all put together...

And how do they have that you ask??

Well it's called the internet and all you need is a Phone to accesses it... And a phone is something ALL RUSSIANS HAVE with them 24 hours of every day 365 days of every year...

... BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE in North Korea for North Koreans ..most of them don't even have a phone in their homes and free access to internet in North Korea is not an option ...

RuSSia is a nation full of free will brainwashed evil people called Russians...and like to swallow Moscow propaganda

The Putin apologists will say that WE ARE ALL really missing the point Most of this Russians don't read English and get only the Russian info and they can somewhat be excused for their fanatic attitudes..

But I say to the Putin apologists .... That they can believe it or not the biggest support for Putins-evil-regime are in the big city's and and most of them read English and understand English websites they also have acsses to the internet wherever they want ..

Just look at the support Putin has with Russians living in the west take a look at western media blogs and comments done be Russians living outside of Russia and from 2nd and 3rd generation Russians that in most cases never has even been to Russia and lived in the west all their lives THEY ARE THE BIGGEST supporters of Putin ..

Russians have a mentality like fanatic religious jihadist Muslims.. NO MATTER where they live or where they was born they are fanatical about staying Muslim and promoting their fanatical jihadist action and ideology and will do anything and believe anything if they think it helps in the ideological fight and if it can help them take over control of that nation they live in, no mater if it is their native land or not... They will work hard to implement that end game that is to take over of any land and nation they can..

Just like most fanatic religious jihadist Muslims being Russian for Russians and promoting and exporting their culture, language and dominance and trying to enforce Russification over other nations is almost a religion for them to ..and Russians have been doing that for centuries with her next door neighbors ..

ofc russians voted for putin, like americans voted for trump, like everyone votes for their "bad" vhoice. I'm not perse anti-russian, i'm more anti-RF and with russian i mean mostly russian descent, russian speaking from Ukraine, mostly region Kharkiv, Dnipro, Zaphroye of at least the ones I know have fights with their family in RF, they are not pro-RF, they are pro-Ukraine. I have even here on FB some "friends" from RF and don't think all have the same information as we have. But perhaps my friends are the enlightened ones. :-) On the other hand he russian speaking I know from Odessa are a different story.

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